Chapter 827 Preparations for Marriage

Hearing what Mo Qingge said, Mo Shenlie didn't say anything, but kept his face sullen and stopped talking.

Mo Qingge was upset, "Brother, you have to be careful, I'm here to help you!"

As she said that, she also had a calm face.

It's time for dinner, everyone is eating, and, this meal, the Chu family is about to leave.

"Shenhan, you are fine, and you have a lovely wife and a cute baby. Grandpa is really happy for you seeing how happy your family is. Next time I have a chance, I will also go to the Chu family to find my grandfather. You are always welcome at the gate."

The old man Chu Feng looked at Mo Shenhan cheerfully and said.

"Grandpa, don't worry, as soon as I have time, I'll take An Xiaoer to play with you." Mo Shenhan replied gently with a smile on his lips.

"Okay!" Chu Feng smiled. The old man loved to laugh, and now he was smiling even more happily because he was happy.

"Deep Cold's wedding is scheduled for Valentine's Day, February [-]th, and it's only a few days away. I've already sent out the wedding invitation this afternoon!" Liu Piaolan announced the matter as she watched everyone happy.

"By the way, Xiao'er, you and Shen Han have a look at which friends you want to invite. I may have been negligent, so I'll show you after dinner." Liu Piaolan handled all of this properly.

An Xiaoer was stunned when she heard this, unable to laugh at all, "Has it already been sent?"

Maybe tonight, he won't be able to stay in the Mo family anymore, but now, there is this news.

"Yeah, why do you look unhappy? Is there something wrong?" Seeing An Xiaoer's surprised look, Liu Piaolan was also a little puzzled.

Only then did An Xiaoer realize that her reaction was too intense, she hurriedly smiled, "No, no, I'm too surprised, I'm very happy, Aunt Lan, thank you!"

An Xiaoer thanked obediently, hiding her sadness well, with a very happy smile on her face.

When Mo Qingge heard the news, the smile on the corner of her lips was gloating and cold.

Hehe... From this point of view, Mo Shenhan will be ashamed even more!
"It's good to be happy, no need to thank you, we are one family, why do we talk about two families?" Liu Piaolan said with a smile.

"By the way, I contacted the famous wedding dress designer Alier, Xiao'er, and I will take you out tomorrow." Mo Shenhan also said this when he heard about the marriage.

"Okay!" Seeing that Liu Piaolan had arranged everything, and Mo Shenhan also said that she would design a wedding dress, An Xiaoer nodded with a smile.

However, the bitterness in her heart was enough to swallow her up.

Mo Shenlie looked at An Xiaoer's smile, but after knowing about Mo Qingge, he was a little dignified. He looked at An Xiaoer, then at Mo Qingge, wondering whether to give it to An Xiaoer or not. The antidote thing.

After eating, An Xiaoer went to Yang Yang's room, and gave Yang Yang the pill, "Yang Yang, you eat this."

"What is this?" Yangyang was puzzled, looking at An Xiaoer, not knowing what it was.

"Doctor Mu gave it to me, and said that if you eat it, it will improve your immunity." An Xiaoer lied casually.

"But, aren't you at home all afternoon? When did Dr. Mu give it to you?"

Yangyang felt strange, logically speaking, if it was given in the hospital, wouldn't An Xiaoer just take it out now?

"It was when I was in the hospital, but I forgot about this. Anyway, you'll be fine after eating it. Don't you want to go out to meet friends? Eat this and leave."

Yang Yang nodded, although she was a little confused, but An Xiaoer's explanation was reasonable, so she just nodded and ate.

(End of this chapter)

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