Chapter 990

Mo Qingge was so angry that she walked to An Xiaoer's door and kicked her several times!

However, because she was wearing high heels, she got angry and used too much force. As a result, the heel was broken by her!
Mo Qingge originally wanted to relieve her anger by kicking the door, but it turned out to be such a tragedy, and she became even more angry!

He was so angry that he kicked off the shoe, and then slammed it on the ground several times!
Her chest also kept rising and falling due to anger.

However, even so, her temper still could not be dispelled. When she thought of Dugu Xinyue robbing her sweetheart like this, she was so angry that she was half dead!

So, not long after, Mo Qingge got off the elevator and followed them closely.

"Can you drive?" Chu Qingye looked at Dugu Xinyue and asked.

"Not really, I rarely drive."

"Then, take my car!" Chu Qingye replied.

An Xiaoer nodded.

Finally, they just sat in Chu Qingye's car and drove slowly.

Mo Qingge's shoes were broken, and she was in as much embarrassment as she wanted right now!
However, she cared more about Chu Qingye than embarrassment.

She got into the car just like that, threw the broken high-heeled shoes on the car beside her, and then followed Chu Qingye's car closely.

"Dugu Xinyue, dare to seduce and seduce Chu Qingye, I can't stop talking to you, you bitch!" Mo Qingge cursed while driving, and followed the car in front of her all the time. .

Naturally, An Xiaoer would always pay attention to whether there was any vehicle following behind her.

Sure enough, she saw Mo Qingge's car behind her.

In her heart, there was a trace of cold hum.

She is probably going to die of anger right now?After all, Mo Qingge's jealousy is so strong!

At this moment, thinking of Mo Qingge's mad look, An Xiaoer's heart felt refreshed, and she should let Mo Qingge experience what it's like to be played with by others!
"Chu Qingye, let's go shopping first, I have some things to buy." An Xiaoer said.

"What did you call me?" Chu Qingye got a little excited when he heard Dugu Xinyue call his name.

Why are you excited?Because, when she called his name, it was so like An Xiaoer calling him!

Moreover, Dugu Xinyue always called him 'Mr. Chu', but now, he was even more surprised to call him by his name like that.

In his heart, Chu Qingye was even more thinking, could the person in front of him be An Xiaoer?
If it was An Xiao'er, how wonderful it would be!

When An Xiaoer heard Chu Qingye's words, she also felt a little nervous. Yes, she always called Chu Qingye "Mr. Chu". ' up.

Will he recognize that she is An Xiao'er?

In An Xiaoer's heart, she was a little nervous now, but she still tried her best to keep calm, "I call you Chu Qingye, didn't you say that you want to make friends with me? I always call you Mr. Chu, so It looks unfamiliar, so I thought it might be better to call you Chu Qingye. If you don't like it, I'll call you Mr. Mo!"

An Xiaoer found a reason and answered like this.

Chu Qingye quickly shook her head, "No, I don't mind, it's just that you remind me of An Xiaoer, she used to call me that."

(End of this chapter)

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