Chapter 228 Her Reluctance (1)
Time seemed to stop between Xinghua and Piaoluo, until there seemed to be a bird song in the sky, soft and crisp, the sound was very short, not a long song, Piaoluo couldn't tell what kind of bird it was .

Xinghua raised his head from Piaoluo's neck, looked at her, "Are you tired?"

Piaoluo shook her head.

"When can I go back to my body?"

In the current situation, her brain is not enough, and she can't figure out how this happened.

"Six months at the earliest."

"The longest?"

Xinghua doesn't really want the second situation to happen, now he doesn't know when Piao Su is pregnant with Li Yanxuan's prince, there are too many uncertain factors.

"One year."

"If my soul is not in my body, am I dead?"

Xinghua pushed Piaoluo's head into his embrace, "You still have a ray of soul in your physical body, and that ray of soul is the key to bring your soul back to its place in the future. You didn't die, you just fell into a long deep sleep. When your body recovers, I will extradite your soul back."

Piaoluo felt that there was no need to be so troublesome, and said to Xinghua: "You see, I have a body now, can I just live in this body?"

Xinghua shook his head.

The body transformed from the portrait is only a temporary shelter for her soul, and it cannot be used for a long time. She can live like this in Xingluo Palace, but if she wants to leave the palace, she must return to the painting scroll.Moreover, although Piao Su's paintings are high-quality items in the palace, in his opinion, they are almost like garbage.The essence, spirit, spirit, rhyme, and essence of the portrait of floating radish written in this way are all insufficient.Using Piaosu's picture scroll to contain Piaoluo's soul is just an expedient measure, if judged by his standards, it is really not qualified to transform into her appearance.However, her paintings are better than Li Yanxuan's. It doesn't mean that Piaosu's painting skills are better than Li Yanxuan's. The floating radish painted by Li Yanxuan is much closer to the verve than the charm drawn by Li Yanxuan.

"Then I have to go back to the scroll later?"

There was quite a strong reluctance in Piaoluo's voice, and when she heard Xinghua's heart, there were 12 people who didn't want to return to the picture scroll.Even the slightest bit of her reluctance would make him feel great.

Xinghua's voice was a little low, and he asked, "Do you really dislike staying in the picture scroll?"

"It's not that I don't like it very much. It's just that sometimes I want to hug you, but I can't."

After leaving Wanli Zonglin in the Western Foothills, she always thought of many inexplicable words and things in her mind. During the few months of wandering in the world, she really wanted to ask him what happened to those place names and strange things, but she always found him. Without him, slowly, those things were almost forgotten. She only remembered that many things washed her mind like a tide, and she couldn't sort it out or distinguish it clearly.Subconsciously, she felt that those things were related, and he might know it and help her sort it out.During the months when she didn't see him, she realized that she cared about him more and more, looking for him everywhere, waiting for him in the small garden of the Liu Mansion, watching everyone in the Liu Mansion live as freely as when she was there. , she felt so lonely.

No father, no sister, no Changbai, and most importantly, no him!

After waiting for too long, she missed her sister, so she went to the palace to look for her, and because of this, she was chased into the picture scroll by the gods who appeared in Jingge. If there was no picture scroll of her sister, she might have lost her soul.Her elder sister always lends a helping hand when she needs it. In the days without a mother, she feels that her elder sister takes on the responsibility of her mother and gives her infinite tolerance and love.

But, my sister is my sister after all, not him!Not her husband!

During the months of wandering, she thought she had figured out one thing.To her, Changbai is Changbai, and it is just Changbai.It's true that she likes him quite a bit, but compared with her liking for Xinghua, it seems a little insignificant.As for Xinghua, he is not only Xinghua, not only Shangshen, he is also her husband, someone she values ​​in her heart!Very caring person!When did this feeling arise?Think about it, can't find a specific time.Obviously Changbai has known her for a longer time, but how did it turn out that Xinghua is much more important than him?Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.Except for one sentence, the love between men and women in the world is unpredictable, mysterious, hanging, and spinning.

Once some people meet, the people they met before and the people they met after become passers-by, and only each other is the only correct one.She and Xinghua are probably such a couple.

Xinghua stood up suddenly holding Piaoluo on his lap, startled Piaoluo, wrapped his arms around his neck, and looked at him curiously, where are they going?

After walking more than twenty steps, Xinghua put Piaoluo on the desk in the dormitory and sat down. When he walked to the bookshelf behind the desk, he waved his purple sleeves, and the volumes on the entire wall disappeared immediately, and a book appeared in the center of the wall. A rectangular box, the box is gradually approaching Xinghua, gradually changing from fuzzy and light off-white to a clear purple, a big purple box two and a half meters long and half a meter high is suspended in front of Xinghua, and a large purple box is floating on the box. A faint halo.

Piaoluo sat on the table obediently and watched what happened before her eyes, very curious about what was in the big purple box.Moreover, she felt that the place where the male god hid his things was really high-end and grand, and indeed the god was a god.

Xinghua flipped lightly with both hands, and the lid of the big purple box clicked, and the carved lid slowly flew upwards, and a burst of fragrance wafted out.Piaoluo smelled it and found it very familiar, why it seems to be... the fragrance of her body.

