The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 992 One Day of Spending Money Like Water

Chapter 992

An Xiaoer and Chu Qingye finally went shopping.

The clothes here are really expensive, and ordinary people really can't afford them.

It's not that An Xiaoer hasn't come here before. After meeting Mo Shenhan, she has been here a few times. However, basically, she was dragged by Mo Shenhan to buy a lot of things, but she herself was reluctant to buy them. .

Maybe it's because she was used to living a hard life since she was a child, so An Xiaoer has always been relatively frugal. Even if she meets a rich husband like Mo Shenhan, she is still not used to spending money lavishly.

But this time, she has to work hard to spend money!This feeling is really bad.

"What do you want to buy?" Chu Qingye asked.

An Xiaoer smiled, "Just take a look. I just came to City B. I think I need a lot of things. I will buy them according to the situation."

Chu Qingye nodded, "OK."

Mo Qingge arrived after An Xiaoer and the others arrived at the shopping mall, and she also arrived. Seeing that they had gone a little far, Mo Qingge got out of the car in a hurry.

It had to be said that her shoes were broken, and at this moment, Mo Qingge simply went to the mall barefoot.

On the way, many people looked at her with different eyes. After all, it was a bit surprising for a woman to appear on the street like this.

When Mo Qingge saw many people staring at her, she felt even more ashamed and embarrassed.

After that, I felt that all of this was caused by An Xiaoer.

If it wasn't for An Xiaoer, she would never have become what she is now.

Mo Qingge felt very ashamed. She saw a variety of high-heeled shoes on the counter not far away. Now, she jumped over as if seeing a savior.

Mo Qingge chose a pair of shoes that she liked, and then told the shopping guide the size that was suitable for her, "Buy me a pair of these shoes!"

In fact, when the shopping guide saw Mo Qingge coming in, she was really stunned by her barefoot shopping in the supermarket, but she nodded immediately, "Okay, just wait a moment."

Mo Qingge took the shoes, swiped the card, and then hurriedly caught up.

However, the shopping mall is very large, and there are several corners in one street. She was a little confused and couldn't find anyone.

Now, I feel even more upset!

"Dugu Xinyue, you vixen, just wait for me!"

So, Mo Qingge was just like that, looking for each family!

However, she searched for a long time but still couldn't find it, instead she was exhausted to death!
An Xiaoer has already bought a few clothes. Clothes are really expensive. On weekdays, An Xiaoer would not be willing to buy such clothes.

However, today she spent a lot of money to buy several pieces, hey, what a pain in the ass!

Although it is said that the card was given to her by Dugu Jin, the money is also the money of the Dugu family, she is the daughter of the Dugu family, and her parents are so rich, so it is okay to spend some money, but An Xiaoer has a natural affinity for money. It's kind of reluctance, now seeing so much money for a change of clothes, my heart is bleeding.

"What's the matter, I think you don't seem very happy." Chu Qingye looked at the short and such appearance, he was a little puzzled.

"No, it's just that I don't have a few things I fancy, so I'm not very happy."

Facing Chu Qingye's questioning, An Xiaoer even knocked out her teeth and swallowed it in her stomach. She also said that she was not happy that she didn't buy what she liked!
Obviously, it was because he was reluctant to spend money that he was unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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