The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 804 So It Was Poisoned Because of Mo Qingge

Chapter 804 So It Was Poisoned Because of Mo Qingge
"Yangyang's toxicity has relapsed. The doctor told us to pay more attention." An Xiaoer looked at Liu Piaolan's worried expression, and immediately sighed.

"Toxic relapse?" Hearing this, Liu Piaolan's face darkened immediately, "Has Yangyang been poisoned before? How come I don't know?"

Indeed, the people of the Mo family didn't know about Yangyang's poisoning, even Mo Shenhan didn't know about it, but he was actually poisoned!

Anyone who hears the news will be surprised about this matter, because it is so strange!

"Well, Yangyang lived with me for a while. At that time, Yangyang and Niannian made a mistake. During that time, Niannian lived in Mo's house, while Yangyang lived in my house."

An Xiao'er didn't dare to hide it, because this matter was not a trivial matter. Yang Yang was poisoned, and the poison had not been cleared up, and she didn't know when the next relapse would be. This is really a worrying thing.

Only when we make it clear to everyone, and everyone understands that children have such a hidden danger that needs to be paid attention to at all times, will everyone be more careful and pay more attention.

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Piaolan was a little stunned when she heard that Yang Yang and Nian Nian had been mistaken.

However, they are really stupid, how could such a thing not be discovered?Although Yangyang and Niannian look the same, their personalities have changed too much!
"I'm sorry, I was negligent about this matter!" An Xiaoer looked at Yang Yang's face because she was uncomfortable at the moment, and felt guilty and blamed herself for it.

"Yangyang, it's all my mother's fault. My mother is not a good mother, and she didn't take good care of you."

"Mom, it's not your fault." Yang Yang looked at An Xiao'er with a sly head, "After all, I'm a living person, so you can't be by my side 24 hours a day, right? Sometimes some negligence is inevitable, but I have to say, it’s because I don’t know how to take care of myself, that’s why I’m like this!”

Yangyang looked at An Xiaoer blaming herself, and immediately said such a sentence.

I have to say that Yangyang is really considerate and considerate of An Xiaoer.

Yangyang's words, firstly, they didn't want An Xiaoer to feel guilty, and secondly, they also gave the Mo family no excuse to scold her, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After hearing Yangyang's words, Liu Piaolan sighed, "Yangyang is right, this matter is not your fault, some negligence, we can't avoid it, and Yangyang is a living person, you also have It's impossible to guard him 24 hours a day if you have to do your own thing."

Mo Qingge was on the side, listening to An Xiaoer, Yangyang, and Liu Piaolan's words, her eyes turned away with some disdain.

In her opinion, An Xiaoer is really over the top, and she only knows how to make excuses to avoid mistakes, and to make people feel sorry for her and sympathize with her.

Hehe, Mo Qingge really hates An Xiaoer so much!
Mo Bozhi was on the side, looking at Mo Shenhan, "Why is there a hidden danger of recurrence? Isn't there an antidote?"

Chu Qingye also looked at Yangyang, a little worried, "Yangyang, you are in pain, right? Your mother is also worried about your matter. This matter, I really want to find a good solution, and I can't drag it on like this Already!"

Listening to the words of her father and her beloved, Mo Qingge snorted even more in her heart.

Hehe, the antidote, it's not that she doesn't have it, it's just...

(End of this chapter)

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