Chapter 832 Frozen three feet of cold!

"Since they've all been discovered, Qingye, take me away!" An Xiaoer was unwilling to let go.

Now that we've reached this point, let's play the show to the end!
An Xiao'er was really going all out, she had no arrows to turn back when she opened her bow, so she could only make one mistake to the end!
Not long after, Mo Shenhan came, and all the people from the Mo family came!

Suddenly, the quiet fountain was already full of people!

They looked at An Xiaoer hugging Chu Qingye, she looked so ambiguous, and everyone's faces turned ugly immediately!
Chu Qingye's father, Chu Linyuan, felt extremely ashamed, and hurried to pull his son. An Xiaoer also let go of his hand at this moment!

"You bastards, what are you doing?" Chu Linyuan was so angry that he slapped Chu Qingye with a slap!

That slap was so loud that everyone's heart skipped a beat.

On weekdays, the Chu family has always loved Chu Qingye very much, and this son has always been very sensible and has never made them worry about him.

But I didn't expect that such a thing would happen today!
Chu Linyuan's slap was very loud, and it could be seen that Chu Linyuan was very angry.

Seeing Chu Qingye being beaten, An Xiaoer felt even more guilty, feeling sorry for Chu Qingye.

He looked at Chu Qingye who remained silent, and Chu Linyuan was also angrily vomiting blood, and finally couldn't help it, and wanted to explain.

At this time, Mo Qingge bumped into An Xiaoer "inadvertently", and hurried forward, "Uncle Chu, there must be a misunderstanding here?"

An Xiaoer was bumped and knew that Mo Qingge was a warning to her. She originally wanted to explain, but now she stopped abruptly and could only stand without speaking.

Mo Shenlie watched all this from the side, he knew that all of this was caused by Mo Qingge, and An Xiaoer was innocent.

However, he just regarded it as a bystander, and finally just stood there without saying a word.

After all, An Xiaoer's departure from Mo Shenhan was something he wished for. In this way, Mo Shenhan would definitely be in pain, and he could even embrace a beautiful woman!

Such a good thing, he would naturally not interfere.

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding?" Chu Linyuan's face was still serious when he heard Mo Qingge say that he had misunderstood.

Mo Qingge then said, "Uncle Chu, you just saw that An Xiaoer was holding onto Chu Qingye, but Chu Qingye didn't do anything to An Xiaoer. I don't think it's possible, but it's more like An Xiaoer is seducing and pestering Chu Qingye!"

After Mo Qingge said these words, Chu Linyuan's face was not so ugly, but it was still very ugly.

He stood silently, looked at An Xiaoer, and then at Mo Shenhan who was standing beside him, "Shenhan, you are the one who will be hurt the most by this matter, what do you want to do? Qingye, we The Chu family agrees! As for your wife, I don't think it matters, Hongxing really can't stand loneliness?"

Especially the last sentence, it is as ugly as it is!
But it's not surprising, he said it all, he has no opinion on how to deal with Chu Qingye, it can be seen that Chu Linyuan is a person who values ​​face very much, and he naturally hates women who have cheated on her. Yes, it's too normal to speak harshly!
Mo Shenhan's face had turned gloomy.

It was a kind of cold so cold that the whole body could be frozen for three feet. He looked at An Xiaoer, "Xiaoer, tell me, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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