The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 853 Yangyang's Second Antidote

Chapter 853 Yangyang's Second Antidote
Yangyang appeared in the hospital and headed towards where An Xiaoer was.

It just so happened that An Xiaoer had already talked with Mu Ruifeng, so after Yangyang knocked on the door and entered, An Xiaoer first called Yangyang over.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Come here!" An Xiaoer waved to Yangyang.

Yangyang felt a little sad, and her eyes were a little swollen looking at An Xiaoer, apparently from crying last night.

"Mom, what happened to you and Dad? I don't want you to be separated!"

With a calm face, Yangyang watched An Xiaoer say such a sentence with a touch of sadness.

An Xiaoer sighed, "Baby, there are actually many choices between adults. Maybe it's inappropriate for me to be with your father, but you have to believe that both father and mother love you, you know ?"

An Xiaoer didn't want to leave either, but what could she do?

Because of Mo Qingge's threat, An Xiaoer finally did those things that hurt Mo Shenhan. At this time, Mo Shenhan must hate her very much, right?

When An Xiaoer thought of Mo Shenhan's indifferent face when she was at Mo's house last night, An Xiaoer knew that Mo Shenhan was hurt by him!

"Mom, don't you love Dad?" Yangyang really didn't know what happened, and he only knew the general situation of last night from Lin Xiaoxiao, but he really didn't know what happened.


An Xiao'er said a word, but couldn't continue, feeling depressed in her heart, what is it that she doesn't love?It's clearly love to the bone, okay?

"I don't love..." An Xiaoer finally said this.

What Yangyang wanted to say, was finally stunned by An Xiaoer's words!
"Okay! Mom, as long as you are happy, I will bless you!" Yangyang was stunned for a long time before saying this.

In fact, he really didn't believe what An Xiaoer said, and he always felt it was weird, but since An Xiaoer said this at this time, even if he didn't believe it, what could he do?
In the past, even if An Xiaoer had something on her mind, she would always tell Yang Yang about it. Now that An Xiaoer said this, Yang Yang really did, so she could only believe it!

"Yangyang!" An Xiaoer hugged her son and sighed deeply, "Mom is not a good mother, I'm sorry, Yangyang, don't hate me!"

An Xiaoer really wanted to stay by the children's side and take care of them, but this step had to go on like that.

"Mom, I don't hate you, you will always be my best mother!" Yangyang raised her head and said this while being hugged by An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer nodded.

"Yangyang, eat this!" Mu Ruifeng felt uncomfortable seeing the affectionate look of the mother and son. Although he didn't know what happened to An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan, but listening to this, there seemed to be some contradiction .

He promised An Xiao'er to help her, so at this moment, he will naturally continue to help.

Yangyang saw what Mu Ruifeng handed over, "This..."

When Yangyang looked at this food, the first thing he thought of was the one his mother gave him last night. At that time, his mother said that it was given by Dr. Mu.

Why is there another one at this moment?

"Yangyang, you need to take this to heal the poison on your body. Moreover, there are two antidotes, and you need to take both together to be cured."

Seeing Yangyang's puzzled look, Mu Ruifeng could roughly guess what Mo Ruiyang was thinking, so he explained.

(End of this chapter)

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