Chapter 809 She Was Pure
An Xiaoer's words gave Mo Shenlie no leeway, yes, if An Xiaoer doesn't believe Mo Qingge's words, who can she trust?
"Xiao'er, I don't know how to tell you about this, but, I, I didn't mean it."

At this moment, Mo Shenlie lost the main force to speak, he only wanted to apologize to An Xiaoer and seek her forgiveness.

When An Xiaoer heard such words, she understood that this matter really had something to do with Mo Shenlie.

She was a little disappointed in her heart, "Whether you did it on purpose or not, this matter has already passed, let it pass, after all, this matter is nothing."

An Xiaoer doesn't blame Mo Shenlie, but the premise of not blaming is: he saved her life!
If it wasn't for this, An Xiaoer would have hated him to death!

But, so what if you hate him to death?All in all, she really couldn't do anything to him.

But, with such a person, An Xiaoer really can't be friends with him!
A person who hurt her once!
"I'm a little tired, I want to go back and rest." An Xiaoer stood up, and turned around to leave.

Right now, my mood is really messed up. Maybe, in my heart, I should consider Mo Shenlie as a friend, otherwise An Xiaoer wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

When Mo Shenlie looked at An Xiaoer's words, she walked with all her heart, as if she didn't care at all, and he didn't know what to do.

"Xiao'er..." Mo Shenlie wanted to continue explaining to An Xiaoer.

He really wanted to continue to be friends with An Xiaoer, but when he thought about not being friends again in the future, he didn't know why, but he felt depressed in his heart.

However, Mo Shenlie wanted to continue explaining, but Mo Shenhan would not let him continue explaining.

"Take a rest when you're tired. It's not your fault, and I never blamed you." Mo Shenlie said directly to An Xiaoer.

When Mo Shenhan was talking to An Xiaoer, what Mo Shenlie wanted to say was interrupted like this. He was a little anxious and unwilling.

"Xiao'er, I'm sorry, can I apologize to you?"

Mo Shenlie really wanted to apologize!
Right now, he was really annoyed and had a headache, and he was even more annoyed that Mo Qingge had exposed this incident.

"You don't need to apologize, Xiao'er said it, I don't blame you, and don't always bring it up. Also, don't call her Xiao'er, people who don't know will think you two are very close." Mo Shenhan Correct Mo Shenlie's words again.

Mo Shenlie was really annoyed at the moment, "I'm sorry, I didn't think so much at the time. I'm very sorry for the harm I caused you. I hope you forgive me."

Mo Shenlie wanted to apologize, but Mo Shenhan repeatedly interrupted him, but he didn't give up easily and continued to apologize.

An Xiaoer shook her head, "I really don't blame you, don't mention this matter!"

Mo Shenlie was very unwilling, "Don't mention it, can we still be friends in the future?"

There was some indifference in An Xiaoer's eyes, "I am very grateful that you saved me, but we have never been friends."

Saying that, An Xiaoer turned around to leave.

Mo Shenhan pulled An Xiaoer, "By the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you all the time. The night An Xiaoer had an accident in the beauty club, the man who was by her side was only me. Understand this sentence What does it mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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