The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 852 An Xiaoer Went to the Hospital

Chapter 852 An Xiaoer Went to the Hospital

When An Xiaoer heard the glory of the king, she obviously lost her doubts a lot.

After all, An Xiaoer often heard Yangyang and Niannian talk about that game. Now that Ou Zhifeng said this, she who doesn't play games can only believe it!

After all, the reason Ou Zhifeng gave is so reasonable!

Finally, Ou Zhifeng took An Xiaoer to the designated hospital.

The first thing An Xiaoer wanted to find was Mu Ruifeng.

When Ou Zhifeng saw An Xiaoer looking for a doctor, he didn't think too much about it. At this moment, the phone rang, so he went to the side to answer the phone.

It was an unfamiliar number, not many people could know Ou Zhifeng's phone number, when the strange number rang, he was puzzled for a moment before answering.

"Brother Xiaofeng, it's me!" It was Yangyang.

When he called Ou Zhifeng, the first thing he wanted to ask was An Xiaoer, "How is my mother? Where is he now?"

"In the hospital." Ou Zhifeng replied.

As soon as he heard that it was a hospital, Mo Ruiyang immediately became nervous, "What's wrong with my mother?"

Last night, An Xiaoer just drank some red wine, she should be fine, why did she suddenly go to the hospital?
"She's fine, she's here to find a doctor." Ou Zhifeng replied.

Yangyang was relieved to hear that he was fine, and when he heard that he was looking for a doctor, the first thing he guessed was Muruifeng.

Suddenly thought of the white pill from yesterday.

Was that pill given by Murray Peak?I don't know why, but Yangyang always feels a little strange.

"I'll be right over." Yangyang said, hung up the phone, and asked the housekeeper to take him to the hospital.

An Xiaoer is talking to Ou Zhifeng in Ou Zhifeng's office.

"Doctor Mu, I have something I want to ask you for help." An Xiaoer looked at Doctor Mu and said.

This matter has always been on her mind, and now she doesn't know who to turn to for help, and she can only turn to Dr. Mu for help.

"Tell me." Mu Ruifeng looked at An Xiaoer's slightly swollen eyes, feeling a little strange.

"Doctor Mu, I have a pill here. This pill can cure Yangyang's poison. I want you to help Yangyang take it."

Saying that, An Xiaoer took something to Mu Ruifeng.

Mu Ruifeng looked at the things above and was stunned for a moment, "This is indeed the antidote, but it only takes two antidotes. Now this kind of poison is basically lost, and there are very few antidotes. Xiaoer, this, Where are you from?"

"I gave it to me alone. I hope you can keep it a secret for me. Just give it to Yangyang."

An Xiaoer promised Mo Qingge to keep this matter to herself, so she didn't say anything at this moment.

Mu Ruifeng asked An Xiaoer to show him the things, and then Mu Ruifeng sniffed it, "That's right, it's this one, I met once before, it's indeed this one!"

An Xiaoer's face was deep, "Yesterday I let Yang Yang eat one, and I said you gave it to me. Today, I want you to give it to Yang Yang yourself. He is very suspicious. If you give it to him, he won't have so many." doubts."

Ou Zhifeng looked at An Xiaoer's slightly swollen eyes, always feeling very strange, "Xiaoer, did something happen to you, why do you look so weird?"

Moreover, it is not ordinary strange!

An Xiaoer shook her head, "It's okay, I just feel bad about some things, it's nothing."

An Xiaoer only answered roughly.

An Xiaoer didn't say anything, and Ou Zhifeng didn't continue to ask, "Your request, I naturally want to help, and it's not a big deal!"

Ou Zhifeng agreed to An Xiaoer, and they had just finished speaking when Yang Yang came.

(End of this chapter)

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