Chapter 154 Divided into two roads (1)
"What if it's not?"

"Today Tuxian, even if he is not Xinghua Shangxian, the shadow coming out of the fairy palace should not be taken lightly. Go!"


Soon, the four demon spirits investigating the situation split into two ways.

After Lian Xin and Hua Qiao came out of Xinghua Palace, because they didn't want to be seen by others, they both flew incognito. When they were approaching the Nantian Hall, they saw two familiar figures.

Huaqiao was taken aback, Xinghua and Piaoluo?Didn't it mean that Xinghua didn't come back?Why are you back in the Nantian Hall now?And Piaoluo, she went to Motuo Tianshan to practice penance for ten years, and she came back after just over a year?

"Little sister, look." Lian Xin was surprised and didn't know what to say.

"I saw."

"I obviously didn't see Immortal Xinghua come back in the morning, why did he appear now? And there is Piaoluo, she is back too."

Hua Qiao flew towards the figure in the distance, "Maybe he came back when you returned to Xinghua Palace."

After all, he still couldn't let go of the fairy world, she thought he could really be so ruthless, and this time he even brought Piaoluo back, could it be that he had been living in Motuo Tianshan before?

Thinking that Xinghua might accompany Piaoluo who was cultivating in Motuo Tianshan, Huaqiao was so angry that her fingertips stuck into her palm.She knew that resentment, love, hatred and ignorance should not be touched, but she had no way to pull out the root of resentment in her heart.She hated Piaoluo, hated her for taking away her Xinghua, that perfect Xinghua belonged to her.She hates Xinghua, obviously she is the one who treats him most sincerely, why can't he see her love, why those five years of companionship can't compare to a young apprentice under his family, Piaoluo is really so good?

Lian Xin held Hua Qiao's wheelchair and asked her, "Little sister, do we really want to follow?"

Huaqiao remained silent, she wanted to see where Xinghua took Piaoluo, and how would he deal with her when he was in danger?Moxin asked for Piaoluo, but he refused to give it, and the fairy and devil fought.If he gave it, he would never have the chance to get her again.However, no matter how she chooses, Piaoluo's reputation as a beauty and disaster is settled, because she caused the fairy and the devil to fight again, it is a sin for her to let go of the devil's heart, and it is also a sin to cause a big fight.

In order not to let 'Xinghua' and 'Piaoluo' find themselves, Huaqiao and Lianxin didn't follow closely, but they just kept them out of my sight. stopped.

"Little sister, why don't we go in."

"It's too foggy inside, and we can't see anyone when we go in. We just wait outside."

at the same time.

The two demon spirits quickly ran back to their vanguard and reported to Ye Xi.

"Guardian Zuo, we found a figure coming out of the Immortal Palace and flying towards the southwest."

Ye Xi looked at the two subordinates and asked, "Can you see who they are?"

"No. Just a pale blue light."

Another demon said: "I heard that Xianshou Xinghua is wearing light blue clothes, maybe it's him."

Ye Xi looked at the two demon spirits, and shouted: "Since I suspect it is Xinghua, why don't you follow him?" They ran back like this, and with Xinghua's strength, they had already disappeared without a trace. to what.

"Guardian Zuo calm down. Two people have already followed, and we came back to report to the Lord."


Ye Xi thought about it, turned around and immediately went to Mo Xin.
On the manzhushahua golden chair surrounded by the demon spirits of Tuxian's guard camp, Moxin leaned leisurely, with his eyes closed, not sure if he was asleep or thinking about something.

"Master Demon."

Ye Xi's voice didn't make Mo Xin open his eyes, and continued to maintain his posture, as if he didn't hear his voice.

"Just now, two spies, demon spirits, came to report and saw a very fast light blue figure. They suspected it was Xinghua."

Suddenly, Mo Xin opened his eyes, sat upright, his eyes fixed on Ye Xi.

"What about people?"

