Burning with rage

Chapter 367 The Dominatrix and Chang Lezong

Chapter 367 The Dominatrix and Chang Lezong

As soon as everyone mentioned "Windwind City", Chen Hui immediately had a bad feeling.

Could it be that Changle Sect has something to do with Yingfeng City?
"No, no, nothing else is fine. I will definitely not go to Windward City!" Chen Hui shook his head again and again with a look of fear.

"This is a good thing. The errands in Windward City are very popular recently, and many people who go there have won a lot of rewards!" Er Fatty persuaded, puzzled.

"It's hot recently?" Chen Hui asked suspiciously, "What kind of errand are you talking about?"

"What errand? Looking for someone!" The Erpang suddenly regained his spirits, "Don't think I can't get out of the training ground, but I still have some friendship with those Changle Sect disciples on weekdays!"

"I heard from them that Mu Changfeng, the city lord of Windward City, has a niece named Fairy Xinyi, who is a very famous hag in several nearby cities!" Er Fatty said happily, "A while ago, that hag Yasha launched a "competition to recruit relatives", and finally settled on a groom officer!"

"We've heard of this dominatrix too!" A person next to her interjected, "That's how people hide from others, for fear of being glued to them!"

"God, this Fairy Xinyi is actually able to marry, it's against the sky!" Everyone was shocked, "Then who is the groom?"

"I heard that it's someone called 'Chen Hui'!" a small man said first.

"Pfft—" Chen Hui almost spat out a mouthful of chicken soup.

It was as if ten thousand mud horses galloped past in his heart. He was so glad that he had changed his name, otherwise... these guys would definitely confess themselves.

The Erpang obviously wouldn't have guessed this, and he went on to talk endlessly: "That Fairy Xinyi is naturally very proud of having a husband, but in order to show her feminist rights, she just wants to ride on a tall horse by herself, and let the groom The officer sits in the sedan chair!"

"What? There are other things like this!" Chen Hui asked curiously, pretending not to know anything.

"Not only that, I also know more details!" The little man leaned over and whispered: "I heard that before getting married, the groom was very unlucky, he tried to escape several times, but every time I was captured by Fairy Xinyi..."

"How terrifying is this dominatrix, that she forced that Chen Hui like that!" Someone clenched their fists and said angrily.

"What happened after this is really fun..." Er Fatty said saliva, "On the wedding day, this fairy Xinyi will take the bridegroom's sedan chair around the city three times, and she will let the whole Everyone in Yingfeng City knows that he is married!"

"This really is the style of a dominatrix!" Everyone nodded in unison.

"However, no one would have thought that at this last moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the groom's last escape would be successful!" Er Fatty said, his face flushed red, "This is simply a miracle! "

"I'm sweating for the bridegroom officer, he finally escaped!"

"Tch, who would you choose to be the sandbag here or be careful of Fairy Xinyi?" Someone asked Erpang.

Er Pang looked serious: "If you give me a chance to choose, I will definitely die!"


Since Chen Hui was very concerned about the wedding-related developments in Windward City after he escaped, he hurriedly changed the subject: "Then what happened in Windward City after the groom escaped?"

"That Mu Changfeng is a very face-saving person. He claimed to the outside world that the bride's health is not good and she is seriously ill, so she should take good care of her!" Er Fatty almost burst out laughing, "That Fairy Xinyi is alive and well, but the whole city Everyone has seen it, so how could it be possible to get seriously ill?"

"This incident has been widely spread, and it has become the laughing stock of many people after dinner!"

"Poor that wise and mighty City Lord of Yingfeng City, who has such a helpless niece on his side, what a crime!"

"Not only the City Lord of Yingfeng City, but also the Suzerain of Changle Sect is very sad. He spent a lot of human, material and financial resources to find the escaped groom!"

"The suzerain of Changle Sect, why did you help Fairy Xinyi?" Chen Hui asked curiously.

Everyone looked at Chen Hui like a fool, and said in unison: "Idiot, Mu Changle, the suzerain of Changle Sect, is the second uncle of Fairy Xinyi!"

"Ah?!" Chen Hui only felt dizzy, his eyes were dark, and he was about to fall down: "Why, how could this happen..."

"Of course, his uncle and his second uncle are all his uncles!" Er Fatty interjected at the right time.

Hearing everyone talking about Fairy Xinyi, Chen Hui felt regretful: If he ran a little farther and went to a farther city to find opportunities, how good would it be?

It's a pity that he hid all the way, but finally hid in her second uncle's sect. It's hard not to be discovered!
Thinking of Wei Hanbing accepting him into the Changle School, Chen Hui was still a little excited in his heart, but at this moment, there was only helplessness left on his face.

Early the next morning, Gong Ping came in person and woke Chen Hui up: "The two gentlemen have already woken up, they are going to take you away, are your luggage ready?"

Chen Hui spread his hands, "I've always had a breeze in my sleeves, where did I get my luggage?"

Gong Ping smiled awkwardly, then took out three spirit stones from his arms and handed them to Chen Hui: "These few spirit stones are your salary for this month, although you only stayed here for a few days, I can't let you do it for nothing." , take it."

Chen Hui put the spirit stone in his arms, and followed behind Gong Ping nervously.

Thinking of what everyone said yesterday, he felt cold and sweaty. If he was recognized as Chen Hui, what would he do?
In case... I was arrested and went back to marry that so-called "Fairy Xinyi", wouldn't I be out of luck?
In order to better conceal his identity, Chen Hui even changed his hair and clothes, for fear that he would be recognized by some people; fortunately, those brothers who went to Windward City to carry out missions did not return, otherwise even if Chen Hui Dressed like this, maybe it might be seen through.

Not long after walking, Chen Hui saw Wei Hanbing again.

This time, Wei Hanbing didn't look at him with extremely fiery eyes like yesterday, but Chen Hui still felt that the other party was paying attention to his movements all the time, it's just that he put this passion in his stomach and didn't show it.

"Let's go." Wei Han said coldly, and left the training ground with Wei Qing and Chen Hui.

Chen Hui looked back, only to see that the sun had just risen, and a ray of sunlight shone on the training ground, shining golden light.Na Gongping gradually walked away with a whip, and it seemed that he was going to wake up the low-level guardian disciples again.

For some reason, Chen Hui felt a little nostalgic for the time spent here in the past few days.

"Perhaps, it's because you cherish these friends more?" Chen Hui thought.

The next moment, Chen Hui followed the footsteps of Wei Hanbing and Wei Qing, and walked away from this place step by step.

Perhaps, in this life, I will never come back here.

(End of this chapter)

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