Chapter 218 Pretend not to miss (2)
Living in the temple complex is boring, and if you come to this kind of place, unless you want to find a quiet place to retreat and practice, no one really comes to see the tree.

The two of them walked a long way without hurrying, and Xinghua found out that the live mahogany sword followed them.

Xinghua was afraid that Piaoluo's leak would scare Huo Taomujian, so the hand that was holding her arm was wrapped around her waist, and he hugged her close to him, bowed his head and whispered in her ear.

"A Luo, I'm talking, you listen with a smile, don't be surprised, okay?"

"Well. You said."

Xinghua's thin lips moved close to Piaoluo's ear, her voice was very low, almost to the point where Piaoluo couldn't hear it unless she listened carefully.

"There is a live mahogany sword we are looking for quietly following us."

Just as Piaoluo's body moved slightly, Xinghua immediately hugged her tightly with his arms, "Don't go looking for her. Be good, listen to me."

Piaoluo nodded.

"I don't know why it followed us. Now we can only take a step to see what it wants to do. The live mahogany sword runs away very quickly. If it finds out that we want to catch it, it may run away without a trace. "


Piaoluo struggled to hear Xinghua's words clearly, she really wanted to see what the living mahogany sword looked like, it was just a wooden sword, but it was still alive, it really made her curious.However, she was afraid that she would really scare him away, and Xinghua would be lost.

"Now let's look at the scenery, don't worry about it, let's see why it follows us."

Piaoluo turned to look at Xinghua, smiled sweetly, "Okay."

She smiled and captured his heart.

Xinghua's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he bowed his head and kissed Piaoluo's lips...

She doesn't like to call him that, although she knows that he likes to call him that, but she is not used to it.I always feel that I haven't married him yet, and it's not easy to introduce him to everyone I know. It seems too abrupt to call him that.When talking to him, she always avoids calling him. Calling him by his name feels disrespectful enough. She is still a little scrupulous about whether it is Shangshen.But talking to him directly without addressing him doesn't feel respectful enough.So, she was tangled.Fortunately, when she was intimate with him, if she was emotionally moved, she would always shout her husband in a very happy and natural way.

Xinghua's arm suddenly strengthened significantly, pressing Piaoluo's body against her chest, lowering her head halfway, her cheek rubbing against her temples, and the feeling of tenderness and sweetness spread thickly in the air.

Taking advantage of the angle of lowering his head, Xinghua saw that the living peach wood sword following in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the peach wood fragrance emanating from the sword body also vaguely floated between his nostrils.Because the distance was still quite far, he could smell the peach wood fragrance, which surprised him a little.Judging from this, this live peach wood sword has at least 3 years of life, it is really a good sword, if you can catch it, it will be no problem to seal Mu Changbai's life gate.

Xinghua silently looked at the living peach wood sword that was slowly approaching, calculated the distance between each other, and wondered if he could catch it with one move.

However, to Xinghua's disappointment, the Huo Taomujian was obviously more cautious than he imagined. After reaching a certain position, he stood there straight, no longer moving, just watching Xinghua and Piaoluo embrace each other , exuding a light pink luster all over, showing that it is in a good mood now, and does not feel fear or fear.

The Huo Taomu Sword stopped moving forward, Xinghua felt that the distance was not ideal, by the time he let go of Piaoluo, it might have already fled away.

He really couldn't imagine that it followed them, why?It ran away when they noticed its movement, but when they were warm and affectionate, it ran up to take a closer look like a peeping thief.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Xinghua seemed to understand.

Spirit world.

Huisu and Snake returned to the temple, and Huisu cried out on the road after being pissed off by Qianli, chanting and cursing all the time, and when he arrived at Snake's bedroom, he complained more and more daringly.

"It's a snake, I really don't understand why Qianli can cultivate into a god, why does he have it?" Hui Shu shrunk his nose, and then shrank again, "Is he good looking?" Even if he really He looks very good, but he is not the only one who looks good in 33 Chongtian. Many gods can look good. Although he is a little bit worse than him, there are people who are not bad, such as Xinghua Shangshen. "The god of Xinghua is so handsome, and I have never seen him with such a vicious mouth. Could it be because of his strength? However, he is not the only one who is powerful, and he is not the only one. How could he bully me, unexpectedly... You actually cut me with an air sword."

Huisu thought back to the scene at that time, and shivered in fright, looked at the snake who was making tea for her, and continued to cry, "He is not pretending, he really cut it! Really cut it! You don't know if you killed the snake In that scene, if I don’t practice well, my hands and feet slow down a little bit, a little bit, I won’t be able to come back with you.”

Snake handed Huisu a cup of celestial tea, "Suppression."

She had advised her not to go back to Qianli Shangshen, his style is like that, no one can get cheap from him.It's not that she doesn't know how poisonous Qianli Shangshen's mouth is, hasn't she learned it before?She even ran to him to ask him to apologize, she was sure that Qianli Shangshen had lived to be millions of years old and had never said a word of apology.

"I want to sue him! I want to punish him!" Huisu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, "I want everyone to see his true face."

Snake wants to remind Huisu that everyone knows the face of God Qianli, and he has always been very real, so real that everyone respects him very much.