"There are two demon spirits following."

Mo Xin suddenly flew down from the Manzhushahua golden chair, and the red robe spread out like the wings of a roc, sweeping across the blue sky domineeringly, Ye Xi hurriedly flew to follow.

"Master Mozun, the report said that he went to the southwest of the fairy world."

Mo Xin's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, isn't that the direction of Posuo Fashan?Xinghua went to Posuofa Mountain, could it be that he wanted to seal him again today?Hehe, his plan is not bad, but I don't know if he has the ability.

The speed of Moxin's flight became faster and faster, leaving Yexi behind after a while, and flew to Posuofa Mountain alone.He was sealed there for hundreds of thousands of years, and he will never forget the suffering he suffered there. Mount Posau is his shame.
Hua Qiao, who was waiting for Xinghua outside the sea of ​​fog, saw a red shadow flying over, and was startled when she saw it clearly.

Magic heart?

In the blink of an eye, Moxin flew into the sea of ​​fog.

Lian Xin also saw the demon heart flying into the sea of ​​fog, and she stammered nervously, "Little, little senior sister, should we wait here?"

Of course you have to wait, why not wait?Xinghua Piaoluo is inside, and now the Demon Heart is gone, she is not worried about Xinghua, at most she will be injured, but Piaoluo may be injured, she is not very good, if Xinghua and Demon Heart fight, she will not be able to avoid it. I'm worried, if I'm in a hurry, maybe I won't be able to stop it, when the time comes... the fight has no eyes, there is no guarantee that something will happen.

Hua Qiao chuckled, it's a pity that she couldn't see Mo Xin snatch Piao Luo with her own eyes.
In the sea of ​​fog, the line of sight is severely blocked, and people can no longer see clearly when they are close. The demon heart restrains his demon spirit aura, and does not let his aura disturb Xinghua. In the white mist that fills the sky, uncertain He couldn't act hastily with Luo in front of him, if Xinghua was so frightened that he hid Piaoluo again, it would be really hard to find.He didn't expect that Xinghua would actually send Piaoluo to Posuofa Mountain. Did he think he would dare not come to the place where he was sealed?
"I'm going."

Suddenly, Moxin stopped flying, and confidently listened to the female voice coming from nowhere.

"Master, just let me go."

"The battle between immortals and demons is not something you can handle."

The devil's heart was shaken, Xinghua's voice!It really was him, he really wanted to hide Piaoluo here.

It was Xinghua's voice again, very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing something, "You wait here as a teacher, and as a teacher, I promise that once the battle is over, I will definitely come to pick you up."

"Master, if I can help you, just take me there."

Hearing Piaoluo begging Xinghua to take her to join the battle, Mo Xin frowned slightly. When did Piaoluo and Xinghua reconcile?Didn't you say you were separated from him in the demon forest before?She is lying to him?Or did Xinghua coax her into the fairy world?If it was him, would she be able to kill him?Does she hate the demon world just like those immortals?
"Don't say any more. If you don't allow it, you don't allow it." Xinghua said in a slightly angry tone.

Piaoluo was anxious, "Master."

Moxin didn't know what Xinghua had done, but heard Piaoluo humming lightly, but there was no more sound.

After that, Xinghua's voice never sounded again.

Moxin knew that Piaoluo was near him, but he couldn't see anything in the thick fog. If his guess was correct, Xinghua had already left, and Piaoluo was hidden here by him. He might want to deal with him with peace of mind. Well, I didn't expect it to be discovered by him instead.

After a while, Moxin waited for Xinghua to go away, and began to look for Piaoluo wantonly.

Finally, in a not-so-deep rock cave, he saw 'Piaoluo' locked by 'Xinghua'. The stunning woman was sitting against the stone with her eyes closed, breathing evenly, and didn't react at all to the man approaching him.

Moxin walked to 'Piaoluo', wanted to call her, but knew that she could not be alarmed at this moment, raised his hand to touch her, but was suddenly bounced away by a white light.

