Chapter 290 Taking Medicine (2)
When Piaoluo saw the Mingjing snake cage under the corridor of Xinghua bedroom, she knew her worries were unnecessary.

Inside the Mingjing Snake Cage, two little white snakes were crawling around in the cage. When they saw Piaoluo squatting in front of the cage, the two little white snakes straightened up and looked at her, staring at her with four eyes , Snake Xinzi spat out from the two small mouths one by one, and the white body didn't seem to have any scars.

Piaoluo praised secretly, it really is the World Honored One of the Buddha Heaven, they can fully recover in one day after being injured like that.

Piaoluo and the two snakes in the cage looked at each other for a while, and felt that they might not be comfortable in the cage, so she decided to let them out.

Snake cages are no different from bird cages or animal cages. In order to prevent snakes from hurting people, Mingjing Snake Cage is a transparent and fully enclosed small cage similar to an enchantment. The snakes in the cage cannot smell or feel the outside air. temperature.

Piaoluo stood up, her fingertips flew out of the fairy method, and she untied the Mingjing snake cage. The two little white snakes were slowly swimming on the ground. Because they were not big, they didn't look scary at all. Piaoluo suddenly felt that Xinghua It's a bit alarmist to say that Sanqing Shuangbai is highly poisonous. I guess I don't want her to play with things and lose her mind, so that she doesn't look like a highly poisonous one.

The two little white snakes entangled each other on the ground for a while, and crawled towards Piaoluo at the same time. When they were close to her feet, Piaoluo's body suddenly flew backwards, and landed firmly in the crook of an arm.

"Xinghua." Piaoluo looked at Xinghua who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Xinghua's eyes were clear and cool, "Have you forgotten what I told you yesterday?"


The two little white snakes on the ground stopped at the place where Piaoluo was originally standing, two small fairy lights flashed, and two girls in white clothes appeared on the ground, they stood up slowly, looking at Xinghua and Piaoluo.The two young girls have red lips, white teeth, bright eyes, and look very pretty.

"Xiaoxian pays homage to Piaoluo Shangxian."

"Xiaoxian pays homage to Piaoluo Shangxian."

The two little snake fairies saluted Piaoluo respectfully, raised their heads timidly, and asked at the same time: "Forgive me for being lonely, I don't know who is the adult next to Piaoluo Shangxian."

Piaoluo said softly: "The World-Honored Buddha."

The two little snake fairies were so frightened that they paled and knelt down on the ground, "Xiaoxian pays homage to the World Honored One. Please forgive me for being disrespectful. Xiaoxian's time in the fairy world is too short, so I don't know the face of the World Honored One. I will never dare again. "

Jinze and Jinyang on Xinghua's body suddenly appeared, and a piece of Buddha's light shone in the corridor. He looked coldly at the two little snake fairies on the ground, "Since you two have recovered, you should return to the fairy world immediately. stay in."

The two little snake fairies on the ground were stunned. The World Honored One's voice... was so clear and moving. Hearing his words, the Lingtai shivered.

The little snake fairy looked at each other slowly, they have been living in the fairy world, they were born in the fairy world, absorbing the spiritual energy of the fairy mountain fairy water, it takes 30 time for the demon spirits to cultivate to cross the catastrophe to the fairy class, but they are uniquely blessed, only need 10 Ten thousand years, now exactly 9 years have passed, and the two thought that in another 1 years, they would be able to transform into human forms and rank among the immortals. They didn't want the two immortals to fight and hurt them. Fortunately, they were rescued by the Qilin God before they passed out. .They have always had a wish, which is to be as beautiful as Piaoluo when they transform into human form. Although they have no status in the fairy world, they are fortunate to have seen Piaoluo a few times, and they have a deep memory of her appearance.Therefore, when I saw Piaoluo for the first time, I immediately recognized who she was.Unexpectedly, the person beside her turned out to be the World Honored One of the Buddha Heaven.I knew a thing or two when I heard the gossip from the fairies in the fairy world. Half a month ago, the Buddha Tianshizun came to the fairyland in person. He was looking for something in the Xinghua Palace. When he left, he took away the fairy Piaoluo. Piaoluo Shangxian, could it be that what he is looking for is Piaoluo Shangxian?Countless fairies in the fairy world were envious and crazy, thinking that Piaoluo Shangxian was really lucky, and was fined to hang on the Ming Terrace for a year, not to mention that the World Honored One saved him, and was taken to the Buddha's Heaven by him.At first, the two of them didn't believe it, they just listened to it as a joke, but seeing it now, it turned out to be true!

But, how could they come to the Buddha's Heaven?

Although they don't know why the two of them came to the Buddha's Heaven from the hands of the Qilin God, the two little snake fairies are well aware that their good luck has appeared for the first time and it is rare for the second time. There is no chance.With their ranks, they are not qualified to worship under Piaoluo's disciples in the fairy world, but now they can see the face of the World Honored One in the Buddha's Heaven, it is simply God's luck in a daydream.

"Your Highness."

The two little snake fairies crawled to the ground.

"Xiaoxian was rescued by the World Honored One and Piaoluo Shangxian. Although his rank is low, he understands a truth. The kindness received by others should be repaid by the spring. The two of them have nothing in return. I beg the World Honored One and Piaoluo Shangxian to allow me The two of you will serve with you to repay your life-saving grace."

Xinghua resolutely refused, "No need."

Another little snake fairy on the ground said: "You two know that you are not qualified to serve the World Honored One and Piaoluo Shangxian, but you must repay your life-saving grace. My sister and I are 1 years old, and logically we still have [-] It was only a year ago that I was able to transform into a human form, but thanks to the help of your Buddha Dharma, I was able to transform into a human form now. This is another great kindness. If we sisters cannot repay the first kindness of human beings, we must be very concerned about our practice in the future. Please, World Honored One and Piaoluo Shangxian fulfilled us."

