Chapter 252 A Luo's Birthday (2)
"But that's not the real me." Piaoluo frowned, "How can you call my father by his first name? It's not allowed, you'll be beheaded." After finishing speaking, she probably felt a little scary and smiled, "But Because it's you, I won't tell anyone, you can shout if you want. However, you can only shout like this in front of me, and never in front of others. "

"Why didn't you tell others that it was me?" Xinghua wanted to know what weight he had in Piaoluo's heart, and how he existed.

Piaoluo thought for a while, and thought carefully, "Because you said you have always been good to me. You said that you are the one who protects me. Since you protect me, if the emperor punishes you, how can you protect me? "

After finishing speaking, before Xinghua could say anything, Piaoluo spoke.

"But I don't understand, you said to protect me, why I can only see you every year on my birthday, don't I need to protect you at ordinary times?" Piao Luo said with a little sadness in her eyes, "360 days a year Five days, you just stay with me for one day, it's really rare."

Xinghua held Piaoluo's hand tightly, and watched her without speaking for a long time.

Because, the less time I spend with you, the better for you.Ah Luo, do you understand?
On Piaoluo's eighth birthday, Xinghua stayed by Li Yanxuan's side for a day with her, watching her make Li Yanxuan happy, and watching Li Yanxuan staring at her lost in thought.That day, he really felt that Li Yanxuan's love for Piaoluo came from the heart.

What Xinghua didn't know was that at that time, the people inside and outside the imperial city of the Li Dynasty knew that the emperor's most beloved heir was a princess named Piaoluo, who was almost able to do anything she wanted.It was rumored in Li Chaotianxia that Princess Piaoluo won Long live Lord's heart more than any other concubine. People she doesn't like will never appear in front of her eyes for the second time. Things she likes will definitely be in her hands the next day. .

Eight-year-old Piaoluo let Xinghua see, in her heart, he was already an outsider.And Li Yanxuan and Piao Su are the relatives she cares most about.In her world, he was just a simple guardian, she didn't even have the intention to doubt his identity, she just got used to him visiting her once a year.

Piaoluo is 12 years old.

That year, on her birthday, there was no big banquet in the Li Dynasty Palace.

Li Yanxuan was very sorry, but he sighed helplessly.The war on the border of the Li dynasty lasted for more than four years.From Piaoluo's eight years old to her 12 years old, it didn't calm down.The stability and prosperity of the Li Dynasty was gone, and the morning court every day was a headache for Li Yanxuan, both inward and outward.

The 12-year-old Piaoluo made Piaosu panic, because she looked more and more like her younger sister when she was 12 years old. Life, how could she not remember.And her own daughter was almost exactly the same as her younger sister at that time, so how could she not panic.

Piao Su couldn't believe that the daughter she gave birth to had such a high resemblance to her younger sister, just one glance made her suspect that it was her younger sister who came to her.But she hasn't seen her younger sister for more than ten years, not even Xinghua, she doesn't know if they are still alive in this world.

At this time, Piaoluo already had three younger sisters.

The imperial concubine Piaosu has one son and four daughters under her knees, but the most favored is the second daughter, Princess Piaoluo.And as she grows up, there are more and more rumors about her stunning appearance. Many people are amazed by her facial features. No one can understand why she was also born by a noble concubine. Why is her appearance so different from the other three highnesses? .

On Piaoluo's birthday this year, Xinghua came, but it made him cry for the first time after seeing Piaoluo's rebirth.

"Why can't you help my father?"

Piaoluo stood in front of Xinghua and questioned him, surrounded by clusters of beautiful flowers.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo expressionlessly in a purple robe, and the purple lotus gemstones on his forehead glistened. Li Yanxuan's dynasty had its own destiny. He had already violated the law of heaven once in order to rebirth her, it was impossible For Li Yanxuan to make another move, the rise and fall of dynasties follow rules, and he will not interfere.

"I know you are not an ordinary person. Maybe you are a god. These are not important. I know you have the ability to help my father. After four years of war, the people have been displaced and many soldiers have died. Can you help my father?" Yes, right."

Xinghua shook his head.

I don't want to help, and I won't help.

Piaoluo begged Xinghua for a long time, but Xinghua didn't soften his heart. He couldn't change the fate of the dynasty, and it couldn't be changed for a while. In the end, he made a move to help Li Yanxuan, which made too many gods feel strange.

After being rejected by Xinghua, Piaoluo cried, standing in front of him and crying very sadly.

Xinghua raised his hand and hugged the struggling Piaoluo into his arms, frowning.

Ah Luo, don't cry!
Piaoluo thumped Xinghua's chest, "You haven't given me any presents on my birthday every year. It's been 12 years. Why don't you just give me a gift to help my father this time?"

"I delivered it!"

The voice above her head made Piaoluo puzzled, she looked at Xinghua, did he give it away?How could she not know.

Xinghua lowered his head and happened to see the twelve purple beads printed on Piaoluo's neck.

"What did you give?" Piaoluo asked.

Xinghua raised his hand to wipe off the tears on Piaoluo's face, and said softly, "Ah Luo, don't cry, even if you fell down, were scolded by the imperial concubine and bullied by Qi Qian, you still didn't shed tears, now, don't cry."

Piaoluo was very surprised, "How do you know these things?"

Could it be that he has always been by her side?When did it start, since she said when she was eight years old that he only stayed with her one day a year was too little?
On the day of Piaoluo's 12th birthday, apart from Xinghua's reluctance to help Li Yanxuan cry, after she was finally coaxed by Xinghua, another incident happened in the palace that made her very sad.And it wasn't just her, the whole palace and court were outraged.

In the evening, Xinghua sent Piaoluo, who had calmed down, back to Wanhua Palace.

