Chapter 982 I will be stronger than you!
Yangyang actually made it out?
An Xiaoer was so excited right now, she hurried up to see it, but Mo Shenhan pulled An Xiaoer, "I'm not going to show it to you, what are you looking at?"

An Xiaoer felt aggrieved, Mo Shenhan didn't even show him?This is too depressing, right?
"But, I want to see it!" An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan with an aggrieved face.

"When it's on your hand, I'll let you see it all!" Mo Shenhan's lips curled into a faint smile, and then, looking at Yangyang, he said, "Yangyang, I won't let you. Mom see it!"

An Xiaoer: "..."

So, is it really good?Too much to say!
However, Mo Shenhan meant to surprise her, right?An Xiaoer had no choice but to stop watching!
Hey, I got it back after all, the big deal is just watching it a little later.

She finally walked towards the balcony and stood there looking at a pot of flowers and plants she had raised before.

Mo Shenhan was stunned for a long time looking at the design draft that Yangyang found out.

He spent a lot of time designing it on purpose. The inspiration was overwhelming, and so was the design. Sometimes, what was designed at that time may not be able to produce that feeling next time.

Looking at the design draft this time, Mo Shenhan felt a little emotional.

"Yangyang, you are getting better and better!"

Mo Shenhan looked at Mo Ruiyang, said such a sentence meaningfully, and patted his son on the shoulder by the way.

This is a word of affirmation and an encouragement!
However, Mo Shenhan seldom praised his son, and he could hear Mo Shenhan's praises, so far, there were no more than five sentences!

It can be seen how harsh Mo Shenhan is!
However, this time, Mo Shenhan praised his son once in a rare way!

Because he couldn't find it himself!

It was deleted once at the time, but he got it back later!It's just that the deletion was more thorough the second time, and his ability can no longer be recovered!
It is estimated that there are very few people who can be found back, but now, Yangyang is one of the very few people.

"Father, are you praising me?" Yangyang froze for a moment when he heard Mo Shenhan's praise.

Because, for him, his father's affirmation was indeed too little, so that it felt unreal to hear it now.

"Huh? I can't praise you?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows.

"I understand now that you will praise me only if I am better than you!" Mo Ruiyang said with emotion.

Mo Shenhan: "..." Actually, that's really the case.

If Yangyang made progress in some very simple things, people like Mo Shenhan would at most raise their eyebrows.

Today, Mo Shenhan praised him profusely, which means he sincerely admires and approves him.

"Father, I will not let you down. One day, you will know what it means to be blue out of blue and better than blue!"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Mo Ruiyang's lips at this moment, looking at Mo Shenhan now, he said this with confidence!
However, he does have the ability to say this now, because he has indeed achieved something that Mo Shenhan could not!

"Yangyang, you are great!" Mo Shenhan didn't talk to him, he just praised Yangyang, but he was so excited!
At this moment, there is even more praise.

"Father, I won't get used to you still being praised so much. When I get better, you can come and admire me again!"

Facing Mo Shenhan's praise again, Yangyang said this arrogantly!

(End of this chapter)

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