Chapter 813 An Old Bachelor in Forties or Fifties

However, Mo Shenhan was also upset, because the reason An Xiaoer got angry was because of a man.

An Xiaoer's anger because of this incident is enough to prove that Mo Shenlie still has a little place in An Xiaoer's heart, otherwise, An Xiaoer wouldn't be angry.

How could Mo Shenhan allow his woman to have another man in her heart, and he was also a man he hated!

At this moment, Mo Shenhan also felt a sense of frustration, which was given to him by An Xiaoer.

He was really upset too.

I had reminded An Xiaoer before to be careful of Mo Shenlie, but she didn't believe what he said.

Until today, the facts have proved that Mo Shenlie was indeed the one who caused An Xiaoer to fall into crisis in the beauty club, but An Xiaoer was actually sad because of this incident.

There was more anger in Mo Shenhan's eyes, and he took another sip of the red wine in his hand.

Unknowingly, another half hour passed, Mo Shenhan's face was gloomy, and he decided not to think about it, but to find a way to find out about Yangyang's condition.

"Seventeen, Yangyang's illness, you must find an antidote at all costs." Mo Shenhan called and ordered.

Poisoning, this matter is indeed strange, how could someone be poisoned?

When Yangyang was at An Xiaoer's house, what happened?

"You go and find out. When Yangyang lived in An Xiaoer's house before, when she was poisoned and was hospitalized, investigate again. During that time, An Xiaoer and Yangyang's situation, what they did and what happened."

Mo Shiqi nodded when he heard Mo Shenhan's order, "Yes."

Mo Shenhan was in a bad mood, but his work efficiency was quite high. Not only did he ask Mo Shiqi to investigate, but he was also trying to find ways to investigate.

Mo Shiqi remembered something, "Young Master Mo, today is the funeral of An Xiaoer's mother, she..."

Mo Shenhan nodded, "I will remind her."

Mo Shenhan also asked about it yesterday, but An Xiaoer obviously didn't want to face all of this, and didn't want to go to the funeral.

The funeral was also carried out in a simple manner.

"By the way, Young Master Mo, An Manran is now kidnapped in a small village outside the suburbs of City B. Should we bring her here?..."

When he said this, Mo Shiqi hesitated a bit.

Mo Shenhan felt something was wrong. He just woke up yesterday and returned to Mo's house, and he didn't have time to deal with An Manran's matter. Now that Mo Shiqi talked about her, Mo Shenhan naturally wanted to solve it.

After all, if An Manran had the guts to kidnap An Xiaoer, she would naturally have to pay for her audacity.

However, when Mo Shenhan heard Mo Shiqi talk about An Manran, he was also a little puzzled.

It is a rare thing that someone kidnapped An Manran.

"Who kidnapped it? How's the situation?" Mo Shenhan asked.

"Uh, it's... an old driver who drives an illegal car, a bachelor in his 50s." Mo Shiqi replied.

Although the words did not break the point, but the meaning in it, people can guess a little bit.

"Hehe, it's interesting." When Mo Shenhan heard Mo Shiqi's words, a sneer sneered on his lips, "This is also a torture for her, don't worry about her, ask someone to pay more attention, don't worry about it. Just let her run away."

Mo Qingge is really unlucky, she can also encounter such a thing in a car.

(End of this chapter)

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