The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 834 I Just Want To Be With The One I Love

Chapter 834 I Just Want To Be With The One I Love

Mo Shenhan was really angry at that moment, and the force in his hand was very strong.

Seeing this scene, Nian Nian finally couldn't take it anymore, and hurried forward, "Dad, Dad, don't you know whether Mom loves you or not?"

Nian Nian's words made Mo Shenhan calm down a little, and his hands relaxed slightly.

An Xiaoer got the air, and at that moment, she also coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough..." An Xiaoer didn't know how long it took before she regained her composure.

Nian Nian looked at An Xiaoer, "Mom, what's wrong with you? You and Dad are getting married soon! Are you confused? You and Dad love each other so much?"

At this time, Nian Nian was also very worried about his mother, he was going to be scared silly just now!
At this moment, he was even more eager for Yangyang to come back soon. On weekdays, as long as there was Yangyang, everything seemed to be easy. Although he really didn't want to admit the importance of Yangyang, he still had to admit it!

An Xiaoer looked at her precious son, he was so soft and cute, so cute, it almost softened his heart!
An Xiaoer didn't think about anything at the time, and started crying while holding her son.

I can't bear to miss it!
I'm so sorry!
I can't bear to part with Mo Shenhan!
However, there was nothing she could do about it!
Mo Qingge looked at An Xiaoer hugging Nian Nian, fearing that she would soften her heart. Now, looking at her, "An Xiaoer, you shameless person, you better get out of the Mo family as soon as possible!"

An Xiao'er looked up at her, feeling sad in her heart, Mo Qingge really killed everything!

But now, the antidote is in her hands, and she has to do that for Yangyang.

Finally let go of Niannian, "Baby, mom loves you, but mom also wants to be with the person she loves. Six years ago, mom sacrificed her love for your grandma. This matter has always been my responsibility." The pain in my heart, at this moment, I don't want to go on wrong again!"

An Xiaoer made up her mind and said this.

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer's words, he was also very angry, "Could it be that everything between you and me is a lie?"

At this time, he couldn't understand what An Xiaoer was thinking!
No, he doesn't believe it, he doesn't believe that An Xiaoer is such a person!

"Mo Shenhan, I only want to be with you for the sake of my child. Otherwise, what do you think? Oh, yes, there is one more thing, that is, I want to take revenge on you and make you fall in love with me. I kicked you again, I will never forget, that day, you forced me to jump into the sea!"

Saying that, An Xiaoer walked towards Chu Qingye, "Qingye, take me away, okay? You just said that you want to be with me. Let's go back to six years ago, okay?"

With that said, An Xiaoer was about to grab Chu Qingye's hand.

Mo Qingge stopped it in time!

"Stop messing around, you and Chu Qingye are really daydreaming!"

Seeing An Xiaoer like this, Chu Qingye didn't know what she was doing. She really didn't expect that An Xiaoer was such a person.

"Xiao'er, it's impossible for us, don't do this!" Chu Qingye's eyes showed more disgust!
If An Xiaoer is really such a person, then he was really mistaken before!

"Just you, a woman like you?" Chu Linyuan stared at An Xiaoer, "You want to be with my son, unless there is no one in my Chu family, you just give up on it, let me tell you, even if My son is with Mo Qingge, and I won't even allow you to be with her!"

Mo Shenlie looked at all this, his hands moved...

(End of this chapter)

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