Chapter 104 Flying South (1)
And if someone flies to the island of Shuiyue Bay, they can look at the bright and soft full moon above their heads, while the one under their feet is like another bright moon. The quiet Shuiyue Bay reflects the whole cool moon, just like Just like two moons facing each other quietly, you will smell the most beautiful fragrance of laurel in the world and feel the most peaceful atmosphere in the six worlds. Lying on the island, you can even hear your own heartbeat clearly. Feel the beauty of the most leisurely years.

Because of the magic of Shuiyue Bay, in the fairy world, most immortals will not come here, most of them are because they cannot fly over the sea, and the few immortals who can fly over Shuiyue Bay set foot on Shuiyue Bay for the first time in Xinghua From time to time, the island automatically regards Shuiyue Bay as a place for him to quietly avoid guests.Therefore, once Xinghua flew to Shuiyue Bay, all the immortals in the fairy world knew that Xinghua didn't want to see anyone, and they would never disturb him.

Piaoluo flew towards the moon, grateful for Gui Ran's care in the next few days, if he hadn't gone to the mortal world to help her buy chicken legs, she would definitely not have the energy to fly now.

I don't know how long it took, until Piaoluo felt that she was about to wonder if Mr. Taibaixing was wrong, she smelled a faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, which brought her spirit together.

Fly south.

Piaoluo changed her direction and flew towards the south, her skirt fluttered, her black hair scattered, passing through the clouds and the wind, the fairy palaces below her had become extremely small, occasionally the spiers of several halls could be seen.

After flying for a while, Piaoluo looked again, and the delicate and majestic fairy palace was no longer visible. She seemed to be in an endless sea of ​​clouds, and she had no other thoughts but to fly to the front.

When she was almost exhausted, Piaoluo finally saw the Shuiyue Bay mentioned by Mr. Taibaixing.

In the depths of layers of white clouds, Piaoluo sees Shuiyue Bay like a silver mirror, and the tumbling clouds and waves embellish its beauty on the shore of Shuiyue Bay.When it landed on the shore of Shuiyue Bay, Piaoluo clearly felt a coolness coming from the soles of her feet.

Wow.How could the ground in Shuiyue Bay be so cold?

Piaoluo looked around, except for the clouds, there was only a big full moon hanging in a place that seemed to be within her reach. There were no flowers, plants, birdsong, or even a wave, but Shuiyue Bay was beautiful. Piaoluo was speechless in amazement, because of its extraordinary tranquility and the cool moon reflected in the water.

The sense of stillness, the sound in the heart, the sound is like music.

For the first time, Piaoluo felt that silence was the best way to understand.Understand the beauty of Shuiyue Bay and its magic.

Thinking that Xinghua was on the island in the center of Shuiyue Bay, Piaoluo, who hadn't seen him for ten days, couldn't wait, so she flew into the air and flew towards the center of Shuiyue Bay.

Yuehua rose from the east sky to the middle position, Piaoluo hadn't found the island of Shuiyue Bay, and she didn't even see its shadow, and she didn't know how far she had flown. It was the silver surface of the water, nothing else, and she didn't know if she was flying towards the center.

The cold air of Shuiyue Bay rose into the air, Piao Luo, who was exhausted, gradually felt a little dizzy, her flight speed slowed down, and her heart was slightly confused when she was anxious to find someone. Why did I suddenly become weak and fell into the water.


Piaoluo woke up awake from the stimulation of the cold water, and floated to the surface of the water with her hands fluttering, trying to fly out of the water, but she lost all strength.Although the water without waves did not make her feel panic, but she couldn't fly, and she didn't have the strength to swim, and she didn't know which direction the island was in, so she was hopeless.

What to do now?
Piaoluo in the water looked around, but didn't see anything, but she felt that she couldn't swim for long, so she opened her throat at a loss.



Piaoluo yelled twice, looked at the water, but there was no reply.


The clear female voice pierced through the clouds and drifted far, far away, but no one responded to her, just like throwing a small stone into a huge lake, the stone sank to the bottom, and the lake soon returned to calm.

After Piaoluo in the water yelled a few times, she waited for Xinghua to appear, but what she got was a scene of silence and no one. She thought, maybe she was still far away from the center of Shuiyue Bay.Mr. Taibaixing didn't tell her that Shuiyue Bay is so big, is she going to die here tonight if she can't fly over the sea?She was curious, if she died, would the master be very sad?

After choosing a direction, trying to swim far away in the cold water consumes a lot of Piaoluo's physical energy. At first, she didn't realize it. When Piaoluo couldn't swim anymore, she stopped, let herself float on the water, and panted heavily Panting, she knew that this kind of breathing would make her lose more heat, but she had no strength to swim any more, almost desperate, she gathered all her strength and shouted at Mingyue.

When he heard Piaoluo's voice, Xinghua was lying on a big white rock on the island of Shuiyue Bay, lying on his side, resting his head with one hand and closing his eyes.


Xinghua frowned slightly, Piaoluo's voice?I must have missed her too much, otherwise why would I feel that I heard her voice, which was full of urgency.Suddenly, Xinghua opened his eyes.

With such an eager voice, something happened to Piaoluo?

Xinghua thought about it, Shuiyuewan was far away from the Celestial Prison, and it was impossible for Piaoluo's voice to come through. If he and Piaoluo felt that she was asking for help, then she must be in distress in the Celestial Prison.

