Chapter 828 Qing Ye, I Regret It

"By the way, Mom, last time I saw Dad seemed to be designing a ring!" Yangyang looked at An Xiaoer and secretly told An Xiaoer about such a thing.

"Really?" An Xiaoer was surprised when she heard it, "Why didn't I see his design?"

An Xiaoer basically stayed with Mo Shenhan every day, but she didn't see him designing anything!

"Because he's going to give you a surprise! Just pretend you don't know anything, and be your bride obediently!"

With a smile, he took the pill An Xiaoer gave him.

An Xiaoer forced a smile on her face, and when Yang Yang was taking the medicine, she finally couldn't help it, with a painful look on her face.

She thought Yang Yang didn't see it, but, out of the corner of her eye, Yang Yang saw it.

Seeing An Xiaoer's face, he was even startled.

Seriously, An Xiaoer felt that something was wrong.

However, An Xiaoer was obviously pretending!
How is this going?

He could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and paid attention to An Xiaoer's actions.

But, he was going out tonight, and now, the time was almost up, so Yangyang told An Xiaoer and left.

"Be careful on the road." An Xiaoer looked at Yang Yang and said.

After all, with the driver accompanying her, An Xiaoer wouldn't be too worried. At this moment, with a heavy heart, she went back to her room.

She wants to see Mo Shenhan.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Mo Shenhan drawing something on the computer. As soon as An Xiaoer came, he switched it with the shortcut key and closed the computer.

An Xiaoer actually already knew what Mo Shenhan was doing, and now she felt even more bitter, looked at him, and smiled, "What, the designer's wedding dress, tell me, the way I look in the wedding dress will Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Mo Shenhan walked towards An Xiaoer, "Well, of course, my wife must be the most beautiful bride in the world."

As he said that, Mo Shenhan pressed a kiss on An Xiaoer's forehead.

Mo Shenhan's lips curled into a faint smile, "Shenhan, I think I am so happy to meet you!"

Mo Shenhan smiled, and scratched An Xiaoer's nose, "Fool!"

Kiss, fall again.

An Xiaoer felt very sad in her heart, but at this moment, she was thinking:

Shenhan, I am really happy to meet you, but unfortunately, this happiness cannot last long.

I'm sorry, if you want to hate me, just hate me, we can't be together anymore...

Deep cold, I will never forget the days when I was with you, even if I can't have you in my future life, I will always remember these things, and I will never forget them.

Kissing, kissing for a long time, An Xiaoer swallowed all the pain in her heart, until the end of the kiss, An Xiaoer looked at him, "Chu Qingye is leaving, I want to say goodbye to him."

"En." Hearing An Xiaoer's answer, Mo Shenhan didn't think much, just nodded.

An Xiaoer finally went to the guest room where Chu Qingye lived, "Qingye, let's go for a walk."

Chu Qingye looked at An Xiaoer and nodded, "Xiaoer, why do I look at it, you don't seem very happy?"

Chu Qingye brought a coat and followed An Xiaoer outside the villa.

An Xiaoer took Chu Qingye to the side of the fountain and sat there, "Qingye, I regret it..."

Hearing that An Xiaoer said she regretted it, Chu Qingye was a little puzzled. He really couldn't understand such an endless sentence of regret, "What's wrong?"

"Qingye, I regret it, how could I miss you? I miss us so much..."

(End of this chapter)

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