Chapter 229 Her Reluctance (2)
Piaoluo didn't believe it, if he didn't like him, how could he draw a portrait of himself?If you don't like yourself, how can you draw so superbly?Li Yanxuan is the emperor, isn't he not good enough?The comparison between his paintings and male gods is appalling.It is often not the best painter who can draw a woman so realistically, but the one who understands her best and has the deepest affection for her. Only the lover draws the most beautiful appearance.Based on this, she judged that Xinghua was very Xinghua.

"You're lying." Piaoluo immediately pointed out Xinghua's duplicity.

Xinghua insisted on his answer, "I really don't like you."

Hearing these words, Piaoluo's tears welled up in her eyes.She hadn't asked him if she was the only thing in this life, and he didn't even like such a shallow relationship. Did she feel wrong?What is the love of the male god? Is it just an illusion that he treats him so well, just as a charity from the gods to mortals?

Seeing that Piaoluo's tears showed signs of rushing out, Xinghua panicked for a moment, and immediately folded his arms and hugged her into his arms, with eagerness and distress in his voice, as gentle as white cotton in a cotton field, " Ah Luo don't cry, don't cry. When I say I don't like you, I mean: I have far more than liking for you. Like, it's not enough to express the depth of my feelings for you." He just wanted to have a conversation with her A joke, I didn't expect that she couldn't stand this joke.

When being hugged into her arms, two lines of Piaoluo's tears flowed out of her eyes and slid across her cheeks, the tears dripped on Xinghua's purple clothes, her heart ached.Hearing what he said, the tears in the phoenix eyes stopped overflowing.

"Really?" Piaoluo began to be unsure. She felt that maybe Xinghua had no resistance to the woman's tears and said something against her will in order to coax herself not to cry, "How do I know if what you are saying now is true? joke?"

Xinghua felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock. In his heart, no one in the 33 heavens knew who didn't know. Only she, the little girl whom he cherished to the bone marrow, doubted his sincerity.

"What do you want me to do to believe it?"

Piaoluo wiped all the tears on Xinghua's shirt, shook her head, "I don't know."

He said for a while that he didn't like her, and for a while he said that his feelings for her far exceeded the level of liking her. She didn't know which sentence to believe.If the letter is wrong, why not feel sad again.

"I won't make such jokes anymore, okay?" Xinghua felt that he had become smarter since he knew she would be so serious. He really shouldn't have said that. Now he feels that his image in her mind seems to be There is a downward trend, "Whatever you ask in the future, I will give a positive answer, and no longer answer around the bush. Huh?"

Piaoluo thought, this is also fine.If he always answered directly in the future, he would have to misunderstand.


"Forgive me this time, trust me, huh?"

Piaoluo thought for a while, nodded, then shook her head again, making Xinghua confused, what did she mean?

"No promise? Or promise?"

"I want you to tell me directly what's on your mind. But I also feel that sometimes direct words hurt people's hearts. What if I can't stand what you say?" Piaoluo raised her head and looked at Xinghua, feeling herself It is very necessary to worry, because they know a person who speaks very directly and viciously, Qianli Shangshen. "Look at Qianli Shangshen, every time he says something, he can make people cry." The key to Qianli's shamelessness is that he doesn't feel guilty at all when he cries in anger. He is so comfortable that he is shameless. Humans are hard to beat.

Xinghua corrected, "Qianli's words are not straight, but poisonous." How can he be compared with that kid Qianli, he is a gentle, gentle, warm, good-tempered Shangshen, and her most caring husband Shangshen . "Comparing me with Qianliyi, do you think I'm much better than him?" Xinghua brainwashed Piaoluo, cementing his gentle image in her mind.

If you compare him with Qianli Shangshen... Piaoluo thinks that her family is much better, at least she hasn't seen him crying in anger before Huisu Shangshen, who can make a woman angry with just one sentence With tears streaming down her face, she had only seen one person, Qianli.

Piaoluo nodded obediently, "Yes."

Seeing that Piaoluo agreed with her words, Xinghua gained confidence, "Look. Qianli is not a good person, and I can still trust your husband. Although the joke I made with you just now was a bit wrong, but I promise, I will never Yes. Just this once."


Piaoluo was relieved.

People, if you don't compare, you don't know how good your own is. After a little comparison, you can feel the advantages.The more Piaoluo thinks about it, the more she feels that Xinghua is better than too many people. For example, there is no shameless and poisonous tongue like Qianli Shangshen, there are not as many lewd women as Li Yanxuan, and there are not as many women as Changbai... It's incredible... Etc., etc.

Thinking of Mu Changbai, Piaoluo had doubts in her heart and asked Xinghua.

"What happened to Changbai?"

Xinghua is used to Piaoluo always having random things in her mind, and she never gets entangled with the things she encounters in life for too long. This is what he thinks is better, at least any one thing can make her happy. Her attention is diverted, too much entanglement in many things is only harmful to the beauty of the mood, she is a person who will not let her mood not be beautiful.He never wanted her to ask about Mu Changbai's matter, but he didn't expect to avoid it.That's right, it's not normal for familiar people to suddenly change drastically, not to be curious.

"what do you mean?"

Piaoluo felt that Mu Changbai's matter would not be too simple, she would definitely not be able to ask all the questions one by one, "Referring to everything. Just tell me what you know." She should know something, because of her relationship with Changbai, they should deal with it. Changbai, you have to give her a legitimate reason, otherwise you will kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"He is the smallpox by the Santu River in the underworld, a ghost who absorbs the sorrowful spirit of the resentful spirit and breaks through the awakening barrier through the mortal world."

"Changbai is a monster?"

