Chapter 155 Divided into two roads (2)
"I came all the way here and saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals are very guarded. What happened in the fairy world?"

Xuanwu said: "Moxin said that if we don't give him the floating radish today, he will kill the immortal."

"Is Tuxian the one he wants to kill?" 'Xinghua' said coldly, "With me and other immortals around, how can a demon be afraid."

Gou Chen and Xuan Wu looked at each other, and the enthusiasm on their faces dropped, fake.

"Hey, Gouchen Shangxian and Xuanwu Shangxian, what are your expressions? Could it be that you have no confidence in this immortal?"

"I said Bai Yin is going to be an immortal, but you still have the time to play around." Gou Chen looked at Bai Yin, "Hurry up and turn back, no matter how similar your face is, your temperament and tone of speech are not the same. A sentence or two is fine, but a few more words will reveal the truth."

Bai Yin was not reconciled, and asked Xuanwu, "Is this immortal not like Xinghua?"

"How can Xinghua's temperament be so flamboyant?"

No matter how great the disparity in strength is, it is impossible for Xinghua Shangxian to say, "Is Tu Xian the one he can kill if he wants to?"With me waiting for the immortals and all the immortals, how can a devil be afraid. ' In the face of the enemy, he will be silent or persuasive, but will never underestimate the enemy.In particular, his words are so few, he must not be like Bai Yin, who speaks long sentences and always simply expresses his thoughts.

Gou Chen agreed, "Yes."

Bai Yin had no choice but to change back to his own appearance. He couldn't help but feel a little worried. If he could be recognized by Gou Chen and Xuanwu, would the Piaoluo transformed from Caifeng be easily recognized by Moxin?
Xuanwu spoke out Bai Yin's worries, "I only hope that Caifeng can delay the time a little longer, but I don't want to be discovered by the devil's heart when I go to the devil's palace."


Xinghua, where have you been?
When Bai Yin, Gou Chen, and Xuan Wu went to the Nantian Hall to discuss with the immortals how to resist the demons, Hua Qiao and Lian Xin looked at the immortal seat from an inconspicuous corner.Xinghua, Caifeng and Leo's seats were empty, and Liao was inspecting the defense of the heavenly soldiers and generals. Where did Xinghua and Caifeng go?
Master Taibai Xing stroked his white beard, and said: "Shangxian Xinghua doesn't know where, for now, we can only unite."

Huaqiao was shocked, Xinghua didn't come back?But she clearly saw Xinghua, or did Xinghua not come to Nantian Hall?It doesn't make sense, if something like this happened, it's impossible for him not to come to Nantian Hall to reassure all the immortals. It's a big taboo to see the coach before the battle, and he will not understand his weight in the hearts of the immortals.

"Little Senior Sister, we saw the Immortal Xinghua, he is back."

Huaqiao stretched out her hand to stop Lianxin's voice. If Xinghua was in the fairy palace, he would definitely not show up. At this moment, his not showing up is definitely not because of his presence. She still has some confidence.The only explanation is that Xinghua never came back!
Then, who was Xinghua they saw?

The more she thought about it, the more Huaqiao felt that something was wrong.

With Xinghua's ability, he should be able to feel that she and Lian Xin followed them, but he didn't seem to know it at all.Also, even if you can't see the distance in the sea of ​​fog, does Xinghua mean that he didn't feel the intrusion of the devil's heart at all?Once in and out, the interval between the two of them was not long.Xinghua never imagined that Piaoluo might encounter danger in a place he couldn't see?Why didn't he bring her with him when the battle was imminent?Isn't it more at ease when people are under the nose?Hiding someone, doesn't it seem that he has no confidence in himself? The Xinghua she knows shouldn't be someone who doesn't trust her so much.

"Lian Xin, stay here and see what they say, I'm going out first."

Worried about Hua Qiao, Lian Xin grabbed her wheelchair, "Little Sister, I'll be with you."

"Need not."

"But little senior sister..."

"The battle between immortals and demons is imminent, do you want to make more trouble and be disobedient?" Hua Qiao looked at Lian Xin sternly.

Lian Xin lowered her head, "I see."

Misty Peak, Antarctica.

Piaoluo turns the courtyard in front of the house into a place for her to play, with swings, wooden horses, small bridges and flowing water, flower gardens and pavilions, she can ask for anything as soon as she thinks of it, the courtyard has no pattern at all. Where to put it, the messy appearance makes Xinghua feel terrible.

"Little Xingxing..." Piaoluo sat on the swing frame and threw peanuts into her mouth, calling Xinghua who came out of the house, "Little Xingxing..."

Seeing that Piaoluo was in a good mood, Xinghua also felt lighthearted, so she didn't care much about whether she was big or small, presumably it was only her and him, so he didn't need to care about the status so much, walked over and saw the one next to the swing. The big wooden horse gently leaned on it, watching Piaoluo swinging in the air, smiling like a delicate flower, with the corners of its mouth slightly raised.

"Want to try one? Little Star."

"You eat so much, why don't you gain weight?" Xinghua looked at Piaoluo with disgust.

Piaoluo looked down at her hands, is this called eating too much?

"Because I'm naturally beautiful."

Xinghua chuckled, "Because you are naturally thick-skinned."

Piaoluo threw another peanut into her mouth, chewing and talking, "I'm not thick-skinned. Compared with you, my skin is as thin as the dumpling skin that ordinary people eat, and it will break if you poke it."

Swing on the swing, Piaoluo's mood also swayed with the swing.

"There is a man who is as thick-skinned as a city wall every day. He promised at night that he would never touch me the next day, but in the end, he broke his word every time." He shook his legs tremblingly, "I count Forget it, one or two... I broke my promise seven times."

