The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 831 Thought You Really Loved Each Other

Chapter 831 Thought You Really Loved Each Other

An Xiaoer looked at his indifferent and lonely appearance, and she couldn't bear it in her heart.

However, at this moment, she saw several people coming out not far away.

An Xiaoer knew that it was Mo Qingge who brought someone here!
An Xiaoer didn't have time to think about whether she would hurt Chu Qingye or not, so she quickly stood up and walked towards Chu Qingye.

Just hug him like this!

"Qingye, I'm sorry, even if you don't want to, let me hug you, okay? I really miss you!"

An Xiaoer hugged Chu Qingye, holding his waist tightly all the time, not wanting to let go at all.

Chu Qingye wanted to break free, but he couldn't bear it.

An Xiaoer's temperature made Chu Qingye yearn for it so much, it was like going back to six years ago, when they hugged each other intimately on campus.

Even though she was very pure at that time, and the number of hugs was not too many, those past events were still unforgettable for Chu Qingye, and she always kept them in her heart.

Chu Qingye struggled helplessly.

He actually misses her very much and loves her very much, but because he loves her so much, he wants to fulfill her and Mo Shenhan.

However, at this moment today, what is the trouble?

Chu Qingye felt that since she was already with Mo Shenhan and they were going to get married, then they should be together well, instead of such a thing happening at this time.

Chu Qingye was reluctant to push An Xiaoer's embrace away, he was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Xiaoer, I am not joking with you, and you should not do this, we are already impossible, I can forget what happened today, Let me go and go back to Mo Shenhan's side, and, you said, I wouldn't believe what you said about me and An Manran."

As he spoke, he wanted to break An Xiaoer's hand away.

However, An Xiaoer was unwilling, and hugged her tightly even more, "I won't let you go, Qingye, don't be like this, okay, Qingye, I don't want to be separated from you."

Chu Qingye finally didn't push her away, "Hug it, you've had enough, we won't contact you anymore."

At this moment, An Xiaoer's eyes were filled with tears, and the tears kept falling, making her feel very sad.

What is uncomfortable is not only because she is hurting Chu Qingye at this moment, but also because of the upcoming bad news. What is uncomfortable is that she will eventually leave the Mo family!
"What are you doing?" Finally, a loud voice rang out.

It was Mo Qingge's voice, and she was accompanied by a few maids, walking towards An Xiaoer and Chu Qingye.

Seeing that Mo Qingge finally came, An Xiaoer finally felt desperate to the extreme, but became extremely calm.

Holding Chu Qingye in his arms, he was even more unwilling to let go.

"Go and call someone, call my second brother!" Mo Qingge ordered the maid.

"Yes!" The maids nodded, turned and left quickly.

The maids were even very surprised. They were surprised that An Xiaoer, who was about to marry Mo Shenhan, would do such a thing, and there was a lot of discussion about it.

"I didn't expect that the second young lady turned out to be such a person!"

"Hey, I thought she and the second young master really loved each other! But it turns out that knowing people and faces doesn't know the heart!"

The maid talked while walking, and all these words reached An Xiaoer's ears.

Her face was full of bitterness.

"Xiao'er, let go!" Until this time, An Xiaoer still hugged him, Chu Qingye was also furious!

(End of this chapter)

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