When the lid of the box flew one meter high, a pair of scrolls flew out from the big purple box, and the golden drawstring tied the scroll tightly.

Xinghua grabbed the flying scroll, looked down for a while, and when she raised her head again, Piaoluo seemed to see a trace of pain in his eyes, which was fleeting, and she didn't even have time to distinguish whether it was grief or not.She felt that she must have read it wrong, how could the male god suddenly be sad?
Xinghua walked to Piaoluo's side, loosened his slender fingers, and the scroll flew high into the sky.With a graceful movement of his fingertips in the air, the golden belt tied on the scroll opened automatically, and the scroll slowly unfolded downwards.

When she saw a piece of turquoise headdress, Piaoluo's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she had some kind of indescribable premonition in her heart. froze.

The picture scroll scrolled down little by little, and when she saw the human face displayed on the picture scroll, Piaoluo was stunned.

The two-meter-long painting scroll is unfolded silently in the air. In the painting, the white gauze flutters on the sleeves of the woman's clothes, her black hair reaches her ankles, her eyebrows are full of affection and smiles, her skin is so stagnant that it can be broken by blowing bombs, and her hair is so thin that it seems to be real. As usual, the water color on Danzhu's lips is crystal clear, just like a stunning woman who has just put on makeup is standing in front of a piece of white paper and staring, and in the blink of an eye, she will come out of the picture scroll and smile at others.

Piaoluo was stunned, the people on the scroll were even more real than real people!
And the person in the painting, who else could it be besides her!
After careful comparison, the figure and height of the person in the painting are exactly the same as her real person.

The so-called peerless paintings probably mean that when you see a painting, you don’t feel that it is a painting.

Piaoluo looked at the person in the painting in the air, and a flash of lightning struck her mind, recalling a scene.

In the cold season, she ran to the door of a room with her bare feet, knocked on the door and called for Master.After waiting for a while, the door was finally opened from the inside. Xinghua, who was dressed in a moon-white tunic, looked at her with a helpless expression and let her into the room sideways.She got under the quilt and watched Xinghua walk to the desk after closing the door, packed up something, and then put the rolled thing into the painting jar next to it. The belt on the scroll was golden.At that time, she patronized him and wanted to go to bed.He slept on the bed, but he didn't even ask him what he rolled.

That golden line is so similar to...the one on the scroll.

"Master. That night, the picture scroll you hid was probably this one." Piaoluo suddenly asked Xinghua.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo in surprise, what she didn't find out when she rubbed the bed in Xinghua Palace, but now she found out?
At that time, Mr. Wenqu Xing taught her etiquette and she couldn't learn it well, so he had to teach her personally.In the back garden where the four seasons are like spring, his wishful vines doze off while she paints obediently.He knew that she had drawn him playing the piano, so he drew a picture of her in his bedroom that night.When the Frost Moon came, she was so cold that she rubbed against the bed. He couldn't bear her to catch the cold, so he opened the door, but he didn't want her to see him painting her, so he rolled up the painting before going up.bed with her.After ascending to the position of god, except for this painting, he didn't want anything else in Xinghua Palace.

This painting has been with him for too long, too long, so long that he usually dare not take it out to look at it, so long that when he sees the painting, he feels that his A Luo will come out of the painting.


"How much more I don't know?" Piaoluo looked at Xinghua, "Don't ask me how much I remembered our past, I didn't think much, but this painting suddenly reminded me of the night I went to you I'm looking for you in my room. That's all."

Now, he couldn't deny that they had known each other before.She absolutely didn't believe that she was just dreaming, that scene was too realistic, and the love he had for her was too gentle in his eyes at that time, she could feel how real the eyes projected on her was.

"Yes. I am you... Master."

"and then?"

Xinghua raised his hand and stroked Piaoluo's head, "Ah Luo, there are some things that you don't need to pursue. You just need to remember that we are together now. And we will be together in the future."

If she hadn't said that it was inconvenient for her to be in the scroll when she wanted to hug him, he wouldn't have taken out his own paintings. He would definitely destroy Li Yanxuan's paintings, and it would be impossible to keep the floating ones. Here, there will always be only one portrait of her, the only one.He believed that no one could paint her better than him.Using the portrait he made to hold her soul, she didn't even need to return to the painting scroll when she left the palace.

Piaoluo felt a ray of light flashing in front of her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, her body slowly flew downwards, unlike the feeling of being light and fluffy before, this time she felt that her energy was very good, seeing Xinghua open towards her Opening her hands, her body consciously flew towards him, landed in front of him, and was embraced by him.

Seeing Piaoluo coming out of his scroll in front of him, Xinghua finally smiled with satisfaction.

This is what his A Luo should have looked like.

The picture of floating radish painted by Piaosu turns into a wisp of green smoke, which curls up and disappears.

Piaoluo lowered her head to look at her appearance, and sincerely despised Li Yanxuan.If you compare his painting of her with the male god's painting, it is probably like comparing a painting of a child who has just learned to paint with a masterpiece of a court painter. The gap is really not the same.

Raising her head, Piao Luo asked, "Master and Husband, you like me very much, don't you?"

Xinghua guessed why Piaoluo would ask such a question, and intentionally teased her, "I like you?" After thinking about it, he denied, "No."


(End of this chapter)

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