Chapter 219
"it is good."

Smelling the scent of lotus on Xinghua's body, Piaoluo couldn't help inhaling hard. She felt better, the smell on his body was really nice.After leaning against it for a while, Piaoluo complained softly.

"It's really disgusting. I have to use the mahogany sword. If we can use the lotus sword, we must have found it long ago."

I don't know why people in the world spread the rumor that peach trees can protect houses from evil spirits. Whenever a new house is built, peach branches are used to tie the four corners of the house, which is said to ensure the peace of the house and good luck.



Piaoluo was puzzled, "It's not that peach wood is meant to ward off evil spirits, it's the fine wood necessary for making magical instruments. Then why do you use peach branches when you're getting married?"

Xinghua looked for mahogany and asked, "Have you ever seen a girl get married?"

"I've seen it twice. I guess it was when I was a child. When I grew up, after my mother passed away, my father locked me in the mansion and didn't let me go out casually."

"Peachwood Marriage..." Xinghua's voice was slow, as if it was easier for Piaoluo to hear clearly, and it seemed that he was thinking about something, "It means that those who get married want their marriage to be happy and their family to be rich and safe. Run away and burn their lives Hua. Have you ever heard of it?"

Piaoluo replied: "Yeah. I know that. However, peach trees have always been mainly fruit, and they bear fruit for people to eat. Its trunk is thick and short, and it is bent and easy to break. This kind of wood is used to Is it really suitable to make a sword?"

"It is precisely because the nature of peach wood is not suitable for making swords, peach wood swords are rare. The selection of tree trunks is extremely picky." Xinghua raised his eyebrows slightly, which was not easy to detect, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth. "After getting good wood, after more than a dozen processes such as soaking, steaming, boiling, drying, and drying, the peach wood will become durable, the color is like copper, and the fragrance is also pleasant. There are thousands of tree species in the world, and the color of peach trees is dark. Red, full of luster, the mahogany is strong and elastic when it is well treated, and the legend of the mahogany is not a random fabrication."

After finishing speaking, Xinghua saw a very eye-catching mahogany tree in the book, and flew down with Piaoluo.

Feeling that her feet had stepped on the ground, Piaoluo looked around and saw a big peach tree, her eyes immediately flooded with happiness.I finally found a decent one, and it must be something to play when it grows so big.

"Quickly see if it has a mahogany sword."

Piaoluo excitedly wanted to run under the peach tree, but was held back by Xinghua.

Xinghua grabbed her, and hugged her in front of him with a seemingly infinite lingering affection, "The living mahogany sword has caught up with us, this is mahogany, don't let it find out what we are looking for."

Piaoluo asked in a lower voice, "It can still understand?"

"The trees in the Wanli Sect Forest are all fairy trees."

That intelligence quotient cannot be compared with that of ordinary trees. Some trees can move around by themselves, and some can release toxins when touched. Everything in the world has its magic and elusiveness.

After hugging under the tree for a while, Xinghua walked under the peach tree with Piaoluo, and after walking a certain distance, said: "That tree doesn't have one."

Piaoluo wanted to ask him how he knew, but immediately thought that he was a god, and her IQ almost made him laugh.

"It's getting dark."

Xinghua nodded.In one day, he only saw a long live peach tree, and if he kept looking for it like this, he might not be able to find it tomorrow.But Mu Changbai absorbs her guardian spirit all the time, especially his inner alchemy is in her body, which may help him even more.

Thinking that Mu Changbai was on the verge of waking up, Xinghua wished he could grab the mahogany sword following them in a blink of an eye.But he couldn't easily reveal that he wanted to catch it, it was his last hope.

As the sky fell, Xinghua took Piaoluo to search for a day. Seeing her tired face, he found a big tree. Coincidentally, it turned out to be a long live peach tree, and to his surprise, its In Gan's heart, there is actually a living mahogany sword that has left.

This discovery made Xinghua happy. It would be nice to have a live peach wood sword. Although he left, he might come back tomorrow, so he just grabbed it at that time.

A fire was built under the tree, Xinghua roasted some food for Piaoluo, and after she finished eating, she sat under the tree leaning against the trunk and hugged her in front of her, talking softly to her, looking at the sky in the sky. Star.Occasionally, a peach tree leaf fell, he caught it with his hand, and played with it with his fingertips.

Piaoluo plays with Xinghua's wide sleeves, covering her body like a quilt, never expecting that one day she will follow him to the sky, and the gods in the sky are out of reach.

"Husband. Why do you like me?"

"You are A Luo."

Piao Luo asked again, "A Luo likes it?"


"What if there are so many people named Ah Luo in the world?"

Xinghua smiled slightly, "There is only one Ah Luo in my heart."

Piaoluo turned her head to look at the shockingly handsome face, "Me?"


For some things, even though he had already guessed the answer, hearing him say it himself gave a different feeling.For example, now, Piaoluo feels that she is so outstanding that she even attracts male gods.

"A Luo, quietly look at your front right."

Piao Luo slowly glanced over, and unexpectedly saw a long sword that seemed to have grown legs, slowly came out from under the tree, and slowly walked towards them, not walking fast, but obviously is approaching them.