Because Piao Su was always worried that her child would live elsewhere, and begged Li Yanxuan to let her take the four princesses with her. Originally, Li Yanxuan disagreed, but Piaoluo wanted to live with her mother and concubine, and he couldn't bear her to be disappointed. , then broke the ancestral rule.

The eldest prince Li Qigan has been living with the empress dowager, and the empress dowager is very attentive to her eldest grandson, even stricter than teaching her own son back then.Therefore, Piao Su is very grateful to the Queen Mother. Although the prince who lives in Cixi Palace may not be liked by everyone in the harem, no one dares to touch him easily. The Queen Mother is angry, and no one can stay in the palace. , even Xi Xilian.Therefore, her son and daughter can live in the palace well, which is the happiest thing for her.

But this happiness was broken when Li Qiqian was 12 years old.

Before Piaoluo entered Wanhua Palace, she heard crying from inside, she walked in suspiciously, saw the little eunuchs and maids in the palace were crying, walked over, and asked them, "Why are you crying?"

Several people heard Piaoluo's voice and looked up at her, but they couldn't see Xinghua beside Piaoluo.

"Second princess, something is wrong, the eldest prince...he...has an accident."

Piaoluo's heart tightened, "What happened to my emperor brother?"

Although Li Qiqian occasionally bullied this elder sister who came out a little earlier, the relationship between their siblings was very good.Only Xinghua knew that they should be sister-in-law and nephew, but people in the palace thought they were siblings, so they were siblings, so there was no need to entangle this relationship.

"Woooo..." The palace maid cried so hard that she couldn't speak.

Piaoluo could only look at a little eunuch, "Say it. Don't cry, what happened?"

"Second princess, the empress dowager is celebrating the eldest prince's birthday in the imperial garden. The first prince wants to ask the imperial concubine to come with you. I didn't expect to meet the empress at the lotus pond. I don't know what happened. The eldest prince and the empress There was an unpleasant disturbance, empress...the empress pushed the eldest prince off the lotus pond." The little eunuch cried so hard that he couldn't catch his breath, "When everyone rescued the eldest prince, he had no response."

For a moment, Piaoluo couldn't believe what she had heard. Yesterday she picked up Qigan, how could it be possible today...

"What about people?"

"The noble concubine has gone to Cixi Palace, and all the imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital have gone to Cixi Palace to save the First Prince."

Piaoluo turned around and ran towards Cixi Palace.

No, how could something happen to Qi Gan, someone must be joking with her.When she was sure that Qi Gan was doing well, she would definitely go back to Wanhua Palace to teach those lying servants a lesson, for they dared to make fun of the eldest prince's life.It is impossible for Qi Gan to die, impossible.

As she ran, Piaoluo's tears rushed out of her eyes unconsciously. She was afraid, afraid that the matter was true.She knew that the Empress didn't like her mother and concubine all the time, and Qi Qian also knew that everyone in the harem knew that the Empress didn't like them, so it's not impossible for Qi Gan to do something.It's just that she really didn't think that on Qigan's birthday, the empress would deal with Qigan in a place like the Imperial Garden, didn't she think it was stupid?

Xinghua followed Piaoluo, seeing her tears, wanted to hold her back, but knew that he had no position to hold her.He wanted to tell her not to be sad, but it was her brother who had the accident, who was also her savior, so how could she not be sad?Thinking that he had turned into a fake Piaoluo on Li Yanxuan's side, Xinghua immediately withdrew his spell, making the Piaoluo beside Li Yanxuan disappear without anyone noticing.But he forgot that Li Yanxuan had already been in Cixi Palace with the fake Piaoluo, and when the real Piaoluo entered, an unbelievable situation appeared.

Piao Luo rushed into Cixi Palace and saw that Qi Qian's bed was surrounded by imperial doctors, while her mother and concubine fell to the side crying, and the imperial grandmother was also surrounded by a group of imperial doctors, and passed out twice in a hurry , her father sat aside frowning, with a very solemn expression.

"Father." Piaoluo walked in front of Li Yanxuan, and he immediately reached out to hug her.


At that moment, Li Yanxuan had the thought of "Fortunately Luoer is still there" in his mind. If Luoer and Qi Gan had an accident together, he felt that he might be crazy.These two children are the treasures in his heart, they are his future, and he is the most proud treasure.

Piaoluo stood blankly, and after a while she walked in front of Piaosu, "Mother Concubine, fuck him together..."

Piao Su's state of silent tears suddenly turned into crying, and it became more and more out of control, and finally she cried to death, which made Mo Yang and Lu Cong rush to treat her.

Seeing her mother and concubine so sad, Piaoluo wanted to approach Qigan's bed but Aunt Jingren held her back and looked at her with red eyes, "Second princess, let the imperial doctors be busy." What can she do when she approaches? What about?If the eldest prince is gone, how sad the imperial concubine would be, and what should the empress dowager and the emperor do.

There was a lot of crying in Cixi Palace, and everyone knew in their hearts that Li Qigan was actually gone, but because the empress dowager and the imperial concubine were still here, everyone had to put on a show and saved the afternoon, until now it was dark, If he could be saved, he would have woken up a long time ago, but no one dared to say to Li Yanxuan the phrase 'the eldest prince has gone'. Everyone knew that whoever said this sentence would die.

Piaoluo was pulled by Aunt Jingren, and the tears in her eyes had never dried up. When she was young, when she saw the figure of the imperial doctor coming and going, she suddenly felt a lot of hatred for the empress. At the age of 12 In the child's world, she couldn't tell the finer things, but she knew that the empress was not a good person, and that Xinghua might be able to save her imperial brother.

(End of this chapter)

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