Piaoluo was a little surprised, this knowledge made her unacceptable.It's surprising that Xinghua is Shangshen, if Changbai is still some ghost she has never heard of, then her life is full of unusual people.

"It's neither a demon nor a monster. Thousands of species exist in the four seas, six realms and eight wildernesses, and ghosts are just one of them."

Piaoluo asked nervously, "Is Mingling good or bad?"

"It's good for the Bianhua Mingling who is waiting to be extradited and reborn in the underworld."

Although Piaoluo doesn't often think about many things, but she can understand Xinghua's words. He said that there are several conditions for a good Ming Ling, one is to stay in the Hades, and the other is to extradite the wraith to reincarnate. It is a ghost flower for the third.But Changbai violated all three.He came to the human world and turned into a human form. He didn't send those resentful souls by the Santu River to walk the road to the fire. In this way, he also attacked the God of the God Realm. He is not a good ghost.

"Can't you let him go?"

In fact, she didn't often intercede for others, or it was the first time that she pleaded with someone other than her father. It was the first time that she pleaded with her father in a serious manner just to let him not be angry and not punish herself.She doesn't care what Changbai does to others, but she has nothing to say to her.

"Ah Luo, he has practiced for millions of years."

Xinghua couldn't tell Piaoluo that as long as some underworld spirits who slipped into the mortal world did not do anything harmful to the heavens and justice, they would have the opportunity to return to the underworld to continue their stable lives.But Mu Changbai is different, he has become a spirit, he is the king of the underworld, the power of the underworld in his body cannot be underestimated, he can freely shuttle between the underworld and the human world when he is awake, and even break into other realms In the past, it was impossible for him to turn back into a simple flower that attracts souls.If it wasn't for being unable to save her, he certainly didn't want to make her sad by destroying Mu Changbai.

"Is Changbai... already dead?" Piaoluo was afraid that Xinghua's words would be too cruel, so she wanted to regret after asking, and she could always think that he was still alive without asking.

"No. The door of life was sealed by the living peach wood sword, unable to cast mana, and trapped in the place where he was reincarnated."

Mu Changbai is a very difficult problem. After returning her soul to her body, he will have to deal with it again. I hope that she will live happily during this time and gradually forget Mu Changbai. Not to feel uncomfortable.

Hearing that Mu Changbai was not dead, Piaoluo felt a little better, but a strange question suddenly popped up in her mind.

" I have a problem too?" Piaoluo asked very carefully, and paid special attention to Xinghua's eyes, "For example, am I not a mortal?" He is a male god, Changbai is a ghost, and he saved herself , only being good to oneself, there are countless mortals, why is it her?If it's not that she is different, how can I explain it? "You are my master, and I am also a fairy god?"

She did have a problem, but he didn't want to complicate it.

"Well, you are now a mortal."

"It wasn't before?"

Xinghua said lightly: "Every fairy god will go through several calamities in his long life."

The vague answer made Piaoluo unable to tell what kind of identity it was, but it seemed to answer her doubts.Therefore, Piaoluo positioned herself as a fairy who went to the mortal world to experience calamities.Suddenly, she felt taller.

"It turns out that I am also a fairy."

Piaoluo withdrew from Xinghua's arms, with a smile on her face, and walked around the room a few times, watching her sleeves and skirts flying, feeling beautiful.Before, she always felt that she was a mortal and not worthy of Xinghua, but now she has figured it out, she is also a fairy.After her calamity is over, she will definitely return to the sky, and then she will be able to be with him every day.

Piaoluo's soul stayed in the illusory portrait person for a month. In the past month, Xinghua accompanied her soul in Xingluo Palace and took care of her body. The palace gate was closed tightly. The gods and gods have not been seen, and outsiders only say that the God of Xinghua is getting more and more withdrawn, and has reached the point of completely forgetting himself.

Huisu and Snake flew past the Xingluo Palace, and couldn't help mentioning Xinghua.

"Snake, how long has it been since you saw God Xinghua?"

"I haven't seen it since that time in Mortal World."

Hui Su, who flew past Xingluo Palace, looked back at the palace gate, "How do you think he can close himself like this?"

Snakes don't speak.

She has never touched love, and she doesn't know what it's like.But as long as she thought of the scene where God Xinghua watched her beloved woman jump off the Burning Immortal Cliff with their child in her arms, she felt that God Xinghua had always been suffering in his heart.If that woman named Piaoluo is a descendant of an ancient beast, they are likely to make a good story, but unfortunately...

"It is said that God Xinghua always has a woman in his heart. Is it true?"

The snake nodded this time.

Huisu immediately had the heart to gossip, "Hey, have you seen it?"

Snake nodded again.

"Ah, you've seen it before." Huisu became more interested, "How about it, what does it look like? Is it amazing? Otherwise, there is no reason for God Xinghua to take a fancy to her."

"It's not amazing. A little demon." Liao Snake recalled the time he met Piaoluo, "If you talk about appearance...she should be the most beautiful woman I've seen in my life."

As the snake said, his thoughts slowly returned to the fairyland 200 million years ago.At that time, she had just ascended to the position of God, and she followed God Qilin to the Immortal Realm to meet God Xinghua.I listened to Qilin Shangshen chatting with Siming Shenjun, according to Xinghua's way, he should have returned to the position of god at that time, but there is still a third world calamity waiting for him to experience in a few days, so he never returned to the position of god .She has always been curious about what the third heavenly tribulation is like. Does the third mean that he has to experience it three times?Seeing his black hair turn white in an instant at Fenxianya, she had a little understanding of what Heavenly Tribulation meant, and probably only he himself could clearly understand what it was like to feel that kind of pain.What she didn't understand was why it was called the Third Heavenly Tribulation. After that time, the life of God Xinghua became calmer than the water in a quiet pool.

(End of this chapter)

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