Burning with rage

Chapter 388 The Magical Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 388 The Magical Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor

When Chen Hui reappeared in front of everyone, he had successfully survived the thunder tribulation and stepped into the ranks of masters in the Immortal Realm.

Chased by Jing Bao, Gong Zidai, Wu Shuang and others, Chen Hui hid in a remote place. Following Liao Gangjun's habit, he dug a very deep hole, and then blocked the hole with stones. He set up a few warning circles looted from others, and went to retreat deep underground by himself.

This time, Chen Hui can be said to be very rich. Not to mention the mountain of spiritual stones after several visits, all kinds of pills and magic circles are available, and the celestial pill gave Chen Hui the idea of ​​breaking through the celestial realm ——

He has been at the peak of Dao Yujing for a long time, and with his accumulation, everything will come naturally!
When Jing Bao and the others found Chen Hui again, Chen Hui only lightly let go of his aura of fairyland, and these people retreated stunned and reluctantly; when they retreated, they left some belongings as an "apology" Apologize", let Chen Hui make another small profit.

In the next few days, Chen Hui made persistent efforts, intending to find other strong players for a duel, trying to get a few more big prizes, but those few famous players all disappeared, as if they disappeared at the same time. I don't know what happened.

Regarding the death of Guangchuan Hou, the Emperor of Heaven and Zuo Hou forcibly blocked the news. On the one hand, they were worried that the demon would become a madman, and on the other hand, they had their own ghosts, thinking about how to carve up the territory of Guangchuanhou; Dozens of top talents were easily wiped out by the demon, which also made the Emperor of Heaven and Zuo Hou grit their teeth with hatred.

When the Immortal Dao Conference ended, even Chen Hui himself did not expect that the honor of No.1 would fall on him.The two or three strongest and their supporters were too unlucky to be obliterated by Mo Kuang, and their jade plaques were completely destroyed; while Chen Hui, Jing Bao, Gong Zidai, Wu Shuang and others funded a large number of The jade medal also made him earn a lot of money, surpassing many geniuses and winning the laurels.

"I...won the first place?" Chen Hui was extremely excited, "So, I can really go to the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury?"

"Of course!" Mu Changle on the side was also very happy, "Go, take back what belongs to you!"

"Things that belong to me?" Chen Hui was puzzled.

"Don't you want to ask for the method of bringing the dead back to life? If you go, you will know." Mu Changle smiled slightly, and walked away with Fairy Yaxuan.

As for Chen Hui, he was led by a little elf named "Mengmeng" and walked with great expectations on the way to the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury.

"You are so lucky to be able to come to the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury to choose something!" Mengmeng flew in front, circling Chen Hui's side twice from time to time.

Chen Hui had never seen such a beautiful and beautiful elf, he was envious of the Emperor of Death, even such a beautiful creature served under his command.

Thinking of his ultimate goal, Chen Hui asked Mengmeng curiously: "Fairy, may I ask if you choose the treasures in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House randomly?"

"Although it is optional, you have to take it with you." Mengmeng replied with a smile, "The Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House is not the kind of big warehouse you imagined, it is a particularly magical place."


"That's right," Mengmeng's petite and flexible body flew up and down, extremely cheerful, "After entering the Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven, you will sense many items, none of which are ordinary things. However, only those who can resonate with you and are willing to Only those things that recognize you as the master can be truly taken away."

"Recognize me as the master?" Chen Hui asked curiously, "Could it be that all the treasures in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury have spirituality?"

"Of course!" Mengmeng looked at Chen Hui like a fool, "Is all your Tiandi collections are street stalls?"

"Then... do you know that there is a way to bring the dead back to life in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor?" Chen Hui immediately asked again.

After Mengmeng heard this sentence, she suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, she finally said: "The method of bringing the dead back to life actually exists in the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house; it is called the Three Life Stone. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that the three-life stone has great spirituality. It's so hard to get, so hard that you can almost give up." Fairy Mengmeng said helplessly.

Talking along the way, Mengmeng has led Chen Hui to a dazzling enchantment. She threw out a golden token in her hand, quickly sealed her hands, and muttered something.

After a long time, the spell in Mengmeng's mouth ended, and an extremely long, colorful staircase appeared in front of Chen Hui, extending into the air.

"You can go up this ladder, there is a green pheasant guarding the door of the treasure house, and he will open the door for you." Mengmeng flew into Chen Hui's ear, laughing like a silver bell, "Go quickly, I wish you Good luck!"

With excitement, Chen Hui walked up the colorful stairs.

While the light was changing, Chen Hui climbed up the stairs, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of a magnificent gate.

He raised his head and looked at everything in front of him, as if in a dream: "The treasure house of heaven and earth, what will be inside?"

At this time, another elf flew in front of the door, waking Chen Hui like a dream: "Hey, there are such handsome elves in the world?"

"Boy, you are so lucky. The Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor has never been opened to outsiders." The small but handsome elf came to Chen Hui and pinched his waist with both hands: "Remember, you can only take one otherwise, don’t blame Aokiji for being rude to you!”

As he said that, the elf called "Aokiji" released a strong coercion.

Feeling this power, Chen Hui was taken aback: "Immortal Realm... mid-stage? Are you stronger than me?"

"Nonsense!" Aokiji laughed, "Do you think anyone can come and take care of the Heavenly Emperor's treasury?"

"This...it is true!" Chen Hui scratched his head.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you haven't seen it yet, the Mengmeng fairy who brought you here just now is stronger than me!" Qingzhi dropped another blockbuster.

"Is Mengmeng so powerful?" Chen Hui hadn't noticed it at all before.

"You can ask her when you go back, that guy is about to break through to the late stage of the Immortal Realm..." Qingzhi said with a resentful face.

"I would like to trouble Qingzhi to help open the door of the treasure house of heaven and earth." Chen Hui laughed.

"Okay, you wait!"

As the door of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House slowly opened a crack, Chen Hui could clearly feel that there was a strange thing inside, calling to him.

This call was so strong that he wished he could rush in immediately.

Sensing Chen Hui's strange behavior, the green pheasant gave Chen Hui a strange look, "Boy, why are you so dazed, hurry in!"

"Oh...Okay, okay!" Chen Hui became extremely excited, and immediately rushed into Tiantiandi's treasure house with the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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