The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 803 The old disease recurred, but it was also strange

Chapter 803 The old disease recurred, but it was also strange

Hearing Mo Shenhan's words, he just turned his head silently, and said in a weak voice, "No, I think it's fine as usual."

Yangyang's performance at the moment can only be described in one word: Tsundere!
Mo Shenhan heard Yangyang say this, and his movement of turning his head to the other side was really cute, Mo Shenhan could only sigh, and finally said nothing.

Concentrate on driving.

Not long after, they arrived at the hospital, and Mo Shenhan hurriedly led the child towards the hospital.

Mu Ruifeng happened to be in the hospital today, seeing Yang Yang's condition, he immediately frowned.

Quickly gave the child a series of first aid.

After a while, Yangyang's symptoms finally improved, and he was relieved.

When An Xiaoer heard about Yang Yang's accident, she rushed over here in a hurry. Now, when she heard that Yang Yang was temporarily safe, An Xiaoer immediately cried aggrieved.

"Doctor Mu, my son, what's wrong with him? How did he behave like this? He's such a young child."

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's aggrieved look, and knew that she was worried, that's why she was like this, he could only hug her waist, and gently patted her waist with his fingers, once as a silent comfort .

Mu Ruifeng knew An Xiaoer's sadness, and because he was familiar with An Xiaoer, he knew some things.

"Xiao'er, do you still remember the last time Yang Yang was poisoned? I said at the time that his poison might flare up at any time, so I want you to be careful. Today is the kick of the poison, but today The poison of the poison is a bit strange, it may be something that should not be touched, that's why this kind of thing happened."

When An Xiaoer heard that it was a toxic attack, she immediately blamed herself, "It's my fault. I saw that Yang Yang had nothing to do during this period, so I thought it was all right. I was too careless and almost forgot about it. .”

That's right, the last time Yang Yang was poisoned really frightened An Xiaoer, but she ignored it because she had nothing to do during this period of time.

An Xiaoer really felt that her mother was really careless and not a good mother.

The last time Yangyang was poisoned because of that bag of oatmeal, but why the good things are poisonous is still unpredictable. Until now, An Xiaoer has no idea what the problem is.

Today, the same thing happened again, An Xiaoer really didn't know what to do.

"Think about it, has Yangyang been exposed to something strange recently?" Mu Ruifeng asked An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer shook her head, she really didn't know what was going on, Yang Yang was with her all this time, and An Xiaoer really didn't find anything strange.

Regarding the matter of Yang Yang being poisoned, he didn't even know why.

Mu Ruifeng nodded, "In the future, you should pay more attention."

Since An Xiaoer couldn't tell the reason, Mu Ruifeng could only tell An Xiaoer to be careful.

When An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan returned to the ward, the ward was already full of people. Obviously, everyone was worried about Yang Yang's illness.

"Shenhan, Xiao'er, what did the doctor say? Yangyang is doing well, why did he have a fever?" Liu Piaolan felt something was wrong, looked at An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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