Chapter 387

In a remote valley somewhere in the ancient world, a vague shadow gradually solidified.

The strong evil spirit and demonic energy diffused, but they were restrained and did not spread far away.

A muscular man slowly revealed his figure, his facial features were as sharp as a knife carving, with sharp edges and corners.The sharp and deep gaze gave people a sense of oppression, but there was a bit of evil in the gaze, which made people feel a little creepy.

"I didn't expect that it took me so much effort to enter this ancient world!" Mo Kuang smiled evilly, "Next, it's time to harvest the prey..."

In the next moment, Mokuang's figure disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already come in front of several masters.

"Where is Wang Wu, do you know?" Mo Kuang asked.

"Wang Wu? There are more than tens of thousands of people called Wang Wu. Which one are you asking?" The genius in the lead is the most powerful contender for the championship in this Immortal Dao Conference, and the one who is behind him Geniuses are all extraordinary; it is natural to be a little arrogant.

"So, you don't know?" Mo Kuang's tone became a little gloomy.

"Get out, what are you pretending to be?" The guy in front of Mokuang obviously didn't realize his danger, but became more and more arrogant, "Inquire about people's affairs, don't bother me! Hand over everything on you, Laozi Maybe I'll spare your life!"

However, Mo Kuang didn't say a word of nonsense, he stretched out his hand and opened his fingers slightly, and all the geniuses were sucked in for a moment, unable to move.

"What a powerful demonic energy," everyone was terrified, "You... who are you?!"

"You are not qualified to ask the old man's name!" After Mo Kuang spit out this sentence, with a little force, these so-called geniuses were all sucked dry; Everything including the jade token was completely eroded by this devilish energy in the blink of an eye!

"Ling Jun!" Mo Kuang whispered, and then disappeared in place; when he reappeared, he came in front of another Tianjiao...

Just like that, Mo Kuang killed dozens of people, but there is still no news about Wang Wu (Chen Hui); the only useful news is that Wang Wu cheated young master Dai, Jing Bao, Wu Shuang and others with a lot of jade cards The magic weapon of the spirit stone elixir escaped without a trace, it can be said that everyone chased after it.

"Why would this guy do such a thing?" Mo Kuang was a little worried. If Chen Hui hadn't been shouted and beaten by everyone, and he didn't know where to hide, he might still be able to find this guy; but the time he can exist in the ancient world After all, it is limited, it seems that we can only put aside the matter of killing Chen Hui, and solve the most important thing first!
Thinking of the purpose of coming to the ancient world, the corners of Mo Kuang's mouth slightly raised. He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

It took only half a day for Mokuang to enter the ancient world, and Guangchuanhou, one of the three giants in the fairy world, received a report from his subordinates: In the ancient world, there are abnormalities, many geniuses are missing, and there are no bones left!
As the organizer of this Immortal Dao Conference, Guangchuan Hou naturally couldn't lose face in front of the Emperor of Heaven and Zuo Hou, and hurriedly sent three experts in the middle stage of the Immortal Dao Realm to investigate. After a long time, they also lost their traces!
"What the hell happened here?" Hou Guangchuan had an ominous premonition in his heart.

These three middle-stage Immortal Realm powerhouses are his all-time confidantes, and it's not easy to train them. How can he not be worried?
Although the danger of this ancient world is very low, what if something ancient is born?Or is there any strange phenomenon?No one can tell!

After much deliberation, Guangchuan Hou decided to enter the ancient world to take a look in person, to see if he could get his three subordinates back.

After entering the ancient realm, Hou Guangchuan sensed an extremely evil aura.

This breath is so familiar, it makes people feel a little frightened.

"Could it be that guy from thousands of years ago...he's back?" Guang Chuan Hou felt uneasy, "No, how is it possible, he was obviously killed by Ling Jun, and he can't appear in this world again!"

However, someone answered for him what he was worried about.

Right behind Guangchuanhou, a figure slowly emerged, and he slowly said: "Even Lingjun can be resurrected, why can't I, Mokuang?"

In the next moment, Guangchuan Hou turned around suddenly, with a look of shock on his face, and his whole body was extremely nervous: "Ma Kuang, how could it be?!"

"Guangchuanhou, thousands of years ago, I spared your dog's life. Now, it's time to take it back!" After finishing speaking, Mo Kuang stomped on his feet, and the whole person jumped out, and the original place suddenly collapsed. crack!


In the blink of an eye, Hou Guangchuan had corrected thousands of tricks for Mokuang, but Mokuang seemed to be struggling and was still retreating.

Guangchuan Hou took advantage of the victory to pursue, but found something abnormal around him: "Formation?! Mokuang, when did you start thinking about this thing!"

He didn't believe it no matter what, the demon madman who only believed in his own strength in the previous life, now knows how to use tricks and formations; and this formation is so exquisite, only after he touched it, Guangchuan Hou reacted come over.

What surprised Guangchuanhou even more was that he had never noticed that the imprint left by the other party's previous life was still preserved in his body; just now, the imprint echoed the formation in an instant and controlled him in a disguised form. Take action with your own body!

"Guangchuanhou, do you think I would let you go without tampering with you in the last life? Is it possible?" Immediately afterwards, Mo Kuang's slightly open five fingers tightened suddenly, "I have made you beautiful for 1000 years, and Now, it's time to repay me!"

This Marquis of Guangchuan was secretly manipulated in the last life of Mokuang in order to make him fat. Once Mokuang got rid of the accident and came back to this world with the technique of reincarnation, he can use this " Meat Pig" quickly recovers its strength!
Mokuangxiexie smiled, and a wave of invisible energy was unleashed, causing Guangchuanhou's whole body to shake suddenly: "Blood-sucking soul-eating method?!"

This plan, which lasted for thousands of years, was carefully calculated by Gui Taoist, which made Guangchuan Hou unable to deal with it for a while.Now he can only grit his teeth and use the secret method to send news to Emperor Tian and Zuo Hou, hoping to survive until the other two arrive.

In the next moment, Mo Kuang increased his strength violently, endless spiritual power surged out of Guangchuan Hou's body, and all of them swarmed towards Mo Kuang's body.

"Ah——" Guangchuan Hou let out a miserable roar, he struggled desperately, but the secret technique of Mokuang is so against the sky, once he is tricked, it is difficult to get rid of it!

"It's really... so delicious, haha, hahaha..." Mo Kuang grinned, and his hostility became heavier.

Slowly, Guangchuan Hou's struggle became weaker and weaker, and his breath of life gradually became ethereal; finally, this hero who became the overlord in the fairy world and shook the world turned into a dilapidated mummy .

"Anyway, you are also a master in the late stage of the Immortal Dao Realm, so I will leave you with a whole corpse." Mo Kuang glanced at Guangchuan Hou with disdain, then released his spiritual sense to sense the surroundings, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Hmph, the Heavenly Emperor and Zuo Waiting for these two guys, they came quite quickly; unfortunately, they were one step too late!"

The next moment, a formation plate in Mokuang's hand slowly enlarged and covered his body, and the body with the devilish energy slowly dissipated, as if it had never been there before...

(End of this chapter)

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