Chapter 812 Calm down

"Well... let go!"

An Xiaoer was angry, but Mo Shenhan kissed him just like that. An Xiaoer protested, so she stopped Mo Shenhan's kiss.

An Xiaoer pushed Mo Shenhan away.

At that moment, he was only thinking about struggling and didn't think too much. It wasn't until Mo Shenhan finally looked at An Xiaoer with a sullen face that An Xiaoer realized that he was really angry.

Mo Shenhan's face was icy cold, without a trace of superfluous expression, which made An Xiaoer even more frightened.

"Mo Shenhan, you...I..."

An Xiaoer wanted to talk, wanted to explain something, but she didn't know what to say.

"Calm down."

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer, and after saying this, he finally turned around and entered the room.

An Xiaoer looked at his back when he turned around, feeling depressed and tired, but didn't know what to say, so she could only stare at him blankly.

Not a word was said.

An Xiaoer sighed. When Mo Shenhan said "Calm down", he was so calm, as if he was not angry at all, but obviously, he was actually angry!
An Xiaoer now felt that she was wrong, how could she treat Mo Shenhan like that?

She was in a bad mood just now because of Mo Shenlie's incident, so she actually lost her temper with Mo Shenhan.

Mo Shenhan was right from the beginning, he was always helping An Xiaoer!
Thinking of the night at the Beauty Club...

That night, they had that kind of relationship, and it was still when Mo Shenhan saved An Xiaoer.

However, the person who hurt her that night was Mo Shenlie. It turned out that those who brought An Xiaoer into the car were arranged by Mo Shenlie!
An Xiaoer's mood right now is really messed up, maybe she can't accept what Mo Shenlie did to her.But accidentally vented his anger on Mo Shenhan.

"Hey..." An Xiaoer sighed, squatting in a corner beside her, feeling really confused.

She suddenly felt that she was really wrong just now, she shouldn't have pushed Mo Shenhan away, let alone pushed him away when Mo Shenhan was kissing her.

In fact, it's normal for An Xiaoer to be upset and unhappy, after all, she really regards Mo Shenlie as a friend, besides, he also saved her!
Right now, An Xiaoer is sad that she mistakenly took a bad guy for a good guy, maybe a friend...

However, Mo Shenlie really saved An Xiaoer, which made An Xiaoer really confused.

What was even more confusing was that An Xiaoer didn't know how to face Mo Shenlie now.

No matter what, he saved her once after all, but he also harmed her.

This kind of relationship is really difficult to trace, and it is confusing.

Because of An Xiaoer's unhappiness and anger, Mo Shenhan had already walked to the study.

Turning on the computer, thinking about doing some work, but actually feeling bored, in a bad mood, and finally staring at the computer in a daze.

Just now because of Mo Shenlie's frustration, Mo Shenhan felt pleasure, and now because of An Xiaoer's irritable mood, his mood has also become bad.

With a gloomy face, he poured a glass of red wine and sipped it slowly.

It has to be said that Mo Shenhan has really become more patient at this moment. An Xiaoer vented her anger on him, but he actually only said one thing at the end: Calm down.

If it was before, how could Mo Shenhan treat a person like this?An Xiaoer really changed Mo Shenhan so much.

(End of this chapter)

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