Burning with rage

Chapter 368 The Value of High-Grade Spirit Stones

Chapter 368 The Value of High-Grade Spirit Stones

After leaving the training ground, under the guidance of Wei Hanbing's hand formula, he summoned a light blue fairy sword and fixed it in midair.

He asked Chen Hui to stand still on it first, and then jumped onto the fairy sword himself. Chen Hui only felt that the whole fairy sword sank slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the fairy sword was gradually lifted into the sky by imperial commands.

Wei Qing's magic weapon is also a fairy sword, but its quality is much worse than Wei Hanbing's; he Yujian followed Wei Hanbing, compared to the arrogance he had when beating Chen Hui yesterday, he was much more disciplined.

Not long after, everyone had arrived at the gate of Chang Lezong.

Wei Hanbing and Wei Qing showed the identity jade badges to the disciples guarding the gate, then led Chen Hui into the gate and circled up the mountain road on the left.

"The scope of Changle Sect is very wide. From this mountain to many peaks in the valley behind, all belong to the sect." Wei Hanbing introduced casually, "The sect is divided into nine mountains, and each mountain has a peak master. I belong to Changle Mountain under our feet, which is the main mountain of Changle Sect."

Chen Hui nodded secretly, this Chang Le Sect is really extraordinary, Chang Le Mountain alone is full of aura, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, it is like a fairyland.

"In the sphere of influence of the Changle Sect, controlling the sword is prohibited in many areas, you must pay attention to this." Wei Hanbing said, "I will teach you some exercises later, which will naturally include the technique of controlling the sword. At that time, if you want to try to control the sword, you must avoid the restricted air area, as for which places have the air restricted circle and which places do not, you can ask Wei Qing."

Chen Hui nodded, expressing that he understood.

Along the way, Wei Hanbing also introduced them all the way, until they arrived at a rather huge herbal medicine field.

The aura in this medicine field is even more intense, it is shrouded by a rather huge invisible formation, and outsiders can't easily enter it.

At the entrance of the herbal medicine field, there is a huge stone tablet with three words engraved in bright red: Baicaoyuan.

When Wei Hanbing arrived, the steward of Baicao Garden had already greeted him outside the door with a smile on his face. For Wei Hanbing's acquaintance and politeness, it seemed that after Wei Qing's two middle-grade spirit stones were stuffed into his hands, it really made a big difference. effect.

"Wang Wu, from now on, you are a member of this Baicao Garden." Wei Hanbing said, "Although you are an outer disciple, if someone promotes you, you will also be qualified to practice. You must work hard here."

Hearing Wei Hanbing speak like this, Chen Hui felt a little strange in his heart, "Didn't Wei Hanbing tell me to follow him, why did he suddenly send me to Baicao Garden?"

However, the next moment, Wei Hanbing spoke to the steward of Baicao Garden again: "Steward, I have one more thing to do here this time, and that is to promote the fifth brother Wang under your command to become my attendant... "

Hearing this sentence, Chen Hui immediately gave a thumbs up in secret: "Wei Hanbing brought himself to Baicao Garden to take advantage of the sect's rules!"

Chen Hui really guessed right, the rules of the Changle Sect are really like this.

A place like Baicao Garden, which is bitter and tiring, will naturally not allow the disciples of their own sect to work hard and spend the time of practice to do things. The sect usually finds some less qualified disciples outside the sect, and then specially Take care of the chores.

In fact, in this regard, Chang Lezong was much more advanced than Beidouya; whether Beidouya planted spirit grass or fed spirit beasts, they were all done by the regular disciples of Beidouya's various halls.

Of course, because Beidouya has a single system, there will be no loopholes to exploit.

This Wei Hanbing made use of this rule of Changle Sect to get the steward of Baicao Garden to recruit an "outer disciple", and then let Chen Hui belong to him.In this way, Chen Hui has entered the sect.

Immediately afterwards, he used another rule of the Changle Sect to directly lift Chen Hui out of the Baicao Garden and promote him again to become an inner disciple: Every elite disciple can choose two personal attendants from among the outer disciples , accompany me around, and be responsible for handling the trivial matters in life, so that I can concentrate on my practice.

Just like that, Wei Hanbing brought Chen Hui to Baicao Garden, and after a cutscene, he turned Chen Hui into a member of Chang Lezong in a blink of an eye.

Many elite disciples played around with this kind of loophole in the sect's rules, bringing in their confidantes from the family; Confidants, many of them are still somewhat capable, and this has also improved the strength of the sect in a different way.

However, each elite disciple can only choose two personal attendants, and once the personal attendants are abandoned, they will be relegated to foreign sect disciples again, which also restrains the elite disciples from acting indiscriminately.

This Wei Hanbing currently only has one attendant, and that is his clan brother Wei Qing; the other attendant was given to Chen Hui just now, which made Chen Hui a little flattered.

Where on earth did Wei Hanbing take a fancy to him, that he was willing to spend such a great deal of money to get him to Chang Lezong?

But he didn't know that in Wei Hanbing's eyes, he had already become a treasure—a treasure that could improve his cultivation.

In order to improve his cultivation, increase his chances of winning the Zongmen selection, and stand out in the Immortal Dao Conference in the entire Immortal World, this matter is more important to him than anything else. What is a quota?
What's more, it won't be long before this quota will be vacant.

After leaving the Baicao Garden, Wei Hanbing took Chen Hui all the way up, towards the residence assigned to him by the Zongmen.

Halfway there, the three of them passed by the place where the disciples received the spirit stones; under Wei Qing's guidance, Chen Hui, as a new inner disciple, successfully obtained ten spirit stones for daily consumption.

"One, two, three..." Chen Hui happily counted the spirit stones in his arms, "Exactly 13 yuan!"

"That's right, the 13 yuan spirit stone can just be returned to Liao Gangjun!" Chen Hui thought happily, he was so lucky that he got the spirit stone that could pay off the debt in the blink of an eye after entering Chang Lezong. Really lucky.

However, Wei Qing next to him curled his lips and muttered, "Isn't it just a low-grade spirit stone worth 13 yuan? What are you so proud of? If you got a high-grade spirit stone, wouldn't you be overjoyed?"

"What are high-grade and low-grade?" Chen Hui asked Wei Qing puzzledly, "Is this spiritual stone divided into different grades?"

"Of course!" Wei Qing said as a matter of course, "A high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to a middle-grade spirit stone of 100 yuan; Come on, but he spent two middle-grade spirit stones from the steward of Baicao Garden; of course, he will not lower his figure to ask you for these two middle-grade spirit stones, but you have to be conscious, and you can ask for them when you earn enough. Remember to submit it!"

At this moment, Chen Hui didn't listen to Wei Qing's words at all, he kept muttering: "High-grade spirit stones, high-grade spirit stones... These 13 yuan high-grade spirit stones are 13 low-grade spirit stones. Liao Gangjun, you bastard, you actually caused me to owe such a huge sum of money!"

"There are so many spirit stones, how can I return them!" Chen Hui wanted to cry but had no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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