Burning with rage

Chapter 310 Yue Wuya Was Persecuted

Chapter 310 Yue Wuya Was Persecuted
At the foot of Mount Yao, the site of the Demon Slaying Conference.

On the stage, there was a solemn atmosphere; off the stage, there were many discussions.

Now, it happened to be the part of "slaying demons"; logically speaking, it should be Beidouya's disciples who sent many demon prisoners to the stage, but until now, there was still no one.

"Why are the people from the Demon Race not coming up?" Luo Cangtian asked anxiously about Yue Wuya, "You people from Beidouya won't mess things up, right?"

"Bei Douya sent many experts to defend, how could they make a mistake? Wait a minute!" Yue Wuya was also a little uneasy.

The whole venue fell into chaos, and Yue Wuya became more and more impatient.

At this moment, a person in the uniform of a Beidouya disciple suddenly ran past the audience.This person's hair was messed up, and his disciple's uniform was torn several times, his appearance was very embarrassing.

This disciple immediately ran to Yue Wuya's side, and then whispered to his side.

After Yue Wuya heard the message from this person, his body froze immediately.He stared wide-eyed, looked at the disciple in astonishment, confirmed it again and again, and then waved his hand helplessly, letting the disciple go down.

All of this was seen by the suzerains on the stage, and everyone secretly cried out "it's not good".

"Sect Master Yue, what happened?" Zhu Haoxuan asked in a low voice.

Yue Wuya opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say it no matter what.

Just at that moment, a disciple of Beidouya, who was in charge of guarding the fourth floor of the demon prison, came to report that when they went to the prison to raise people, they found several disciples were seriously injured and unconscious, and those demon prisoners had been arrested. Rescued; only an empty cell remains, as if mockingly.

This disciple was at a loss in his panic, so he had no choice but to come to Yue Wuya to discuss it.

After all, for such a big event, not only would Bei Douya lose face, but the entire Demon Slaughter Conference might be messed up because of it!

Yue Wuya made a decisive decision and ordered all Beidouya's subordinates to blockade the surrounding area immediately, and use all means to capture the rescued Mozu people back!
However, when the gazes of all suzerains on the stage were focused on Yue Wuya's face, Yue Wuya was completely at a loss as to how to deal with the current situation.

"Sect Master Yue, what happened to the disciple who just reported the letter?" The Sect Master of the Spirit Sword Sect was the first to attack.

The Sect Master of the Beast Sect at the side also said: "Sect Master Yue, you really messed up things, didn't you?"

"What's going on, don't worry, tell everyone." Zhao Qiansun hurriedly comforted him.

At this time, Chang Batian who was beside Luo Cangtian said, "Sect Master Yue, the team that escorted the evil demons has not come, and the audience has become more and more chaotic. At this time, there is such a disciple who comes to report the news, and everyone must be able to do it." roughly guess what happened."

Luo Cangtian's eyes froze, and he said aggressively: "Yue Wuya, have you lost sight of the prisoner?"

"I think it's lost!" The head of the Beast Sect said disdainfully, "No one made a mistake, but something happened to Beidouya. I never thought that Beidouya was so unreliable!"

"Sect Master Yue, don't procrastinate here, hurry up and tell the truth!" The elders of the Zhu family were also a little impatient.

Sensing everyone's skeptical gazes, which seemed to be a bit of an insult, Yue Wuya couldn't hide it, so he could only say: "Now the villain of the demon clan in the prison has been rescued by his fellow clansmen, Bei Douya is working together to arrest him." catch……"

"Yue Wuya!" Luo Cangtian immediately shouted in a cold voice, "You Beidouya, is this how you do things?"

This cold drink used spiritual power, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

Immediately, the tens of thousands of immortal cultivators who were still whispering to each other in the chaos stopped their movements instantly, and looked at the crowd on the stage in amazement.

The whole venue became silent.

Yue Wuya's old face was flushed, and he was a little at a loss.

"Sect Master Yue, it's not your style to lose the chain at this time!" The Sect Master of the Spirit Sword Sect took the lead to criticize, "The Beidou Ya family has a great career, and everyone trusts you to let you take care of this prison. The result? What about people? Gone!"

"Yeah, your disciples are too weak, right?"

"The villains of the demon clan have all been rescued, so what kind of demon slaughter conference is held, making the world laugh!"

The suzerains became dissatisfied one after another, even if the other three sects and Zhu Haoxuan and Guan Jingxue tried their best to save the situation, they could not suppress the anger of the crowd.

At this moment, a shrill female voice resounded throughout the audience: "Yue Wuya, you old man, you've messed up everything, everyone is ashamed to accompany you, do you still have the face to continue living?!"

This voice actually came from the Miss Zhu next to Luo Qingfeng behind Luo Cangtian!

Yue Wuya, Master Huana, Zhao Qiansun and even Daoist Bingliu all had complexions, and even Guan Jingxue and Zhu Haoxuan couldn't hold back.

A girl from the branch of the Zhu family, who is still a junior, can point fingers and yell at Beidouya's suzerain like this, especially on such an occasion, how is it proper? !
"Bang!" Zhu Haoxuan immediately slapped the table and stood up: "Even if Bei Diouya was at fault, why is it his turn to accuse him so badly? Did you do it on purpose?"

Guan Jingxue also stood up immediately, expressing that she and Zhu Haoxuan were on the same front.

Seeing this scene, Master Hua Na, Zhao Qiansun and Daoist Bingliu all stood up.The four righteous sects are connected with each other, so naturally people from the fairy world cannot be bullied at will!

At this moment, the stage was deadlocked.

However, several fairy envoys in the fairy world are not vegetarians.

Hearing Zhu Haoxuan's words, Chang Batian stood up abruptly, his face livid: "I did something wrong, is there any reason? Is this Beidou Alliance belonged to you?"

Such a grand event has already been reported to the Emperor of Heaven, and the Immortal Realm is also paying attention to the situation here. If the matter is messed up, there may be some punishment at that time!

At that time, it will be the Luo family, the Zhu family and the Chang family who will be the ones to blame!

Thinking of this, Luo Cangtian was furious, and said aggressively to Yue Wuya: "Yue Wuya, it's in vain for you to claim that Beidouya is the number one righteous way in the world. I think this title will change positions!"

This sentence is not insignificant, it is simply a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire venue began to become a lot of discussion.

Yue Wuya felt the suspicious eyes of tens of thousands of immortal cultivators in the audience, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

How to do?
What should I do?
Admitting mistakes to everyone?Or tough resistance to the oppression of the crowd?
Even Elder Qing Yang beside Yue Wuya had his eyebrows tangled into a ball.

At this moment, a loud and clear voice suddenly sounded from a corner of the venue: "Who is so brash and dares to say that the number one righteous way in the world is about to change position?"

A familiar figure slowly walked out from not far away——

It was Chen Hui!

(End of this chapter)

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