Chapter 983 My legs, specialty
Niannian was watching the conversation between Yangyang and Mo Shenhan, he always felt too much pressure on Yangyang, at this moment, he just felt so bewildered.

"Yangyang, I know that blue is better than blue, but, Yangyang, why are you so good, but I can't do anything?"

Well, that's right, this time Nian Nian understood the meaning that green out of blue is better than blue, because during this time, he has been taught by a teacher.

After all, it is one-on-one teaching, and after learning, you can gradually understand a lot.

However, even if the grades are slightly better, Nian Nian still can't compare with Yang Yang!
"Uh, Nian Nian, don't you always think that being a happy scumbag is also a way to be happy?" Yang Yang was helpless.

"I don't have such thoughts, okay?" Nian Nian denied it!
Well, he began to envy such a clever Yang Yang!
"Nian Nian, I heard that you are good at painting. I think your future paintings will be great." Seeing Nian Nian saying this, Yang Yang smiled and encouraged her.

Nian Nian raised her eyebrows, "You must have misremembered, I'm the worst at painting!"

Yangyang: "..."

He deeply admires Nian Nian's nonsense.

"Since the worst painting is so good, then your best specialty must be even better!" Yangyang knew that Nian Nian said that on purpose, but at this time, he also wanted to encourage Nian Nian.

"Oh~" Nian Nian raised her eyebrows, "I have very long legs, and they will be longer in the future~"

Yangyang: "..."

An Xiaoer just came in at this time, and when she came in, she heard them talking about legs, what other specialties are there, she was a little puzzled, "What are the specialties about legs?"

"Mom, I mean, my legs!" Nian Nian replied when she saw An Xiaoer come in.

An Xiaoer then took a look at Nian Nian's legs, but her eyes lightly glanced between Nian Nian's legs.

Thinking in my heart, Nian Nian, don't you know that there is a third leg?

Looking at Nian Nian's, he felt that Nian Nian's is still not long, but it is... Mo Shenhan's!
So, An Xiaoer's eyes secretly looked at Mo Shenhan again.

However, at this moment, An Xiaoer has these evil thoughts in her heart, and it's because of her child's unintentional words!

An Xiaoer felt that she was so dirty!She quickly looked away again, her face was already slightly red.

So, she quickly shook her head, "Nian Nian, you should study hard, long legs are not considered special, besides, your legs are not considered long!"

How can a child have long legs? Isn't this nonsense?
"But, Mom, Dad is so tall, I am his child, and I will be the same as him in the future!"

An Xiaoer nodded, "That makes sense, but you still have to study hard, long legs are useless!"

Nian Nian: "..."

Is it really useless?
Yang Yang looked at Nian Nian's cute look, he pulled Nian Nian, "Nian Nian, do you want to learn something, I'll tell you a very cool trick!"

Nian Nian naturally likes some fun things, she nodded immediately, "Okay, then take me there!"

So, Yang Yang finally sent Nian Nian away!
In the room, only Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer were left!

"Ahem..." An Xiaoer smiled awkwardly. He found that his children were becoming more and more clever. This is clearly an excuse to leave on purpose, and he wants to give them a world together!
Mo Shenhan took a look at An Xiaoer, and naturally he would not let go of the space that the babies deliberately avoided.

"Xiao'er, you just looked at Niannian's legs, where did you look?"

(End of this chapter)

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