Chapter 808 An Xiaoer, I...

An Xiaoer's eyes widened instantly!
"So..." An Xiaoer smiled, mockingly, "It turns out that this matter has nothing to do with you two brothers and sisters!"

An Xiaoer heard Mo Shenhan remind her of such words, but at that time, An Xiaoer thought of Mo Shenlie's saving her, so she didn't want to believe such a thing.

After all, no matter what, Mo Shenlie really saved An Xiaoer, and An Xiaoer didn't want to believe that these dirty things had anything to do with a person who saved her.

However, it turned out that it still mattered!

When Mo Shenhan said it, An Xiaoer might not believe it, but when Mo Qingge said it, An Xiaoer had to believe it!
When Mo Qingge said this, Mo Shenlie's expression turned ugly, "Qingge, don't talk nonsense!"

"I..." Mo Qingge said with an aggrieved face, "Brother, don't deny this matter, you told me yourself, you did this matter!"

After saying this, Mo Qingge turned around and left the living room!
Everyone's complexion suddenly became ugly!
Especially Mo Bozhi's, it's really dark and dark. He never thought that this matter was actually caused by his son secretly!

Originally, he thought that An Xiao'er was really unclean, but now, Mo Bozhi had a slightly more opinion of An Xiao'er.

Maybe, she is really not those bad women, is she?
Mo Qingge just left, leaving the mess to Mo Shenlie, who only felt a headache.

"Xiao'er, listen to me, this matter..." Mo Shenlie wanted to explain to An Xiaoer.

However, he didn't even know what to say.

Right now, he really didn't know what to do to make An Xiaoer believe him.

He managed to make the relationship between An Xiaoer and him a bit different. After all, Mo Shenlie is An Xiaoer's savior!

However, the relationship that was established with great difficulty was destroyed by Mo Qingge just like that!
Thinking about it is really very angry!

When An Xiaoer heard that Mo Shenlie wanted to explain something but was speechless, she just smiled.

"It's okay, let's just pass this matter." An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenlie and said such a sentence.

"Actually, I heard some news about this matter, but I never believed that that person was you. Until today when your sister said it herself, I finally believed it. Why do you not want to believe that this matter is you?" Did you do it? Because, you saved me, I don't want to think so badly of you..."

An Xiaoer took a deep breath. Right now, she was really tired and her complexion was not very good-looking.

"Qingge, she is not sensible, don't be as knowledgeable as her, and don't believe what she says, okay?" Mo Shenlie only felt a headache.

Now that An Xiaoer said such words, he didn't know why, but suddenly felt flustered, and there was always a feeling that made his heart feel depressed
He didn't want An Xiaoer to believe this!

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but when he thought that An Xiaoer would alienate him after she found out that this matter had something to do with him, and could no longer be friends with him, he felt as if he had lost something.

In my heart, I was really uncomfortable.

"I don't believe Mo Qingge's words?" An Xiaoer laughed when she heard Mo Shenlie say this, "She is your sister, and I don't believe her words, so who should I believe?"

(End of this chapter)

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