Chapter 856 Without her, will you die?

Mo Shenhan didn't sleep all night, and he didn't come down to eat at lunch time.

The butler went to knock on the door, but there was no question and answer. After making a call, he just hung up!

However, everyone was worried about him. Those who knocked on the door knocked on the door and those on the phone called. Mo Shenhan was in a bad mood, so he answered the phone and said, "I won't eat it, you eat it yourself!"

His whole body, just like that in the room, no one can yell out, everyone is helpless, but there is nothing they can do.

And, what about Mo Shenhan?He was still lying on the sofa decadently, with dark circles under his eyes as heavy as a panda, his lips were dry and peeling, stubble had grown out, and he hadn't shaved, his eyes were dull, just sitting like that.

He looked as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

At the age of 27, it feels like 35 at the moment.

The table is full of unbelievably messy cigarette butts, the mist in the air has dissipated, all of this looks so desolate...

At night, Mo Shenhan still didn't come to eat, Mo Bozhi couldn't stand it anymore, he used the key to open the door, and finally went in!

Mo Shenhan was lying on the sofa. He was already asleep at the moment, but the expression on his face was so painful and haggard.

He didn't even cover him with a quilt. Although he turned on the air conditioner, he still easily caught a cold in the winter.

"Stinky boy, look at your current appearance?" Mo Bozhi was very angry, and pulled Mo Shenhan to get up.

However, as soon as he pulled him, he fell off the sofa directly!
Mo Bozhi touched his forehead, it was very hot, obviously he had a fever!

Mo Shenhan is a person who rarely gets sick and has a good immune system. After An Xiaoer left him and abandoned him, he stayed in the room for a day and a night, and finally developed a fever like this.

His wounds are not healed yet, and now it looks like this again.

Mo Bozhi's eyes were full of anger, but he couldn't stop feeling distressed, "Mo Shenhan, get up and go to the hospital!"

With that said, he pulled him up.

"You said that for such a woman, you almost died in a fire in the warehouse in order to save her. The wound on your body is still not healed, but what about her? How did she treat you?"

"If you ask me, she, An Xiaoer, is your nemesis. You'd better leave her as much as possible in the future. Such a woman, hmph, sooner or later, evil will be rewarded with evil!"

After Mo Bozhi said these words, he pulled Mo Shenhan along, and let the housekeeper and servants support him, and finally took him to the hospital.

He was on a drip in the hospital, and several hours passed before Mo Shenhan's fever gradually subsided. However, after waking up, he was unbearably cold again. Everyone stood by his side to take care of him. But he frowned unhappily.

"Finally woke up, I thought, because a woman abandoned you, you would die!" Mo Bozhi was extremely angry!

Today, he was really angry!
The relationship between Mo Bozhi and Mo Shenhan has not been good all along. Now, Mo Bozhi loves his son very much. Although he is scolding Mo Shenhan, he is actually caring about him.

Mo Shenhan didn't speak, just lying down, looking up at the drip on the bed!
Mo Bozhi was furious, and finally went back to the Mo family.

Mo Qingge and Mo Shenlie also went back together. Of course, seeing Mo Shenhan's decadent appearance, the two sisters were delighted from the bottom of their hearts!

 Before I knew it, there were 900 chapters. It has been more than half a year since this book was written. The days seem to go by day by day, but when I think about it, I realize that it has passed so fast!

  Thank you for your support all the way, baby, I love you, the recent plot is a bit cruel, but Yaya will make Xiaoer come back strong, wait patiently~ I will give the most favorable blow to those who hurt Xiaoer!
(End of this chapter)

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