Chapter 105 Too little? (1)
After a long time.

The panting in the boat gradually calmed down, Piaoluo said: "Master, you and I should be regarded as old cows eating tender grass."

Xinghua glanced at Piaoluo.Why is this unlucky girl so speechless?I don't know how to please my husband.

Piaoluo received Xinghua's gaze and changed her words, "Okay, okay, let me eat old cows for tender grass." She still doesn't want to admit that she is old.Looking at it, Piaoluo asked strangely, "Master, is this the first time you have done this in millions of years?"

Xinghua's face darkened and he didn't speak.

Piao Xiaoluo, you are too unpleasant!

Piao Luo, who doesn't know how to read words and colors, is happy.At first glance, the reaction was, it really is an old boy.

"Little Xingxing, don't be unhappy. You see, from now on, you will have one more fitness activity."

"Aren't you too young?"

A wicked smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Xinghua's mouth, and he turned over with Piaoluo in his arms and pressed her down, "That's right, when you get old, you should exercise more. Let's... come again."

Xinghua immediately used the fairy method to fly over her fairy clothes, spread them to cover Piaoluo, and hugged her with both arms, "If it's still cold, tell me."


For the first time, Piaoluo felt that the distance between the two had shortened a lot. Today's Xinghua really belongs to her, just as he said, he is her only man, she can secretly tell herself in her heart, No matter how bad she is, the most perfect man in the fairy world has a relationship with her that can no longer be denied.It doesn't matter if those fairies have a high status, he belongs to her.It doesn't matter if such a transgression is not recognized by the fairy world, she will carefully hide it and prevent their feelings from being exposed in front of the immortals.

All she wants is peace of mind.

Probably because Xinghua was really tired, Piaoluo who lay on him fell asleep not long after.

The next morning.

Piaoluo turned over and felt the pain in her waist and limbs. She frowned and opened her eyes. She smiled softly at Xinghua's slightly smiling eyes, "Little Xingxing."

Xinghua pinched Piaoluo's waist with his fingers, "It's not big or small."

"Hehe..." Piaoluo twisted her waist and laughed out loud, "So you're called a gorilla?"

"Next you are going to be called the teacher 'human ape'."

Piaoluo smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Don't dare."

"It's too early. Go to sleep a little longer."

Piaoluo obediently closed her eyes.She found that she had put on the unlined clothes at some point, and so did Xinghua, and the light blue fairy clothes that had been covering her had turned into sky blue brocade quilts.It's nice to have him by my side.

Opening her eyes again, it was Piao Luo who was looking at the window with her eyes narrowed as her cheeks were warmed by a ray of sunlight coming in from the window of the ship.The sun has risen so high.

Piaoluo looked to the side, Xinghua was no longer there.Looking towards the bow, he was sitting on the bow, meditating and cultivating his mind.Unintentionally practicing, she climbed to the window, resting her chin on one hand, leaning against the window to enjoy the scenery, looking at the endless Shuiyue Bay, listening to the slight sound of the wind, as well as her own inner voice.It's really quiet here, between the sky and the water, without contending with the world, it's so quiet that time seems to have stopped.

Piaoluo, who was in a daze, didn't notice that someone was coming, and when her delicate lotus feet were held by someone, she turned her head away.After finishing the meditation, Xinghua sat on the soft couch and grabbed her little feet with one hand, looking at her with tender eyes like water.

Piaoluo turned her back to lean against the window, raised the foot held by Xinghua and put it on his thigh, she smiled softly, charming and charming, her gorgeous face became extraordinarily charming and seductive after the affair between men and women.

Xinghua's hand slowly moved up his foot, sliding over his little ankle...

After coming down from Moon Cliff, Xinghua put Piaoluo on the ground, and just as she let go, she almost fell to the ground.

Xinghua caught Piaoluo quickly with sharp eyes and hands, "What's wrong?"

"The feet are weak."

Hearing her words, Xinghua suddenly wanted to laugh.Of course, he didn't let himself hold back and laughed out loud.He said jokingly, "It's only been a few times that I've become weak, what should I do if I increase the amount in the future?"

"I won't sleep with you in the future." Piaoluo became angry, "I won't rub against your bed anymore."

Xinghua smiled, "Yeah. I'll rub your bed from now on."

Piaoluo: "Speechless..."

Master, what about your integrity?Pick it up.

There was no suspense in the posture of flying over Shuiyue Bay. Piaoluo was held in Xinghua's arms and flew back to the shore from the island. When she arrived on the shore, she still refused to let go and hugged his neck, "Husband, I still have to fly for a long time!" After a long journey, my legs are weak."

Xinghua has always had a good temper, not to mention the woman he ate even the bones and marrow in his belly, Piaoluo didn't want to walk or cast spells to fly, and he didn't want to let her go, so flying such a distance with her in his arms was completely out of the question Next, he was happy to enjoy her acting like a baby, and flew back to the fairy palace from the shore of Shuiyue Bay with her in his arms.

Outside Xinghua Palace, Xinghua hugged Piaoluo, looking at her who was still not satisfied.

"Hold on, be careful outsiders see it."

"When you see it, tell me I'm not in good health."

Xinghua had no choice but to carry her and walked through the gate of Xinghua Palace. Just as he stepped into the front yard, Bai Yin's voice came from behind him.


Xinghua stopped, turned around, Bai Yincaifeng and walked in, seeing Piaoluo being hugged, the three of them couldn't help feeling a little nervous, could it be that something happened to this girl?

Caifeng asked, "What happened to Piaoluo?"

