Chapter 309

At the foot of Mount Yao, there is a newly built huge square, the area of ​​which is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of monks.

Here is the venue for the Demon Slaying Conference.

Although the conference has not yet started, people from various sects have already arrived one after another, and the square can be described as full of voices.

The Four Great Paths of Beidouya, Shushan, Huanshuijian, and Dafo Temple are all gathered together, and the suzerains of sects such as Xuedaomen, Jiuyouzong, Rogue Valley, Lingjianzong, Yushouzong, etc. are also gathered together.

Even Zhu Haoxuan and Guan Jingxue rushed over at the critical moment. Seeing their dusty and gauze-wrapped appearance, it was because they encountered some other things after coming out of the Blood Demon Abyss, and they were even injured a little, so they were almost delayed. .

"Yue Wuya, Big Dipper Ya contributed a lot to this Demon Slaying Conference!" Daoist Bingliu of Shushan said with a smile, "It is said that more than half of the demons imprisoned on Yaoshan Mountain were captured by Beidouya of?"

Yue Wuya smiled loudly, with a smug look on his face, "Beidouya's disciples strive for success, and naturally my suzerain also gets some credit."

"Amitabha!" Master Hua Na proclaimed a Buddha's name, "The benefactor has the whole world in his heart, and the disciples under his sect are even more courageous. However, the Great Buddha Temple has not been built much so far. I am ashamed."

Yue Wuya waved his hands again and again, very modestly: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The highlight of this Demon Slaying Conference - Demon Slaying is to use the heads of the recently captured demons to sacrifice to heaven; and these demons Bei Douya is in charge of guarding people."

"This is the top priority of the Demon Slaying Conference. Judging from your appearance, it must be properly arranged!" A suzerain next to him flattered.

Yue Wuya smiled slightly, but there was pride in his eyes.

Beidouya is the number one sect in the world, so it is not an exaggeration for the sect master to be somewhat arrogant.However, some small sects are critical of Yue Wuya in every possible way in private: "Isn't it just that we have caught a few more demons, what is there to show off?"

"Hmph, how can the demons be so guarded, maybe these demons will be rescued by the same tribe..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

Not long after, under the guard of a group of masters, Luo Cangtian alone led the way, followed by the two elders of the Zhu family and the Chang family, floating on the platform of the entire square.

The tens of thousands of cultivators present gradually quieted down, and the Demon Slaying Conference finally started.

After the meeting started, Luo Cangtian spoke impassionedly about the history of the struggle between the human world and the demons, and tried to incite the masses to join the team against the demons, which aroused bursts of applause; The elders also came to the stage, not to be outdone.

Next, is the swearing-in session of the Demon Slaying Conference.

In the eyes of tens of thousands of people, a blood-red plum branch flag was brought onto the stage.

The venue became very quiet, and everyone present looked at the flag with a bit of solemnity.

It is not only a symbol of the Demon Slaying Alliance, but also a symbol of protecting the world!
"This is the plum branch flag of the Demon Slayer Alliance, which symbolizes the noble character, strength and loyalty!" Luo Cangtian said forcefully, "Next, please raise your right fist with your right hand and swear with me!"

At this moment, the suzerains of all the sects present stepped onto the stage one after another. They clenched their right fists and raised them high, leading the elders and disciples of all sects, and shouted loudly: "I am the immortal cultivator of the Demon Slayer Alliance!" XXX, swear to defend the world!"

The Demon Slaying Conference is about to reach its climax!


While the Demon Slaying Conference was in full swing, Chen Hui and Bing Ling followed the people from Feihongmen to a small ravine on the back of Yaoshan Mountain.

After these people from the Feihong Sect came here, they stopped moving, but patrolled around vigilantly, causing Chen Hui and Bing Ling to retreat a long way in a hurry, suppressing the tension and anxiety in their hearts to hide their figures and keep quiet wait.

After a while, under the surprised eyes of Chen Hui and Bing Ling, a group of people finally came in front of them.The costumes of these people were very strange, but Chen Hui could clearly sense the devilish energy on them.

It seems that these are all demons.

The people from the Mozu ran to the back of Mount Yao. Could it be that they were trying to save people as they heard before?
Immediately afterwards, this group of demons all came out from a corner not far away, and the last few people were all supported by a companion. They looked miserable and bruised all over their bodies. Hui, because she saw a familiar face - Tu Ku!
Chen Hui and Bing Ling looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

These Mozu people actually rescued them!
After the people from the Feihongmen picked up the demons, they helped or carried the injured fellows, and even bandaged them with medicine in a hurry; within a few dozen breaths, the whole team had been tidied up, and they quickly moved towards Come outside the valley.

Both Chen Hui and Bing Ling held their breath, anxious secretly: "Why is this Taibai so unreliable? He said he was going to find some people, why haven't they arrived yet? Even if the two of them rushed out now, they might be injured three or five times. It's not a problem, but it's impossible to keep everyone!"

Just when Chen Hui and Bing Ling were extremely anxious, a burst of strong light suddenly came on, causing Chen Hui and Bing Ling to close their eyes.

At Taniguchi's position, at some point, more than a dozen formations lit up at the same time!
At the same time, Taibai stood in the void and waved his hand: "Go!"

Immediately, more than a dozen Beidouya disciples gathered from all directions, all of them had various arrays in their hands, and their leader was a person Chen Hui and Bing Ling were most familiar with: Du Shu!
"The demons are good at calculating. They calculated step by step to such an extent that they achieved such an effect without a single soldier. We humans really underestimated them!" Taibai snorted coldly, "Unfortunately, you met this old man. Hey, you're going to suffer!"

Chen Hui was astonished to the extreme: "This old man Taibai has his own tricks. He recruited so many people from Tianxuan Palace, and he just wanted to use formations to trap these demons!"

"That's right, these people's whereabouts are surreptitious, and they even have secret escape techniques, so it's really hard to catch!" Bing Ling suddenly realized, "Senior Taibai is really extraordinary!"

"Chen Hui, Bing Ling, why don't you come out quickly?" Taibai yelled strangely, "Everyone is trapped, it's up to you two to solve it!"

Chen Hui and Bing Ling had no choice but to show up, and Chen Hui said helplessly to Taibai: "Old man, you can solve it by yourself, what do you want us to do?"

Taibai was lying there, ignoring the curses of those demons, and said leisurely: "I don't bother to do such a troublesome thing. Besides, don't you think you can handle these people?"

Chen Hui glanced over, but saw that most of these people from the Feihong Sect and the Demon Race were in the middle and late stages of the Demon Transformation Realm, and the only two or three people who were at the peak of the Demon Transformation Realm, such as Tu Ku, were also imprisoned prisoners with bruises all over their bodies. , no fighting power.

The next moment, Chen Hui and Bing Ling shouted happily and rushed forward!
With the cooperation of many Tianxuan Palace disciples, Chen Hui and Bing Ling had a good time and defeated the demons and Feihongmen one by one.They also realized for the first time that when multiple formation masters cooperate in this way, they will exert extraordinary power.

"Okay, okay, you guys go to the Demon Slaughter Conference, and send all the demons who slipped away!" Taibai ordered, and the figure flickered, but disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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