Chapter 962

However, Mo Shenhan never said anything to persuade him to stay, let alone facing his son?
At this moment, Mo Shenhan only seemed to ask how long the child will be back.

"Two days later." Yangyang replied.

The conversation between father and son is always just like this, answering any question, extremely simple, even wanting to say something more.

"En." Mo Shenhan nodded.

"Let's go, go home first!" Mo Shenhan glanced at Yangyang, then looked at An Xiaoer and said.

An Xiaoer was very excited when she saw her son. Basically, after arriving at the airport, all her heart was on her son, completely ignoring Mo Shenhan!

Now, after Mo Shenhan said back, An Xiaoer nodded, "Let's go!"

Then, he directly took Yangyang's little hand.

It's just that after holding hands, An Xiaoer felt that Yangyang's hands were very rough, which was different from the hands that were tender to the touch a year ago, like hands that had done a lot of rough work.

An Xiaoer's hands are not so rough!This surprised An Xiaoer, and she felt a pain in her heart, "Yangyang, your hand!"

Yangyang knew that An Xiaoer would be worried, "Mom, I joined Brother Xiaofeng's organization. There, I have to learn a lot of things, and I have to exercise, and many other things..."

As he said that, Yang Yang looked at Ou Zhifeng even more, "Brother Xiaofeng, tell me, do I have a good academic record? When I grow up, will I be very good?"

Ou Zhifeng was on the side, who had been looking at An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan and Mo Ruiyang just now.

The family had been separated for a long time, and when they met now, they were talking about themselves completely, and Ou Zhifeng didn't have the heart to intervene.

But now that Yangyang called him, and wanted him to speak for him, Ou Zhifeng would naturally speak for him.

"Xiao'er, don't worry, Yangyang is very sensible and can do everything well." Ou Zhifeng looked at An Xiaoer and said.

"But, that will be very hard!" An Xiaoer said distressedly, really, Yangyang is such a young child after all, but he has experienced more things than ordinary people. It's the grade for playing, but what about her Yangyang?
Really too sensible, but also too distressing, to suffer so much!

"Heaven will send a great mission to the people, and you must first suffer from it, toil your muscles and bones, and starve your body..." Yangyang knew that An Xiaoer was caring for him, but Yangyang felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and found a reason instead. Tell An Xiaoer that he is very happy.

"Mom, what I learn is what I like and what I want to learn. No one forces me. I'm doing what I like."

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Although An Xiaoer felt distressed, she couldn't say anything more after Yang Yang had said that.

"By the way, Yangyang, don't tell others in front of outsiders. I am An Xiaoer. My mother's current name is Dugu Xinyue, you know?"

An Xiaoer remembered this matter, so she emphasized to Yangyang again, and, after returning home, Niannian would keep it a secret.

"Dugu Xinyue? Why did mother call her by this name? Is mother's original name not good?" Yangyang asked suspiciously when she heard An Xiaoer say this.

Ou Zhifeng was even more surprised when he heard the name, "What, you said, your name is Dugu Xinyue? Are you from the Dugu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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