Chapter 386

Another three months have passed, and half of the Immortal Dao Conference has passed.

Chen Hui is really like being confessed in the young master's team. Everything is taken care of by someone personally, and he can get as much as [-]% of the spoils he gets each time; if he is not holding Bai Bin's interspatial bag, He was really worried about where to put his things.

Every time the "trophy" was obtained, apart from the jade token, all kinds of magic weapons, spirit stones and even pills on the opponent's body would be looted, and Chen Hui became the biggest winner.

Chen Hui counted the spirit stones on his body: 100 yuan, medium-grade spirit stones, 200 yuan, 300 yuan... 1000 two hundred yuan!

This is equivalent to 12 yuan high-grade spirit stone!
Chen Hui couldn't help but have the urge to cry: it's just around the corner to pay off the debt owed to Liao Gangjun.

However, due to unforeseen circumstances, Chen Hui's good days came to an end on this day.

On a dark and windy night, in the camp of Young Master Dai and Jing Bao, a small teleportation array that had been arranged in advance quietly appeared.

Without a sound, Chen Hui, who was surrounded by heavy guards, was transferred away like this!
When Chen Hui came to his senses and woke up, he felt a sack covering his head.

"Hey, hey, who is hey!" Chen Hui struggled desperately, but found that the sack covering him turned out to be a treasure, and it was difficult to break through.

When Chen Hui saw the culprit again, he cursed loudly: "You are so handsome and yet captive. What I hate the most is someone who is more handsome than me!"

On the opposite side, a tall, mighty, majestic and suave guy from Yushu Linfeng hurriedly apologized: "Senior, there is nothing we can do! You have been guarded by that young master all day long, so we can only do something wrong!"

"Senior?" Chen Hui was very curious. Why do these guys like to call themselves senior?

Thinking of this, Chen Hui was still a little embarrassed, "You guys should call me Wang Wu!"

"Okay, okay!" The guy opposite opened his mouth, showed a handsome smile, and stretched out his hand: "My name is Wushuang, and I am a collateral child of the Zuo family. I hope to join hands with you!"

"Zuo Wushuang?" Chen Hui scratched his head, he had never heard of this person.

"Zuo Hou is my uncle." Wu Shuang explained.

"Here comes another nephew of the Marquis," Chen Hui patted his forehead, "That... Wushuang, Jing Bao and Young Master Dai have always been very kind to me, so it would be bad to leave with you like this."

"Wang Wu, tell me, what do you want?" Wushuang spread his hands, "They give you [-]% of the spoils, we can give you [-]%!"

"This..." Chen Hui hesitated.

"They treat you well, but do you think they consume you every day?" Wushuang said, "Most of their loot has been given to you, and now there are only three months left, how much do you want to spend?" Don't want them to get the ranking?"

Chen Hui lowered his head and thought for a while, "Why are you all vying to give me something?"

"This..." Wu Shuang knew that Chen Hui was Lingjun could not be revealed at this time, so he could only perfunctoryly say: "Everyone sees that you are very powerful, so I will serve as a deterrent in the team, how about it, come or not? "

"I heard that Fairy Yaxuan is nearby, I can send someone to pick her up and join you, how about that?" Wushuang once again made a request that Chen Hui couldn't refuse.

After all, Fairy Yaxuan and Chen Hui both belonged to Changle Sect, so he couldn't just let her go, right?

Wushuang saw that Chen Hui was moved, but he didn't agree, so he patted his thigh and said, "Well, I'll add another elixir pill! If you join us, I'll give you another elixir pill!"

"Immortal pill?" Chen Hui became curious.

"That's right! This is the most secure pill for entering the Immortal Dao Realm at the peak of the Royal Dao Realm. It is much stronger than the Nirvana Pill!" Wushuang said proudly, "I only have this one left in my hand. Give it to you!"

"Xiandao Pill, so precious..." Chen Hui was still a little confused, but after thinking about the other party's promise to take Fairy Yaxuan over, he finally nodded, "Help me stay with Young Master, Jing Bao and the others. , I’ll be away for a while, and I’ll go play with them again when it’s over.”

"Okay!" Wushuang expressed his joy. In the next few months, as long as he takes good care of this master, he will be a great hero. At that time, what Zuohou will give him will not be comparable to a celestial pill up!

Ever since, Chen Hui began to spend his time at Zuo Wushuang's place eating, drinking, and looting; the good times didn't last long, and Chen Hui was once again kidnapped by a Tianjiao named "Shaohao" under the command of the Emperor of Heaven, and continued to eat and drink offering...

Just like that, Chen Hui had more and more trophies and more and more jade medals in his hands, but he himself was puzzled, how could he be so popular?
One after another, in just three months, Chen Hui has been kidnapped five times by the other party, and changed five employers, and every time Chen Hui changed employers, there would be a large number of jade cards and elixirs as compensation. .

When Chen Hui understood why he was so popular, it was the ninth month of the Fairy Dao Conference.

At this time, Chen Hui was swaggering through the market under the guard of Wang Lei, who was given the nickname "Diao Lei", and on the other side... Several major forces headed by Jing Bao, Gong Zidai, and Wu Shuang joined hands and wanted to cooperate. Ask Wang Lei for advice.

"Wang Lei, quickly return Lingjun to me!"

"Hurry up and hand over Lingjun!"

"That's right, the thief who stole Lingjun!"

A large group of people on the opposite side were excited and pointed at Chen Hui. This made Chen Hui a little puzzled. He asked Wang Lei, "What is Lingjun?"

"Hey, don't pretend to be stupid!" Jing Bao shouted on the opposite side, "Wang Wu, you are Ling Jun, aren't you? Now that everyone is here, we are not afraid that the truth of the matter will be spread!"

"What Lingjun, what does it have to do with me!" Chen Hui was speechless.

"Aren't you Lingjun?" Wang Lei asked suspiciously.

"You are Lingjun, sick!" Chen Hui turned his head and spat.

"Then where did your air blast technique come from?" The young master was also stunned.

Chen Hui was taken aback for a moment, and then said triumphantly, "Of course I saw it in a book!"

At this moment, there were several screams in unison from the crowd: "King! Five! You fucking lied to me!"

"What did I lie to you?" Chen Hui was still in a daze, "I didn't say anything, and you didn't ask anything! Competing to give me something, I thought I met a group of idiots..."

"You're the idiot, little thief, watch!" Immediately, Wang Lei took the lead, followed by Jing Bao, Gong Zidai, Wu Shuang and others, joining the army chasing and killing Chen Hui!

"Give me back my jade token!"

"Give me back the elixir..."

"What, you even took out the elixir?" Wang Lei gave the young master a sympathetic look, and then shouted at Chen Hui: "You give me back my wife!"

"Pfft—" a group of people burst out laughing.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Hui ran so fast, he turned his head and shouted: "Who wants your wife, don't swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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