Chapter 851 Fooling An Xiaoer~
An Xiao'er's face was ugly, and she didn't say much at the moment, she just said "En" and stopped talking.

Ou Zhifeng felt that he had indeed mentioned something that should not be mentioned, so he could only remain silent.

An Xiaoer thought of something, and hurried to find her bag, until she found the white thing in the bag, she was relieved.

He quickly took his bag and turned to leave.

Take the room card to check out.

"Hey, An Xiaoer!"

It's really embarrassing to see An Xiaoer like this, in a hurry, without even saying a word.

"Where are you going?" Ou Zhifeng asked An Xiaoer.

"Hospital." An Xiaoer replied.

"Thank you for your care and gentleman's behavior last night." After saying this, he finally turned and left.

Ou Zhifeng is in a dilemma right now, and doesn't know what to do, after all, he promised Yang Yang to take care of her, and he must take good care of her!
Therefore, it can only follow the past.

An Xiaoer was checking out, and when the front desk staff saw Ou Zhifeng, he was obviously scared, because he was carrying a gun last night.

However, nothing happened at all, and this incident was suppressed later. The front desk staff looked at An Xiaoer, and now the action of checking her out was even faster.

I really hope that this horrible guy will leave soon!
Ou Zhifeng looked at her frightened look, and a wicked smile curled up on the corner of her lips, "Hey, are you that afraid of me?"

The staff glanced at him and didn't speak, but thought in his heart: Yes, the farther away from me the better!

Ou Zhifeng saw that the staff didn't even pay him any attention, so he sighed, "Can I tell you something? Actually, it's a toy gun!"

Staff: "What?"

At this moment, the staff can't hold back anymore!

However, after realizing that he was too frightened, he continued to restore his expression.

The room was already retreated, An Xiaoer left, and Ou Zhifeng naturally followed An Xiaoer.

At this moment, the two staff began to discuss.

"Fake? How is it possible?"

"Have you been fooled?"

At this moment in their hearts, after all, they are still shocked!
With an evil face, Ouzhifeng followed An Xiaoer until An Xiaoer was hailing a taxi, when Ouzhifeng pulled her, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"No need!" An Xiaoer felt that although she and Ou Zhifeng knew each other well, they were not so familiar after all!

Now that she was being pulled by him, An Xiaoer wanted to shake off his hand first.

But he directly pulled him into the car, but he was really overbearing!
"Yangyang, please ask me to take care of you, otherwise, I wouldn't bother to talk to you!"

At this time, when it comes to Yangyang, Ou Zhifeng's eyes are more frivolous.

Hearing Yangyang's name, An Xiaoer felt sad again. From now on, she will never see them again!
"You are so familiar with Yangyang?" An Xiaoer felt that a person like Ou Zhifeng was familiar with Yangyang, and there was always a weird feeling.

His son is still so young, and his son and Ou Zhifeng have only met once, so can he be asked to take care of her?

No matter how you look at this matter, it is very strange!
"Don't look at me so questioningly, your son and I are in the glory of the king, and we often cheat, our relationship is very strong!"

In fact, Ou Zhifeng doesn't play this game, but, fooling An Xiaoer, isn't that a matter of minutes?
(End of this chapter)

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