If Qianli Shangshen was just a poisonous mouth, then everyone would have dealt with him long ago, why would everyone still respect him.It was much more difficult for him to obtain the position of the Supreme God than those ancient beasts. He relied entirely on his own solid ability to secure his current position.If he didn't have the ability, he dared to be so self-sufficient!Just because he has paid more than anyone else, his skills are the most comprehensive and solid. He can make people surrender, making people feel that no matter how he acts, he is qualified.Qianli God, he is worthy.

"Also, today I feel that God Xinghua is not a good person."

Snake sighed, if you are dissatisfied with God Qianli, then you should be dissatisfied with him, why even God God Xinghua was brought in.

"He actually asked Qianli Shangshen why he didn't cut it. Listen, listen, what are you talking about?" Huisu twitched his nose a few times, "I just want the little white mouse in his hand? Why? Oh, it’s just a mouse, I’ve never heard that God Xinghua also likes small animals, if he asks for it a few times and doesn’t give it up, is it easy for me to lose face once?”

Snake frowned slightly, and looked at Huisu, she didn't say anything on the road.

"That little white mouse I saw in Xingluo Palace before?"


Huisu found that he really liked that little mouse, "I went to ask Qianli Shangshen for it, and he said that he had sent Xinghua to Shangshen. I asked Xinghua, and Xinghua said that he was not with him. As a result, I just went back Look for it, Xinghua grabbed it with his hands."

Snake felt it was strange, and walked slowly to a chair beside him and sat down. Xinghua did not keep any spiritual pets, not even big ones or small ones. He didn't seem to need those spiritual pets to pass the time. The white mouse was the first animal in millions of animals he raised.Apparently, he seemed to like it.Otherwise, he wouldn't let it stay in his lapel, you know, God Xinghua didn't let anyone touch his clothes easily.

"What does such a cute little white mouse look like in the hands of two big men? I don't think it's a mother."

Snake smiled lightly, "A gentleman doesn't take what others like. You, don't keep thinking about that little white mouse."

Huisu felt that she was very wronged. She didn't want to give up her thoughts about the mouse. She thought it would be gone if it was gone, but she didn't expect to see it again. Now that she saw it, she naturally hoped to get it. It's not something precious, I didn't expect Qianli and Xinghua to be so stingy.

"I'm in a hurry, I, I..."

to steal!

Huisu didn't say the two words in his heart, and it wasn't a glorious thing. Didn't it make the snake look down on her, she was just a little white mouse, and it seemed that she couldn't do such a thing that was detrimental to personal morality. things come.

The snake's thoughts turned from the little white mouse to Mu Changbai, how could God Qianli appear in Lidu?Ordinarily, it is enough to be puzzled by the appearance of Xinghua High God in Li, but it is strange that even him, who has lived in Qianchen Palace for a long time, has come down to earth.If God Xinghua asked him to deal with Mu Changbai, would it make sense?Didn't Xinghua High God not be able to defeat Mu Changbai, so Qianli High God came here?Even if Xinghua High God doesn't want to do anything, Qianli High God is not the kind who can invite him to move just for a ghost.

"Huisu, don't you find it strange?"

Huisu sobbed, and asked in a muffled voice, "What do you think is strange?"

"How did Xinghua and Qianli appear in Lidu?"

"It's so strange, they are a couple."

Who in the God Realm doesn't know that their friendship is good.

Snake shook her head. She felt that Huisu must have been confused by Qianliqi. It was useless to ask her anything now, but she thought about it and couldn't think of any results. She just vaguely felt that Xinghua and Qianli appeared in the mortal world Not quite normal.As for Mu Changbai, with them around, there should be no need to worry.

In the Wanli Zonglin at the west foot of Xigutian, Xinghua took Piaoluo to play around all morning. The live mahogany sword followed them, not far or near. He seemed interested in them, but he was afraid that they would catch him. Very strong.

Piaoluo walked next to Xinghua, talking to him in a low voice, "I don't think it will ever approach us, can we take the initiative to approach it?"

"no chance."

If he could take the initiative to walk towards it, why should he wait until now.

Piaoluo thought for a while, and then said: "Why don't we look for the peach tree and watch its condition at the same time. If we just spend time with it like this, time will pass, and we won't be able to catch it."

That's what Xinghua thought. He took Piaoluo to the woods that he had never found before, and he was also afraid that he would not be able to catch the live mahogany sword. After all, if it scares it, it will be really rare to let it Show up and follow them.If you can find a Wannian peach tree with a living peach tree sword, then don't you need to wait for it to be delivered.Door.

Immediately, Xinghua flew into the air with Piaoluo in his arms, and shuttled through the forest looking for Wannian Taomu. Unexpectedly, the live peachwood sword they could fly was quickly thrown away by them.

Xinghua observed secretly, and found that the Huo Taomujian did not keep up.

There was a little bit of pity in his heart, that was fine, he searched for the mahogany with peace of mind, always thinking about catching the live mahogany sword that appeared in his body made his pace of searching for the mahogany tree much slower.

Along the way, Xinghua found a few trees, but they were all unsatisfactory and too young, and their age was not at all the long live they needed.

After searching in the Wanli Zonglin all afternoon, seeing the setting sun, Piaoluo couldn't help but raise her hand to rub her eyes. After looking at the trees all afternoon, she was dazzled.

"A Luo, rest in my arms for a while."

Piaoluo shook her head, "No need."

"Then don't look for it, I'll come."

Hearing this, Piaoluo turned her face and leaned against Xinghua's neck, and said softly to him: "I'll take a rest first and then look for it."

(End of this chapter)

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