253 Chapter 1 All together ([-])
Seeing Piaoluo blowing past him like a small whirlwind, Xinghua reached out and grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, and held her slender body tightly.

"A Luo, don't make trouble."

He doesn't know how it feels to see his brothers and sisters die, but he has experienced his lover and children leaving him. Of course he understands that Piaoluo is very sad and angry at the moment, but how long Li's vigor lasts is the fate of heaven, and she can't change it, Li Qi Qian's life cannot change the direction of a dynasty.She is still so young, she doesn't need to carry so many things, accepting sadness is the best thing for her.

At this moment, Xinghua seemed too rational. Li Chao's demise was inevitable, but the length of time.Otherwise, how could Piao Su become emperor? This is the number of days.He already knows the future, but he is very indifferent to things that are not related to her. Now she regards herself as the second princess of the Li Dynasty. He is too rational when he meets an immature her. Very sad result.There is no right or wrong with each other, it is just the arrangement of fate.

"Save everyone."

Piaoluo held Xinghua's skirt with both hands, and from outsiders' eyes, she seemed to be talking to the air with her head raised.Before the maids had time to panic, Xinghua cast spells to freeze all the people in Cixi Palace. Everyone stopped their movements like sculptures. Only Xinghua watched the tears streaming down in front of him. radish.

I don't want her to cry.However, fate is fixed, he really doesn't want to interfere in the life of the person she thinks.

"I beg you, save Qigan." Piaoluo grabbed Xinghua's clothes tightly, "No matter who you are, help me, help my father and mother. It doesn't matter whether you can save them or not." Qi Gan, try it, if you really can't do anything, I will give up." The imperial doctor was so busy, Qi Gan still didn't respond, although she was only 12 years old, she understood some things.For example, once a person dies, he is really gone. "Qi Gan is alive, I will promise you whatever you want, as long as I have, you can have it."

Xinghua put one arm around Piaoluo's waist, raised the other hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said in an extremely gentle voice, "A Luo, don't cry." He doesn't need anything, even if he doesn't even Her love can be abandoned, as long as she lives healthy and safe. "Don't tell anyone I exist, you know, they can't see me."

"I remember. I always remember your confession."

When Piaoluo was six years old, she was very excited to tell others that she met a "grandfather" with purple clothes and white hair, but unfortunately Xinghua stopped her. He told her not to tell anyone about his existence. Neither the emperor nor the concubine can do it.

"I won't tell others that I know you." Piaoluo looked at Xinghua cautiously, and asked him, "Then can you save Qi?"

Xinghua wanted to shake his head.Since he insisted not to save the people who suffered from the war for Li Yan Xuanping, how could he save Qi Gan?He thought so, and he answered Piaoluo in the same way.However, just as he moved his head to reject her, she suddenly did something that surprised him at such a young age.

She grabbed his skirt and pulled him to bend over, tiptoed and kissed him on the face, she refused to let go and looked at him closely, her eyes met and stared.

She asked, "I don't trust anyone else except you."

Xinghua bent down and looked at Piaoluo who was close at hand. When did his Aluo become so wronged? How could the little fairy who was spoiled by him in the previous life live so sadly.

Afterwards, Xinghua hugged Piaoluo with both arms, making her look at him at the same level, and said softly, "You shouldn't trust anyone except me."

After finishing speaking, Xinghua walked to Li Qigan's bed with Piaoluo in his arms, hugged her with one hand, brushed a wide sleeve, a faint purple light flashed, and Li Qigan's long eyelashes Vibrate slightly.

Piaoluo exclaimed in surprise: "Ah...wake up."

Xinghua twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Piaoluo, "Stop crying?"

"Why should I cry when I'm alive?" After finishing speaking, Piao Luo felt that she had really lost face before, and said, "Who was crying just now? Who did you see crying? It wasn't me anyway."

Seeing Piaoluo stubbornly raised her chin, Xinghua laughed, "Heh..."

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh, I was wrong." Xinghua walked away holding Piaoluo, "I really didn't see anyone crying."

Piaoluo snorted from her nose, "Hmph."

She won't admit that she has cried, and she doesn't think about who she is. How could her father's sweetheart cry casually? She is the second princess of the Li Dynasty. She has never been the only one who makes others cry when she is angry. I can't do something as bad as shedding tears.

Putting Piaoluo at the door, Xinghua unlocked the spell in Cixi Palace, and everyone started to move again.


An imperial doctor let out a terrified cry, and looked at the eldest prince Li Qigan in disbelief. Many people were frightened by his cry.

"The eldest prince is awake!"

Those five short words gave Li Yanxuan, Piao Su and many others invisible strength, and they all flocked to Li Qigan's bed.Li Yanxuan pushed aside the crowd and rushed to Li Qigan's bedside, watching him open his eyes and breathe weakly.

"Huanger..." Li Yanxuan's voice trembled, "Huanger, you really... woke up."

Piao Su didn't care about Li Yanxuan's presence, so she squeezed hard to Li Qigan's bedside, and took his hand, her eyes filled with tears, she couldn't believe what she saw, and wept with joy.

"Prince! My god, you finally woke up." The golden steps on Piao Su's head shook non-stop, "Do you know that you scared the concubine to death. Prince, if you get out What's the matter, how do you let the mother and concubine live." Then, Piao Su sobbed again, "Your father, grandma and mother are all worried about you."