Ninety thousand years old.

Piaoluo looked at the two girls on the ground. She was only [-] years old when Xinghua caught her in the demon forest, and she couldn't transform into a human form at that time. What's more, there is only a body without a face.

"Ha ha."

Thinking of the past, Piaoluo laughed softly.

Xinghua glanced at Piaoluo, but didn't speak, but his eyes were waiting for her to explain why she was laughing.

"When I was 400 years old, you helped me transform into a human form." Recalling the first time the two met, I was terribly afraid at that time, fearing that he would raise his hand and blow my soul away. Now the memories are full of happiness and happiness. joy.If at that time he hadn't gone to the demon forest to eliminate the demon, if he hadn't bathed in that tree, if she hadn't fallen just right, if he hadn't caught him, if he had killed himself, if...and if...then If nothing happened, everything was just right, she fell into his palm, and his kindness was like bodhi.Looking at the little snake fairy on the ground, Piaoluo said, "Time is really fast." It was as if yesterday, the memories about him are still so clear, but they have experienced more than [-] million years in the infinite time.

"Tell me, did you look at me back then the way I look at them now?" Piaoluo asked.He is an immortal, and she is a little fairy who needs his help to transform into a human form.

Xinghua had no trace on his face, "Do you want to keep them by your side?"

"If you hadn't accepted me back then, I wouldn't be where I am today." She felt that if these two snake fairies were accepted today, they would really be able to achieve positive results and benefit the common people. accumulated merit.In the Buddha's Heaven, she thought that accumulating virtue is not an easy task. In the Buddha's Heaven, there is no fighting, no malaria, no bullying by the rich and the poor, no life and death, and no vicious monsters. If she does not go out to collect blessings, how can she be promoted? order.Now she is practicing with two little snake immortals. Once she achieves results, she has done a great deed. She has never accepted apprentices, but she never said that she will definitely not accept two little immortals by her side. If you can help her accumulate virtue, why not do it?

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, his eyes gradually became darker, if he hadn't met her, what would she be like now?What is he like?Wouldn't her life be better off without the sad stories she told.

People live in this world, not every choice is right.Not every choice will bring happiness to people.

But, fortunately, if you still have a choice, then you are lucky.Some people don't even have a chance to choose, they can only accept it blindly, and when they are unable to resist, they call it fate, and say it is the coercion of fate.

Xinghua didn't know whether his original choice was right or wrong. With no memory, he couldn't make a comprehensive judgment, and he didn't want to make a judgment.But he was very glad that he had the right to choose back then, and he was also happy that Piaoluo had the right to choose now. Although they didn't have the right to make decisions about the things she cared about most, wouldn't it be more sad if they had to be at the mercy of other things, Since she intends to take these two little snake fairies, he will not stop her.

Piaoluo smiled lightly, "But I know, you don't like others living in your own world. That's all."

The two little snake fairies on the ground were overjoyed when they heard that Piaoluo wanted to take them in, and then fell to the bottom because of her words.

"World Honored One, Piaoluo Shangxian, we will definitely not disturb your cultivation."

The two little snake fairies expressed their feelings in a hurry, "We just want to repay the favor. If you think it is inconvenient for us to follow, we can do things well in a place where you can't see."

"Yes. World Honored One, Piaoluo Shangxian, if we don't do well and make you dissatisfied, you can ask us to leave again."

Piaoluo looked at the two people on the ground, and said in a light voice: "If you really have kindness in your heart, no matter whether you are practicing in the fairy world or helping others in the world, you just need to remember the heart of benevolence. Not all kindness needs to be reciprocated. Don’t forget to repay your kindness, you’ll be honest." Looking at the two little snake fairies who raised their heads little by little, Piaoluo smiled faintly, "Let's go."

"Piaoluo Shangxian..."

No matter how much desire to stay in the eyes of the two little snake fairies, Piaoluo just greeted them lightly.

After the two little snake fairies left, Xinghua couldn't help but smile softly while sipping tea in the garden.

Piaoluo who was sitting opposite raised her chin slightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "If you want to praise me, just say it."

She knew that her behavior of letting the two little snake fairies leave the Xingqiong Palace must have made him feel curious, if not curious, at least it was admiration, as to whether it was because of her sensibility or her practice of meditation, she didn't know.

Xinghua slowly turned the teacup in his hand, "What are you praising you for?"


Seeing the teacup spinning in his hands, Xinghua seemed to have entered his own thinking world, and remained silent.Seeing that he stopped talking, Piaoluo lost the vigilance she had before, followed his gaze to look at the cup, smiled, poured herself a cup of tea, picked it up to imitate his appearance, and slowly Tasting.

After Xinghua drank the tea in his cup, he raised his eyelids to look at Piaoluo, and found that her expression was very comfortable, the corner of her mouth curled up. When she was quiet, she really had the posture of an immortal, steady and elegant. She has been living for half a month, just looking at her appearance, it should be hard to imagine that she has no integrity, she is a different person.

While making tea for himself, Xinghua said seemingly unintentionally: "Just now outside the bedroom, I don't know if you smelled something."

"What's the smell?" Piaoluo looked at Xinghua in confusion, "Could it be that Sanqing Shuangbai did something in secret?" After asking, Piaoluo felt that she was asking a bit stupidly, how could it be possible for a little snake fairy who transformed into a human form? There are small movements in front of him.

Xinghua smiled slightly, "Sour taste."

"Sour smell?" Piaoluo recalled, shaking her head, "No. I didn't smell it." It was just two snakes, how could there be a sour smell, and it wasn't the kind of animal that released a pungent smell as one of its attack skills.

(End of this chapter)

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