Chapter 717 Mom Gives You Money!
After An Manran left, she walked towards Liu Jingcheng's ward!
"Mom, will your health be much better?" As soon as the door was opened, Liu Jingcheng smiled brightly, looked at Liu Jingcheng, and sat beside her in a coquettish manner.

"Daughter, you're here? How's your dad's business going? What about the company? How's the company? Is there anything I can do?" Liu Jingcheng asked.

In fact, Liu Jingcheng still didn't want An's to go bankrupt, even though she saw that An Fengshao was imprisoned again, out of hatred for An Fengshao, seeing his pitiful appearance, Liu Jingcheng is very happy.

However, although she was very happy, she didn't want anything to happen to him. After all, she was his ex-husband, and even her daughter's father!

An Fengshao's imprisonment has a great impact on An Manran!

And An's was founded by An Fengshao, and An's also has a certain relationship with her. Over the years, she has also developed a deep relationship with this company.

At the beginning, when the company was founded, she didn't know how much it cost!

Seeing it had a very brilliant time, but also watching its decline day by day, the feeling in my heart is really mixed.

Moreover, with An's existence, her daughter would at least be guaranteed to a certain extent. Of course, Liu Jingcheng hoped that An's would be fine.

"Mom, I have nothing to do now, and I don't know what to do." An Manran sighed, looking at Liu Jingcheng, full of grievances.

"Okay, my baby, don't think too much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and many things can only be waited slowly, and we can't rush it." Seeing An Manran's aggrieved look, Liu Jingcheng felt distressed and hurried to comfort her with.

"En!" An Manran nodded, looked at Liu Jingcheng, and smiled, but there was a little panic in her eyes.

She didn't know how long she could call Liu Jingcheng's mother. If one day Liu Jingcheng knew that An Manran was not her daughter, then she would be very angry!

I don't know how long that day will last.

But, at least she doesn't know now, and An Manran is also cautious, not wanting her to know.

An Manran thought in her heart, if An's was really doomed, then she would find a way to get the money in Liu Jingcheng's hands!
Because, the hard life is real to her, and it makes her afraid when she thinks about it.

I am used to the days when the clothes come and the hands are stretched out to eat and the mouth is opened. How can I endure that kind of hard life?
When An's was around, An Manran didn't worry too much about money, because no matter what, the money was enough to spend, but An's is in crisis now, and it is estimated that it will really be over in a short time.

She's about to start making some preparations...

Anyway, as long as Liu Jingcheng didn't know about An Manran's relationship with her mother and daughter, she would definitely give her the money.

Therefore, An Manran must not let Liu Jingcheng know about this matter.

"Mom, since that woman came to live at home, Dad didn't give me as much money as I wanted, but gave me everything. I feel that since that woman came, Dad has changed. Well, I don't have any money at the end of the month, and now my father has gone in again, and I have no money to buy the bag I want to buy recently."

An Manran looked at Liu Jingcheng, complaining and crying poorly.

In fact, he just wanted to use this method to get money bit by bit from her.

"This dead old man is really going too far! It's okay, mom will give it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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