Chapter 833 I like him all the time
From Mo Shenhan's eyes, it could be seen that he was very angry.

Thinking of just now in the room, Mo Shenhan was still secretly designing An Xiaoer's wedding ring, and then she said that she was going to see Chu Qingye, and he still believed her so much!

Unexpectedly, in just a short while, such a thing happened!

This is indeed very infuriating!

It turns out that all the trust is so worthless!
Seeing Mo Shenhan's anger, An Xiaoer opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's blank look, although he was angry, but he still said: "As long as you tell me that this is a misunderstanding, and explain what happened to you just now, As long as you say that you did not betray me, I will forgive you!"

When Mo Shenhan uttered such words, it was so calm that everyone present could not have imagined that Mo Shenhan would say such words at this time.

It takes a lot of love for someone to be like this!

You have to love someone so much that you can be tolerant enough to see your woman hugging another man, and you can still say, as long as you say you didn't betray me, I will forgive you!
If it was another woman who treated Mo Shenhan like this, she would have no idea where the body was!
However, An Xiaoer is really a very big exception!
An Xiao'er's lips parted, she could feel Mo Shenhan's anger, and felt distressed because of his words.

Mo Shenhan, you have to love her so much to get to this point! ?
However, An Xiaoer still wanted to make this mistake and continue.

"Mo Shenhan, I'm sorry, I, I like Chu Qingye, I have always liked him."

An Xiaoer finally said such a thing!
Her heart also seemed to be broken into thousands of pieces. At this moment, An Xiaoer felt that it was so difficult to breathe.

When Mo Qingge saw this scene, there was a smug and cruel smile in his eyes.

She finally drove An Xiaoer out of the Mo Family, and An Xiaoer could not pester Chu Qingye in the future, because Chu Qingye's family would not allow Chu Qingye to associate with such a woman!

Mo Shenlie looked at An Xiaoer's painful look, and for some reason, he couldn't bear it.

If he stood up at this time, the misunderstanding would end.

It's a pity that he didn't have it in the end, he just stood there all the time, even if everyone only paid attention to the wonderful people, no one noticed his existence.

In Mo Shenhan's eyes, sparks finally shot out when he heard An Xiaoer's words!
Hearing what An Xiaoer said, Mo Shenhan felt like his lungs were about to explode!
"An Xiaoer, what did you say? Say it again!"

Mo Shenhan angrily grabbed An Xiaoer's neck, the strength in his hands was great!

An Xiao'er might be strangled to death at any time!

An Xiaoer felt that it was difficult to breathe, and those big hands might cut off her neck at any time!
She didn't resist, even though it was painful, she smiled.

I thought to myself, Shenhan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!

However, seeing you in such pain makes me really sad. If killing me can relieve your hatred, then even if I die, I am willing!

An Xiaoer thought of the past with Mo Shenhan, all the beautiful things, she smiled, but tears came out of her eyes.

That kind of taste is really uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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