When we first met, she herself had that kind of thought about him. It doesn't matter if there are more times of a certain thing, but it feels sweet.However, after a few days, she felt a faint pain in her back, and she was too tired to move at night. When begging for mercy, he clearly said well, and agreed to rest the next day and not to 'eat meat', but the two of them slept together at night. When he got under the quilt, his hands were dishonest, and the result of being dishonest was... to eat.

After being attacked by Piaoluo, Xinghua's mood improved even more.

He simply dodged to sit next to her, and put one hand on her shoulder, "Do you feel that someone seems to break their promise to me seven times is not enough?"

"What!" Piaoluo looked at Xinghua with wide eyes, "Not enough? It's enough."

Piaoluo stuffed a peanut into Xinghua's mouth and said, "Little Xingxing, you should know something."


"Don't indulge. Excessive desire." Piaoluo looked at Xinghua's whole body, "Look at you, you are already old, let's not say too much, maybe one million years old. Look at the men in the mortal world, when they reach forty When I was five, I felt that I was a middle-aged and elderly person. I shouldn’t be too indulgent about some things. I have to take it easy and live a good life. You are in the fairy world at your age, I think..."

Xinghua accepted Piaoluo's words, "You are very young."

"Whether you are young or not, you can't be like that every day."


"My back hurts."

Xinghua said courteously, "I'll rub it for you."

"No." Piaoluo resolutely refused.

He is a person who can't accept his hospitality casually. To put it nicely, he is considerate, but being considerate, he is often put on the bed by him. Even if he doesn't go to the bed, he will eventually be tossed into doing that kind of thing.In short, as long as he gets close to him, no matter how upright he looks, he will become the naked body of the two of them in the end.Relatively, a trace.don't hang up.

"My wife's resolute refusal will hurt my husband's heart."

Piaoluo panicked.

How could he be hurt by her with such a thick skin?
"Can you rest for a few days after being hurt?"



Xinghua took it for granted, "Injuries need to be healed. For my husband, you are the best medicine."

Piaoluo yawned, as if she didn't hear Xinghua's words.

"I don't care, I can't do it tonight anyway." Piao Luo puffed her cheeks and said what was in her heart.


"You promised?"


Piaoluo was happy for a while, but then felt sad again, what was the use of his promise, it still made her helpless at night.However, the back pain is the back pain, and the days with him in the Misty Peak of Antarctica can be said to be the fairy life of the fairy palace. You can wake up whenever you want to sleep, without the disturbance of all kinds of big and small fairies, and you don’t have to worry It's not that their relationship was discovered by others, his smell was in the air, unscrupulous and leisurely.

"Husband, has half a month passed since the Frost Moon in the Immortal Realm?" If she remembers the date correctly.

Xinghua responded, "Yes."

Piaoluo felt that the peanuts in her mouth had no taste, and after half a month he had to go back to the fairyland, whether she wanted to or not, as the head of the fairyland, he had to deal with the affairs of the fairyland.

"I'll come to Antarctic Misty Peak to accompany you when I'm done with work." Xinghua saw through Piaoluo's thoughts.

"Will it be like this for the next nine years?" Piaoluo asked.

A simple question stumped Xinghua's heart.

Selfishly, he wants to live a peaceful life with her, but he has a responsibility and cannot do whatever he wants.Ordinarily, he should also go to the fairy world that he hasn't been back for a long time. He thinks that nothing will happen in the frosty moon, and he will go back to the fairy palace after the cold moon is over.

"A Luo, one day, I will make up for all the grievances you have suffered."

Piaoluo smiled and shook her head, "It's not a grievance. Living here with you is not a grievance."

Of course she hopes to live in Xinghua Palace, but there she can't be as comfortable as she is in Antarctic Misty Peak, just like everything in the world has cause and effect, it can't be perfect.If they are not immortals, their feelings are allowed to be true, but if they are human beings, it will only take a few decades, so short, they will pass by in the blink of an eye, and they will forget each other in the next life.If it was a monster, perhaps there would be no such sincere feelings.They are good enough now, with endless time, respected identities, and affection that cannot be broken up by others. Apart from being unable to disclose their relationship to the sun, there is no shortage.

She is satisfied.

Xinghua hugged Piaoluo on his shoulder, and frowned slightly between her flat brows.

Whether the nine years are long or short, don't let any accidents happen during the period.


After Huaqiao came out from the Nantian Great Hall, she searched for Xinghua in the Immortal Palace. She firmly believed that if Xinghua really came back, she would not be able to find him.
The Heavenly Soldiers in the Immortal Realm who were in charge of inquiring about the situation of the demons flew back to the Immortal Realm from outside the realm and informed the Heavenly General.

"The demon suddenly retreated."

The heavenly general was puzzled, but he didn't believe it when he first heard it, so he went to Bai Yin and other immortals.

Hearing this, he said: "Heavenly General, you can send some people to investigate the reality and see if Mo Xin really retreated."


Bai Yin and Gou Chen looked at each other, it seemed that their plan had worked, Mo Xin's purpose of slaughtering the immortal this time was indeed for Piao Luo.

After Tianjiang received the news that all the demon spirits had withdrawn from the Demon Realm, the immortals breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yin looked at the immortals, "Although the demon heart did not attack the fairy world this time, we must not take it lightly. The heavenly soldiers and generals must strengthen their inspections of the fairy world every day. This may be an illusion given to us by the demon heart, or he may attack again soon. Attack us. This Frost Moon, everyone, don't be too relaxed, I hope everyone can get together next year, do you understand what I mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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