Hehe, Xinghua did it carefully, he didn't want her to break out, and even trapped her with a barrier.It's no wonder that it's impossible for her to wait here patiently.It's just that this enchantment is useful to Piaoluo, who is not very skilled, but it is useless to him.

Moxin cast a spell to dispel the enchantment set by 'Xinghua'. He wanted to take Piaoluo to the Demon Realm as soon as possible, so he gently picked her up and flew out of the cave.
Huaqiao was watching from outside the sea of ​​fog, and seeing 'Xinghua' flying out as if nothing had happened, she couldn't help being a little puzzled.Demon Heart just entered, why did Xinghua come out so soon?Didn't he meet the Demon Heart?Piaoluo didn't follow him, did she hand it over to Moxin, or...stay in the sea of ​​fog, he can rest assured?
Lian Xin watched 'Xinghua' go away, not knowing why, what is the situation in front of him?Why is Demon Heart and Piaoluo inside, but Xinghua Shangxian came out alone?
"Little sister, what should we do now?"

Huaqiao analyzed it carefully, and found that the demon heart is in the sea of ​​fog, and it is very likely that he will find Piaoluo. If he goes in rashly and encounters him, he will definitely die.Since Xinghua left Piaoluo in the sea of ​​fog, she might as well act as if she didn't know anything, whether she was captured and taken to the magic palace or whether she lived and continued her relationship with Xinghua.In the current battle between immortals and demons, she is going to help Xinghua defend against the enemy, maybe this is an opportunity for the two of them to ease the atmosphere.As for Moxin, she doesn't need to worry about whether he will continue to slaughter immortals after he finds Piaoluo, as long as Xinghua comes back, the morale of the fairy world will greatly increase, and it is impossible for Moxin to destroy the fairy world.

"Let's go."


Huaqiao turned around and flew away, "Help Xinghua become immortal."

Lian Xin caught up with Hua Qiao, and said: "But Piao Luo is still in the sea of ​​fog, and if Mo Xin goes in, she may be in danger."

The corner of Huaqiao's mouth tugged lightly, she would feel very sorry if there was no danger, didn't Mozun just want to find her, wouldn't it be better to let him take her away, if she had some conscience, she could persuade Moxin not to slaughter the immortal, Although the fairy world is not afraid of him, the killing is too bloody.

"Little sister, why don't we go see Piaoluo?"

Lian Xin was intimidated by Mo Xin's appearance of wanting to kill Hua Qiao at the beginning, and worried about Piao Luo's safety.

"Xinghua can leave, why did we go in?" Huaqiao asked Lianxin, "Or do you think the two of us can deal with Moxin?"


Lian Xin was speechless.Although they definitely couldn't defeat the Demon Heart, it seemed immoral to leave like this. No matter what, they saw the Demon Heart enter. There, if they left like this, wouldn't they kill Piaoluo.

After Hua Qiao and Lian Xin flew for a while, Lian Xin was still worried, and said: "Little sister, I still think we should go in and have a look, if not, we should at least find Xinghua Shangxian and tell him that Demon Heart has entered The sea of ​​fog."

"Aren't we looking for Xinghua now?"

Lian Xin looked at Hua Qiao, would she really tell Shang Xinghua that the demon heart had entered the sea of ​​fog?
After 'Xinghua' came out of the sea of ​​fog, he quickly sneaked back to the Nantian Hall for discussion.

Seeing Xinghua come back, Gou Chen and Xuanwu, who couldn't tell if it was the real Xinghua, immediately went up to him and called out tentatively, "Xinghua?"

Bai Yin had the desire to tease the two of them, so he pretended to be expressionless and said, "Why call me back so urgently?"

When Gou Chen heard it, Xinghua really came back?
"Xinghua, it's great that you're back, we've been waiting for you for so many days."

(End of this chapter)

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