Chapter 857 A Graceful Woman
Yangyang and Niannian stayed by Mo Shenhan's side, seeing Mo Shenhan like this, both of them were also in a bad mood.

"Father, I miss my mother!" Niannian cried aggrievedly, especially when Mo Bozhi said An Xiaoer's words just now, Mo Yingnian also listened to everything!

At this moment, I feel even more wronged, tears are falling down, it looks extremely pitiful!
"Shut up, don't make noise!" Mo Shenhan saw Niannian crying, and when he heard him say that he missed An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan's face became even more angry!
When Mo Shenhan was fierce, Mo Yingnian's face was particularly ugly, and his eyes were very sharp and terrifying.

Niannian was even more wronged, but she didn't dare to cry anymore, she stopped crying, and just stared at Mo Shenhan blankly.

Yangyang sat on the side without saying a word.

"Housekeeper, send Yangyang and Niannian back!" Mo Shenhan just wanted to be alone at this moment, he didn't want to see the child, so he ordered the housekeeper.

The butler sighed. Over the years, Mo Shenhan has always been calm, and he has always been excellent!It was the first time the housekeeper saw him look so decadent!But it is really worrying!

"Young master, shall we go back?" the butler asked Yang Yang and Nian Nian.

Niannian looked at Mo Shenhan, the tears in his eyes were still wet, he gave Mo Shenhan a look, "Dad, you are a bad father, you deserve to be abandoned by my mother! You are not good at all!"

Saying that, Nian Nian turned and left!
Yangyang didn't say a word, and followed suit!

But Mo Shenhan looked at Niannian's back, what he said just now made Mo Shenhan so angry that he dropped the fruit plate beside him!

An Xiaoer, An Xiaoer, An Xiaoer!
At this moment, Mo Shenhan's mind is full of An Xiaoer!
Thinking of her various good things, and thinking of her words, Mo Shenhan is really going to explode!

The days gradually passed for several days. Mo Shenhan's health was not good all the time. His fever subsided during the day, but at night, he had a low-grade fever again, which kept coming and going again and again. This torture made him emaciated.

However, on this day, there was an extra person in the ward!

She was very beautiful, wearing a light pink dress, with big brown curly hair, and finally stood at the door of Mo Shenhan's ward.

Mo Shenhan was still the same, lying on the bed with a blank face, and when someone came in, Mo Shenhan didn't even look at him.

After all, there are always people coming and going every day, and Mo Shenhan doesn't even bother to pay attention.

However, the woman looked at Mo Shenhan with her back turned to him, taking off her high-heeled shoes, and finally walked in front of him step by step.


She called Mo Shenhan, and her voice was very nice.

Mo Shenhan always felt that this voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

But, so what if he sounds good?It wasn't An Xiaoer's voice!
Mo Shenhan didn't even bother to turn over to take a look, and just continued to lie down in a daze.

The woman walked to the other side of the bed step by step, and finally stood in front of Mo Shenhan.

"Han, do you remember me?"

Her curvaceous figure is very good-looking, with a thin figure, she looks extremely ladylike.

After all, the person was already standing in front of Mo Shenhan, and Mo Shenhan inadvertently raised his eyes to look at it, and was stunned at the time, but the stunned moment passed by, and there was nothing left.

The woman obviously saw the dazed flash in Mo Shenhan's eyes, and she smiled sweetly, "Han, my Lin family is gone now, but, after all, we have known each other for so many years, Han... I only have you!"

(End of this chapter)

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