"Last night, she flew to Shuiyue Bay to find me, but she couldn't fly and fell into the water." Xinghua glanced at Piaoluo, "The injury is not healed, and she acted rashly without considering her own ability. Wait a moment , wait for me to take her back to the room, okay?"

After the three of Bai Yin confirmed that Piaoluo was not ill because of being locked up in the prison, they were secretly relieved and nodded to Xinghua.

Said: "It's okay with us. You can take her back to the house first."

"Master, let me down, I'm fine."

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, and put her down gently, his expression was as indifferent as usual, and he said in a master's manner: "Go slowly, if you feel unwell, wait for your teacher in the main hall."


Piaoluo turned around and moved slowly into the hall.

Xinghua looked at the three of Bai Yin, "What's the matter?"

Caifeng turned her eyes to Bai Yin's face when she met him, he was the one who came up with the idea, so let him speak.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Bai Yin looked at Xinghua with a smile, "I came to tell you that night that Dongtianmen was attacked by a demon spirit. Didn't a man in black run out of your palace after that? We caught up. The three of us thought about it, and the other party probably came after Piaoluo, trying to lure her into the bait again. So..." Bai Yin observed Xinghua's face, "Let's invite Piaoluo Xiaoxiao did me a favor."

Xinghua frowned slightly, waiting for Bai Yin's next words.

"Didn't Piaoluo bring Zhen Tianzhu to the Demon Realm? Caifeng and others pushed her along and locked her in the sky prison. Piaoluo is your disciple, so we should inform you first, but we see that you love her a lot. Plus, I was afraid that you would disagree, so I didn't say anything. Hehe..." Seeing a trace of coldness in Xinghua's eyes, Bai Yin smiled embarrassingly, "We didn't expect that Piaoluo didn't tell you either. Caifeng You didn't make a sound when Shangxian sentenced Piaoluo for you, we thought you knew."

The coldness in Xinghua's eyes, which is hard to be caught by others, became a little stronger, and Bai Yin's heart felt a little hairy when he saw it.He is an immortal, and he actually pushed the responsibility on Piaoluo!They have always been dissatisfied with Piaoluo, they asked her to cooperate as bait, would she refuse?They said they would not notify him, did she dare to say so?If she said it, he would definitely not agree. Even if he agreed, he would personally protect her. How could he let her be used by them without knowing anything, and she was imprisoned in the prison for ten days? He couldn't bear to take her around, they designed her like this!
It's not easy to wait for others, so I can feel the slight change in Xinghua's mood, and said: "Shangxian Xinghua, the three of us have been very careful to protect Piaoluo in secret, and didn't hurt her. The only one, It's just that she was wronged and spent ten days in the sky prison, but I'm sorry for that."

"That's right. Xinghua, we are also thinking about the fairy world and Piaoluo's sake." Caifeng also helped explain, "If the man in black's target is one of our disciples, we will not be partial."

Bai Yin hurriedly said: "Yes, yes. If it comes to Gui Ran, I will agree to let him come out as bait."

Xinghua, who had been silent for a long time, glanced across the faces of the three of them one by one, and said in a clear and cold voice, "It's the same thing as disagreeing with my apprentice as bait. Do you tell me that this immortal is another one?" Another matter."

In the mortal world, there is a reason for reprimanding one's own children at will and never scolding other people's children lightly. As gods, don't they understand?Even if it is the head of the fairy, has he ever interfered with them teaching their disciples?

Bai Yin whispered, "Shangxian Xinghua, we all have good intentions."

"Who came up with the idea?" Xinghua asked.

He Caifeng's eyes fell on Bai Yin again, and he stood up.

"Ben Xian."

Xinghua glanced at Bai Yin, and shouted at Caifeng: "If you two are fine, go back first, I already know about this matter. I will talk to Bai Yin Shangxian again."

After leaving with Caifeng, Xinghua's eyes suddenly became very cold. Looking at Bai Yin, the anger in his heart was half-hidden and half-revealed, and he suddenly grabbed the clothes under Bai Yin's neck, and said word by word: "Back to me!" Let me use her, just this once!"

They said they secretly guarded her safety, but he didn't believe it!
It's not that I don't believe that they will protect her, but that I don't believe that they can protect her well!
Only when he protects his woman can he rest assured!

After letting go of Bai Yin, Xinghua turned around and entered the room with a flick of his sleeve.

"Don't you want to know if we caught the man in black?"

Xinghua said without looking back: "I didn't catch anyone, how dare you stand here and talk to me?"

"You don't want to know who it is?"

Xinghua strode toward the room, "Say."

"The shape-changing Ghost Valley Master."

Xinghua stopped, turned around and looked at Bai Yin in the courtyard, "Her?"

Piao Luo, who was eavesdropping behind the gate of the main hall, was also puzzled when she heard Bai Yin's voice. That person left Xinghua Palace very early, why did he come to Xinghua Palace again?She has no enmity with her, how could she lurk in and want to hurt her?

"Phantom Valley has practiced the Three Lives Dafa. After absorbing enough essence from hundreds of people, the appearance of the person who sucked it last will become her physical appearance in human form. She chose Piaoluo."

The ghosts in the Ghost Valley are all phantom bodies. If you want to get a physical body, you must practice the legendary Three Lives Dafa. After practicing, you must absorb the yang essence of hundreds of people to lay the essence foundation for your body. The gender of the last person This is what they will eventually look like as adults.

Hearing Bai Yin's words, Xinghua remembered that the Ghost Valley Master had indeed seen Piaoluo, and he still remembered the astonishment on her face when she saw her.

"Where are people now?"

"Tian Shui Prison."

Xinghua turned around, and Bai Yin turned his back to each other at the same time, one entered the house and the other left the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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