The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 855 In the past 25 years, how many days and nights

Chapter 855 In the past 25 years, how many days and nights

"Mom, you go, when you want to come back, remember to come back to see me and Nian Nian."

An Xiaoer said she wanted to leave, but Mo Ruiyang didn't stay even though she was reluctant.

"Well, baby, you have to obediently listen to your father, you know?" An Xiaoer hugged the child, and her eyes accidentally fell out again!
An Xiaoer finally left.

She didn't bring anything, just the bag she was carrying when she came out of Mo's house, and now she was heading towards the airport.

However, when they arrived at the airport, Danghao met Mu Xiyue and got off the plane.

Many fans embraced at the airport, holding signs, "Goddess Xiyue, Goddess Xiyue!"

The recent airing of the new drama "Cold Autumn" can be said to make Mu Xiyue even more popular. Her popularity at the moment is really not ordinary.

An Xiaoer was buying a plane ticket, when she saw a group of people not far away, she smiled.

That smile wasn't joy, jealousy, or sarcasm, but just looking back at the past as a bystander.

She didn't say anything, didn't do anything, after buying the ticket, she found a place and waited to board the plane.

An Xiaoer looked at the ticket in her hand, the location on it was City H, a city she had never been to.

She didn't know what her future life would be like.

She didn't know if she would get used to staying there.

She didn't know who she would meet or what...

There are too many things I don't know, but, but, the only thing she knows now is that she wants to leave City B, and this reason is enough.

After a few hours, I finally boarded the plane. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane took off.

The rumbling sound at the moment of take-off, the world traveling through the clouds and mist is so small, An Xiaoer's heart is also so calm.

She was seated by the window, she was staring at the world outside the window in a daze, she even walked with all her heart and was very calm...

really gone...

Six years ago, in order to give birth to a child, and because of Xiao Guirong's illness, she took her mother to country M, and she went there for six years.

But at that time, there was not so much sentimentality...

At this moment, she just went to live in another city of the motherland. She is still a kind nation, but her heart feels so lonely...

So aimless...

An Xiaoer recalled her childhood life, her life in high school, her life of raising her children alone, taking care of Xiao Guirong, and her life when she met Mo Shenhan in City B.

Before she knew it, she was already 25 years old and had experienced so much...

Xiao Guirong left, she only left an apology note, even the last one, An Xiaoer didn't see it, she just left like that, and went to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

I don't know where she is, okay?

Thinking back on this, An Xiaoer felt a little sad. She didn't even go to her funeral.

Everything is like clouds and smoke. She is 25 years old, but she is going to live in a new place, as if everything is starting from scratch.

An Xiaoer was in a daze, dazed, she didn't know when she arrived in City H.

All I knew was that the sound of the arrival of the destination was heard on the radio, and everyone got off the plane, so An Xiaoer realized it later and also got off.

Arrived in City H...

An Xiaoer finally got out of the airport, and after that, she just walked aimlessly on the streets of City H until it was dark...

(End of this chapter)

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