The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 961 Here comes the foreign chapter!

Chapter 961 Yangyang is back!
"Mo Shenhan, will there be a day when we will be like this until we grow old?"

An Xiaoer looked at the backs of herself and Mo Shenhan in the mirror, feeling inexplicably emotional.

"Even if you die, you still have to be my ghost!" Mo Shenhan felt An Xiaoer's emotion. There were only the two of them in the elevator at the moment, and Mo Shenhan said these words domineeringly.

Even if you die, you will be my ghost!
An Xiaoer's lips curled into a faint smile, "En!"

At this moment, there was really only one word "en" coming back to Mo Shenhan, but An Xiaoer told herself in her heart that she would never leave Mo Shenhan again, really not!

This time, when she came back, she would never leave because of anyone's persecution.

Slowly, they finally arrived at the airport. Mo Shenhan and Yangyang searched for a while, and finally saw Yangyang.

He stood with Ou Zhifeng, looking around, as if looking for An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan.

Ou Zhifeng is still the same, he looks very handsome, but he is extraordinary, such a handsome and wild man, just like the snow fox on the iceberg, I don't know who can tame it!
However, Yangyang has really grown a lot taller than a year ago, and he is also darker, looking healthier, and his healthy wheat-colored skin makes him look very handsome.

"Yangyang!~" An Xiaoer was very emotional at that time, she didn't care about anything, she walked towards Yangyang, and then hugged him tightly.

"Yangyang, mom misses you so much, misses you so much, misses you so much..." An Xiaoer hugged Yangyang in her arms at this moment, her voice was choked with deep thoughts.

The moment Yangyang was embraced by An Xiaoer, he was already stunned. It seemed that he missed and cherished such an embrace too much.

Yangyang didn't move, just let An Xiaoer hold her like that, his face now showed a kind of maturity and a little worry that was not normal for a child.

"Mom, I miss you very much too." I don't know how long An Xiaoer hugged Yangyang like this before Yangyang's face reacted. At this moment, with a smile on his lips, he hugged An Xiaoer Said.

"Yangyang, mother's sweet baby!" An Xiaoer let go of Yangyang's embrace, and then looked at him carefully, seeing that he had grown taller and darker, she felt a little distressed, "How are you doing? Won't you be very tired?"

Really, An Xiaoer really felt sorry for Yangyang, and couldn't bear to make Yangyang suffer.

"Mom, I'm fine." Yangyang looked at An Xiaoer and shook his head, "I'm having a great time, brother Xiaofeng is with me!"

Actually, how could Ou Zhifeng accompany Yang Yang?Yangyang is there to exercise, not to find someone to play with, and Ou Zhifeng also has his own things to do.

Exercise is also very hard!
The reason why Yangyang said this was because she was afraid that An Xiaoer would be worried.

"Okay, just be happy!" An Xiaoer was so excited that tears really fell down!
At this moment, she was very excited and even wanted to cry.

Yangyang took out a tissue and wiped An Xiaoer's tears away, "Mom, Yangyang didn't cry, why are you crying? If you keep crying, Dad will blame me for bullying you."

Saying that, Yangyang looked at Mo Shenhan and called out, "Dad."

"En! After you come back, how long will you go back?" Mo Shenhan asked. In fact, in his heart, he was also a little reluctant to go to such a far place and experience so many things alone.

(End of this chapter)

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