Piaoluo quickly turned her head away, not paying attention to that side, they have been looking for it for a day, and this thing followed, if they approached, they had to catch it.Otherwise, it would be useless to torment them for so long, she must be calm and not rush.

"Why is it following us?"

Xinghua lowered her head, touched Piaoluo's ear with her lips, and spoke softly to her, "When we were making out, it came close. Why do you think it followed us?"

"It's abnormal." Piaoluo replied without thinking.

Xinghua: "Speechless..."

Piao Xiaoluo, your answer... well, it is indeed very perverted, peeping at their love affair.

"I didn't expect the live peach wood sword to be a voyeur." Piao Luo angrily said, "When you catch it, you must educate it well. If you disturb other people's intimacy, you should be struck by lightning."

Xinghua's lips rubbed against Piaoluo's ears vaguely, "It's very happy now."


"The glow on it turned pure pink."

"That proves that it is happy?"


Piaoluo pouted, "It's happy, but I'm not. It has wasted a lot of our time."


Xinghua comforted Piaoluo, "Be good, we will definitely catch it." He thought, he had found a way to catch the living mahogany sword, but this method needs her to cooperate, if it works well, it shouldn't be difficult catch it.

Piaoluo imitated Xinghua's tone and said, "Be good, we will definitely catch it. Hey, am I not good?" She followed him today, she was really good, and she was so serious about helping him find Taomu. "Look at my eyes, they are almost cross-eyed, just to help you find something today."


Xinghua was amused by the cross-eyed expression that Piaoluo turned around and tried hard to make. She didn't look like that at all, but the hard-working look made him feel cute. He covered her eyes with one hand and rubbed gently. .

"Thank you, lady. The lady is indeed tired today. Why don't we rest earlier?"

Piaoluo pulled down Xinghua's palm and grabbed it, "Don't grab that one?"


Xinghua paused for a while, waiting for Piaoluo to ask when to catch it, and said, "But not now."

"Hey, you can't finish talking at once."

Xinghua smiled, "I won't see your angry expression after I finished speaking."

Piaoluo: "Speechless..."

I want to see her angry expression, she can be even more angry.

A certain woman turned her head around, supported Xinghua's legs with her hands, and planned to stand up in front of him. She wanted to roll aside and go to sleep, angry, she wanted to be angry.


Xinghua waited for Piaoluo to stand up, then grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to sit on his lap, one arm wrapped around her slender waist, and a soft laugh spread to her ears.

"Oh, is the lady really angry?"

Piaoluo was silent and angry.

"I don't think my wife is really angry with me?"

Piaoluo asked back, "Does it mean that if you are really angry, you are not your wife?"

Xinghua held her forehead against Piaoluo, staring at her phoenix pupils, her voice was like the breeze blowing at night, neither warm nor cool, lingering, as if telling the story from the distant past to the present. The tone was hurt and cherished, "She couldn't bear to be angry with me." In the past together, he didn't have the memory of her being angry, and her eyes went from initial timidity to dependence, to trust, to love, but From the beginning to the end, there was no anger or hatred, no matter how much she was wronged.

The two of you just looked at me and I looked at you, quietly and close.

He knew that she was not really angry.

She knew that he knew that she was not really angry with him.

He was right, and she couldn't bear to be angry with him.I don't know why, but I feel that being angry with him is a waste of time.

Xinghua retracted his arms slightly, hugged Piaoluo into his arms, put her head in his shoulder with his palm, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

Piaoluo obediently closed her eyes.

After a while, Piaoluo slightly raised one eyelid, wanting to see where the live peach wood sword had gone, but found that her sight was limited, she really couldn't see it, so she simply closed it and went to sleep.

After a while, Piaoluo's drowsiness hit her. She moved her body and adjusted her posture to make herself sleep more comfortably. In a daze, she said, "Someone is watching me, so I can't sleep."

How could Piaoluo see someone looking at her? She just felt that Huo Taomujian must be watching Xinghua hugging her before going to bed, and she had a preconceived idea in a daze, feeling a pair of eyes staring at her.She is a girl, how can she let others see her sleeping position, it's too indecent.

Xinghua embraced Piaoluo, transformed into a magical formula, and led her to hide in the long live peach tree where he was leaning on, and they could no longer be seen under the tree.

Long Live Taomu Ligan is empty-hearted, it can accommodate nine adults, and the peach wood is fragrant. Only the two of them are inside, and it is no problem to lie down and roll around a few times.

Xinghua turned into a night pearl and hung it in the sky above Qianxin, and blew another breath of fairy air, spread a layer of soft cloud-like sheets under Ganxin, and gently put the floating radish in her arms on it, Lying on her side, hugged her, stared at her for a moment, put a light kiss on her lips, and fell asleep hugging her.

The living peach tree sword outside the peach tree was covered in pink. After seeing Xinghua holding the floating radish and entering the heart of the peach tree, the light all over his body became extremely pink, which indicated that it was in a really good mood.It seems that it is very willing to see such a scene, and it seems that it regards Xinghua Piaoluo as its prey.

(End of this chapter)

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