The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 991 Isn't it because of An Xiaoer that I'm so embarrassed?

Chapter 991 Isn't it because of An Xiaoer that I'm so embarrassed?

"Is that so?" An Xiaoer felt a little embarrassed when she heard Chu Qingye's words.

"Then, I don't want to call you Chu Qingye anymore. I really am not An Xiaoer, and I don't want you to think of me as An Xiaoer. If you want to make friends with me, it's because of my face. , there is no need."

Right now, An Xiaoer tried even harder to show that she was not An Xiaoer, because she was really afraid that Chu Qingye would become suspicious.

"I'm sorry." Chu Qingye saw that Dugu Xinyue seemed to be angry because she mentioned An Xiaoer, so she quickly apologized.

"It's okay." An Xiaoer shook her head.

Angry, for a moment, became strange, inside the car, quietly.

An Xiao'er kept paying attention to the car behind her from time to time, feeling a little confused in her heart.

"Mr. Chu, are you in a relationship with that young lady from the Mo family?" After all, An Xiaoer was curious about the reason, so she asked suspiciously.

Chu Qingye was driving the car, and didn't think too much about An Xiaoer's expression, he just replied: "No, she and I have never been in a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship."

Hearing what Chu Qingye said, An Xiaoer felt a little clear in her heart, but she still had some doubts in her heart, "If not, why did you get so close to her?"

It seems that Chu Qingye and Mo Qingge have known each other for some time, and the relationship between them has always been not far or close.

Let's say it's far, but it's actually relatively close. Let's say it's near, but it doesn't seem that close.

"This is some relationship between the Chu family and the Mo family. I just go to the Mo family often. It has nothing to do with her." Chu Qingye replied while driving.

When An Xiaoer heard such an answer, she didn't know what was going on in her heart, so she could only remain silent.

Mo Qingge has always liked Chu Qingye, but her so-called love is more like possession. Chu Qingye obviously never liked her, but she has been obsessed with it!

Is this kind of love interesting?

Perhaps, Mo Qingge thought it was worth it!

However, if she likes someone, she likes only one person, right?But being so jealous because she likes to hurt others, she just feels that An Xiaoer's existence hinders her, so she must drive An Xiaoer away!

It's really too much.

"Chu Qingye, you seem to like An Xiaoer, right? Besides An Xiaoer, have you ever liked anyone else?" The car drove for a while, and An Xiaoer suddenly became curious again and asked.

"I don't want to bring up this topic, so let's not talk about it!" Chu Qingye replied like this.

An Xiaoer nodded, and finally said nothing.

Chu Qingye took An Xiaoer to a very luxurious shopping mall in City B, "The things here are very good, I think you should like them, and the price should be okay for you."

An Xiaoer looked at the street, feeling embarrassed, she nodded and smiled slightly, "Let's go shopping!"

Hehehe... Maybe Chu Qingye felt that she was born in a family with good conditions after all, so the things she used were all expensive ones, so he brought them here naturally.

However, even if he didn't bring her here, An Xiaoer would still ask him to come here.

Since she wants to be good to Dugu Xinyue, Miss Qianjin, and prove that she is not An Xiaoer, she will naturally come to these places.

(End of this chapter)

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