Li Qigan had just woken up, and his body was still very weak. After confirming that he had woken up, the imperial doctors hurriedly examined him, and all the stones and timidity in his heart were put down.Although I can't explain why people who have been dead all afternoon can wake up again, but it is always a good thing to be able to wake up, and now I can report to the emperor.

Li Yanxuan and Piao Su were relieved, and the Empress Dowager Ulawan also felt much better after hearing Li Qigan's rescue, and her physical condition also stabilized.Everyone in Cixi Palace breathed a sigh of relief.

Piaoluo watched the people coming and going in Cixi Palace, and smiled at Xinghua beside her.

"Thank you."

Xinghua smiled lightly.

He has never seen Li Qigan's fate, but since such a thing can happen, it means that Li Qigan himself is not a long-lived heir to the throne, and he does not know whether he will be able to ascend the throne smoothly in the future.It seems that he only intends to help this time, and if there is any accident, he should just wait and see and not intervene.

"Are you a fairy?" Piaoluo asked Xinghua.

Before Xinghua could speak, a voice came from beside him.

Li Yanxuan looked at Piaoluo at the door, and asked, "Luoer, who are you talking to? What kind of fairy?"

"Uh...ah, it's nothing." Piaoluo looked at Li Yanxuan uncomfortably when she came back to her senses, "Father, I didn't talk to anyone. I mean, it's great that Qi Gan woke up, Maybe it was the gods from all walks of life who blessed my Dali Dynasty to prosper and made Qi Qian wake up. As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future. I think Qi Gan must have a future."

Li Yanxuan waved to Piaoluo to let her pass.

Piao Su glanced at Piao Luo, she really couldn't understand why her daughter looked so much like her sister, as if she was the same person.Her face slowly opened, although the emperor didn't say anything, but she could see that Long Live Lord remembered Piaoluo back then.

It is precisely because her eldest daughter is more and more like her younger sister that Piao Su's heart has subconsciously changed a little.She didn't know what was wrong, it just didn't feel normal. Xinghua came to her 13 years ago, saying that her prince could save her sister, but 12 years later, she never saw her sister again.Now that her daughter looks so much like her younger sister, she has to wonder if the rescue she said back then was to let Piaoluo come out of her stomach.

no!Should not be!
Piao Su quickly denied her own thoughts, how could it be possible, Piao Luo was so big, how could she become her daughter and come out of her stomach?However, Xinghua is a fairy god, what else is impossible for him?
It's a pity that she never saw Xinghua again, otherwise she really wanted to ask him where Piaoluo went.

After Li Qigan woke up, the emperor arrested the empress and asked why he pushed the eldest prince down the lotus pond. The empress Xi Xilian kept denying that she pushed Li Qigan. Even though Li Yanxuan was furious, Xi Xilian still denied that she wanted Li Qigan. Qi Gan's life.

Later, after the empress dowager, who was eager to protect her grandson, got better, she disregarded anyone's pleas and joined the ministers of civil and military affairs to suggest that the emperor abolish the empress.
Piaoluo was 12 years old.

Since Xixilian has been making enemies and suppressing various concubines since entering the palace, she is quite unpopular in the harem; in addition to Liu Zhuangyin's management in the court for nearly 20 years, under the almost one-sided situation, Li Yanxuan abolished the empress!Xi Xilian was thrown into the cold palace, and she couldn't get out of the cold palace until she died.

Because Piao Su has one son and four daughters, and she is a noble concubine, two months after Xi Xilian was abolished, Piao Su became Li Chaoxin's empress.

As for Li Qiqian, although his life was saved by Xinghua, he suffered from serious mental illness, had a great fear of water, and his sanity also had problems. Except for the empress dowager, even Li Yanxuan and Piao Su had Never get close to him.The empress dowager Ulawan saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.In the day after day of depression and worry, Queen Mother Ulawan's health became worse and worse.

Piao Su, who became a queen, had more and more affairs in the harem, and gradually ran out of time to discipline her four daughters. The simple thing is that the four daughters became the situation where the father became the queen and the queen, and the people in the palace treated them very much. Respect, especially to Piaoluo.

The frontier wars in the Li Dynasty developed from the War of the Four Kingdoms to the Eight Kingdoms, and the contradictions among the various ethnic groups in the Sixteen Kingdoms became more and more severe.

Piaoluo is 14 years old.

The empress dowager passed away while worrying about the emperor's grandson.

Li Yanxuan also consumed a lot of energy in the perennial national wars, his physical condition was not as good as before, and when his mother passed away, he was overly sad for a while, and his hair turned gray a lot. At the age of 42, he has become the spirit and appearance of a man in his fifties.

In the same year, Li Qigan, the eldest son of Empress Piaosu, was formally established as the crown prince.

Sixteen countries became nine countries in the six-year war, and seven countries were destroyed.

Among the sixteen countries, the two strongest countries appeared, one was Nanxi country and the other was Bai country. These two countries were ready to swallow the other fourteen countries.

In the 34th year of the Li Dynasty, the second princess Piaoluo of Li Yanxuan turned 16 years old, and she was in her prime.

(End of this chapter)

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