In the blink of an eye, the figure on the big white stone disappeared.
After shouting, Xinghua could not be seen, and Piaoluo lost her last bit of strength, so she slowly closed her eyes and let herself sink to the bottom of the water.

Seeing the two white arms sinking on the water surface, Xinghua's eyes widened, and the breath in his chest froze for a moment. He was too familiar with the bracelet on his right wrist.Xinghua quickly dived towards the surface of the water, when the palm of his hand caught the slender hand that was three inches below the surface of the water, he lifted it hard, picked up the woman in the water, and hugged her into his arms.

Drops of water fell from Piaoluo's clothes to the surface of Shuiyue Bay, and the wet clothes were clinging to Xinghua's fairy clothes. The fainting Piaoluo made Xinghua feel distressed. Call her, "Piaoluo!"

Xinghua breathed out a breath of fairy air towards Piaoluo's frozen blue lips, and woke her up from a coma.


"Piaoluo, wake up."

The water in Shuiyue Bay is too cold, and her body has not recovered.But why did she come to Shuiyue Bay?Who released her from the dungeon?Or, did she escape by herself?

Piaoluo slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw who was in front of her eyes, she frowned slightly, tried to pull a smile from the corner of her mouth but failed, and felt aggrieved in her heart, "I wouldn't show up."

Xinghua's heart suddenly ached, as if being pricked by a thin needle, he held Piaoluo's cheek with his warm palm, there were many things he wanted to say in his heart, and when he reached his mouth, two words that seemed angry but still hurt Word, "Fool!"

Holding Piaoluo who was trembling all over, Xinghua flew to the island of Shuiyue Bay and put her on the big white stone. After all the doubts in his mind were suppressed, "Change clothes first." Pointing to the water surface of Shuiyue Bay , A ray of fairy light flew out, stirring up a few drops of water on the water surface, turning into a set of ethereal and light heavenly clothes and floating to Xinghua's hand.

Piaoluo hugged her trembling body and looked around, then asked Xinghua, "Is... right here?"

"Well. Don't be afraid, no one will see."

Piaoluo shook her fingers to pull on the belt, Xinghua looked anxious in secret, simply waved her wide sleeves, and directly used the fairy method to help her change clothes, watching her standing on the big white stone in the water-colored clothes, she was surprised for a while. I don't know what to say.

Ten days no see.

An inch of time and an inch of missing.

His appearance has not changed, but he has become thinner, and the sadness between his brows has faded, and it has penetrated into her heart.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo who was silent on the stone, he didn't know what to say even more because he was always taciturn, she was still angry in her heart, he was already trying to eliminate her resentment, but he didn't want her to suddenly get angry before things were done. come out.

The ten fingers in Piaoluo's sleeves curled up, and the moment the fingertips pierced the skin causing slight pain, she couldn't help but threw herself into Xinghua's arms because she couldn't help feeling for him in her heart.She would still be saddened by Duan Yan's death, his actions made her feel chilled and resentful, but she cared about him so much that her heart ached.

This time, when Piaoluo hugged her, Xinghua didn't hesitate, and quickly raised his arms to hug her tightly, as if afraid of her leaving.It's good that she still wants to be close to him.

"Master, don't want me."

Xinghua smiled wryly in his heart, he doesn't want her?How could he not want her, and how could he be willing to not want her, only she didn't want his share.

"Have you forgotten what I said? As long as you don't leave me, I won't let you go."

Piaoluo hugged Xinghua's neck and complained, "You lied. When Caifeng Shangxian said that I was not worthy to be your apprentice, you didn't say a word. You acquiesced. You also thought I was not worthy. You don't want me, you don't want me. Just don't want me."

"Piaoluo, at that moment, it would be wrong to say more, it is better not to say."

As soon as the conversation started, Caifeng would inevitably ask why Duanyan, who became a demon, was with Piaoluo. It is not difficult to think of the man Siyin brought to Xinghua Palace. First of all, it is wrong for him to save the demon spirit, no matter who it is.He was silent, others did not dare to ask questions easily, but she was less troublesome.

"You haven't even visited me." Piaoluo was really wronged in every possible way.

"How do you know I haven't been there!"

Piaoluo raised her head from Xinghua's shoulder, looked at him with tears in her eyes, "You went? But why didn't I see it?"

"See, will you be happy then?"

Piaoluo pursed her lips, unable to answer Xinghua's question.She wasn't happy that he didn't go.But if he goes, she probably won't be happy either.It was really hard for her to let go of Duanyan's problem.

"Why did you come to Shuiyue Bay?"

"Why did you come to Shuiyue Bay?"

With the same voice, Xinghua and Piaoluo asked each other the same question.

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

They spoke in unison again, Xinghua and Piaoluo looked at each other and smiled lightly, Xinghua raised his eyebrows, "Say it."

Piaoluo didn't want to, Caifeng and Taibai Xingjun both mentioned someone to her, Huaqiao!She would like to hear what Master said, why did he come to Shuiyue Bay? Mr. Taibaixing said that he might come to Shuiyue Bay because of Huaqiao. She wondered why he would come to Shuiyuewan to avoid visitors when Master Huaqiao came. ?
"Who told you that I was in Shuiyue Bay as a teacher? Who told you to come?" Xinghua had lingering fears about saving her just now, if he hadn't heard her call for help, and if he had returned to Xinghua Palace, or if she had moved slightly in the direction If it was a little off, he might not be able to save her. "Do you know that not everyone can fly over to Shuiyue Bay? Why don't you call me from the shore with a thousand-mile voice transmission? Do you know how dangerous it was just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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