Chapter 291 I Can't Smell (1)
"Do you know why flowers can't smell their own fragrance?"

Piaoluo said seriously: "Of course I know. Because the fragrance is produced and released by myself, the sense of smell has long been used to that smell, so naturally I can't smell it." After speaking, Piaoluo vaguely understood Xinghua's meaning and asked him, "You It means that I put the sour smell in front of the bedroom just now? So I can't smell it?"

Xinghua smiled and watched the tea leaves soaking in the water.

"It's impossible for me to let out that smell."

Piao Luo, who was misunderstood that she was smelly, hurriedly explained, "Although I haven't showered for two days, I don't have that smell on my body. I smell very fragrant. Don't believe me, can you smell it?"

Girl, can you tell me that you haven't showered for two days?

"Come here." Xinghua raised his hand and brushed the place beside him, and appeared with a jade round stool. Watching Piaoluo come and sit down gently, he asked, "Are you not satisfied with the bathing pool in Lingbo Pavilion?"

"Uh..." Piaoluo smiled dryly, "I don't take a bath because I dislike the bathing pool. The things in the Xingqiong Palace are naturally excellent. I was going to take a bath yesterday, but I was lying on the bed reading a book and reading a book. I watched and fell asleep before I knew it." Piaoluo laughed dryly again, "Hehe, my body has only recovered for a few days, if I catch a cold because of taking a bath in the middle of the night, then I have to trouble the World Honored One to take care of me again. Besides, I usually don't go to any dirty places, my body is clean, even if I don't take a bath for two days, I won't have any smell. The sour smell that the World Honored One smelled at the door of the sleeping hall is definitely not mine."

Xinghua seemed to think about it for a while, then nodded in understanding.

"I think so too. It should be the sour smell from those two little snake fairies."

"Yes, definitely." Piaoluo was extremely confident, "They were locked in the Mingjing snake cage for a whole day last night. I untied the cage, and the smell inside naturally came out. It was theirs."

Xinghua smiled silently, seeing that the tea leaves in the cup were almost open, raised his hand, stroked the rim of the cup slowly with his fingertips, and said slowly, "Seeing that you live in Xingqiong Palace, their hearts are sour. It's also very normal, women are always a little jealous, I understand."

Piaoluo disagreed.

"It doesn't matter to them that I live in the Star Palace."

She was brought in by him to live here, and the master personally invited her to live here. She came in a dignified way, and no one has anything to say. Unless the World Honored One doesn't let her live, others can only envy and hate her. , What is the qualification for psychological pantothenic acid, what is pantothenic acid, is jealousy.Speaking of jealousy, that's a science, not everyone has the status of being jealous, it's too early for the two snake fairies to want to be jealous.When it comes to jealousy, only she has the right to eat them...

Piaoluo came to her senses, Xinghua didn't mean that the two snake gods were jealous of her, she was saying that she was jealous of the snake fairy, a sour smell emanated from her body.

"Although our lord Shizun is indeed very handsome, and he has indeed fascinated the goddesses and fairies in the 33rd heaven, but I am very sorry. I didn't let the snake fairy stay with me just because I was afraid that they would stay in the Star Palace And I left you to take care of me."

Piaoluo understood completely, Xinghua wanted to hear her explanation, but she didn't want to praise her, and didn't want to ask her directly, so she could only use such a roundabout way to get her to take the initiative to explain.

"I said World Honored One, do you feel that you are too bored.... If you have anything to do, just point it out in the future, so that everyone can save a little trouble." Piaoluo put her very delicate face in front of Xinghua, smiling "Want to hear my reasons? Want me to tell you? Want me to tell you?"

Xinghua just glanced at Piaoluo, but didn't say anything.

"Hehe, if you want to know, I won't tell you." Piaoluo turned her face away triumphantly.

He doesn't like outsiders living in, she knows.But it was not because of him that she made the original intention to let the two little snake fairies leave.It's not because she is worried that the two snakes will become her rivals in love. She has always known his perfection.How many girls admire him in their hearts, and she knows it well.She can't stop the likes of those outsiders, and she feels that there is nothing to stop. People who like him show that he is good enough, and it's too late for her to be happy.What made her confident was because she really didn't think those two snake fairies were enough to become her rivals in love.

She was unwilling to accept them as her companions because they were too immature, or paranoid.Being rescued, remember that kindness is due, and there is nothing wrong with them who want to repay their kindness.It's just that they mistakenly think that after repaying their kindness, they can feel at ease, which is wrong.She doesn't need others to feel that she owes her something, and Xinghua doesn't even need it.After receiving kindness, wanting to repay the kindness is the first step. If you can’t repay the kindness, what you should do is to let yourself be appreciated by others instead of persistently wanting to rely on the benefactor.If it wasn't the World Honored One or her who saved them today, but just an ordinary fairy, would they still be like this?Their thinking is still too selfish.She accepted them today, and when they go down to save people in the future, won't they also feel that others must repay the favor they have received from them?If this is the case, they will not be able to achieve positive results in their cultivation, and they will not have true compassion.

Piaoluo didn't say anything, and Xinghua didn't ask any questions.He doesn't object to her accepting a fairy servant by her side, but he just thinks that she should accept that kind of suitable person.Three greens and two whites, he thinks it is not suitable.Fortunately, she is not willful, nor is she overflowing with compassion.In this regard, he felt that she still had a bit of a fairy brain.

Qianchen Palace.

After Qilin came out of Xingqiong Palace, he went to Qianchen Palace in Xigutian, grabbing Qianli and complaining non-stop.

"Tell me, isn't Xinghua putting too much emphasis on sex and despising friends? If you have a woman, you don't want brothers." Qilin said angrily, "I'll just say, he said planting trees, it's a lie. It's just to find a The excuse is to go to Xinghua Palace to meet Piaoluo. It’s fine to see him, but he actually brought him into the Buddha’s Heaven, I don’t even know what he’s thinking.”

Qianli asked leisurely, "You said that Xinghua agreed with Piaoluo to raise three greens and two whites in Xingqiong Palace?"

"No. I was quite surprised when he said yes."

Qianli didn't understand, he smiled, it didn't look like a laugh at a good show, nor a smile of helplessness, but more like hearing a funny joke, but Qilin felt that there was nothing funny about it, if he stood From the standpoint of a good brother, he thinks it is a headache.

"However, I plan not to persuade Xinghua anymore."


Qianli looked at Qilin in amazement, even more surprised than when he said that Xinghua asked Piaoluo to raise three greens and two whites in Xingqiong Palace.

Qilin smiled at the beautiful god attendant who was walking by, followed the girl away, and only looked at Qianli when there was no more beauty in his eyes, "What's so surprising, I persuaded him three times, but he didn't listen. Is there any way, I can’t steal Piaoluo from Xingqiong Palace secretly. Xinghua’s people, I’d better not move. If that kid finds out that I’m cheating on his woman behind my back, no, the former woman, he You don’t even have to kill me half my life.”

Speaking of Xinghua's temper, Qilin couldn't help but say a few more words, "Don't look at Xinghua's usual good-natured appearance, who seldom gets angry and is kind-hearted. This kind of person is even more terrifying. He is especially good when he has no temper. It's okay to pull out his dragon beard, but once he is really pissed off, he will definitely crush him. Hey, 200 million years ago, Mingling Mu Changbai, remember that time you saw Xinghua's temper How big is it. I finally understand that the most powerful people in the 33 heavens are not Xinghua and you, but each of you."

The World Honored One and Emperor Zun can't be messed with, so the woman they are covering is even more so.

"Ah. You didn't. You're a loner. You're from the Xinghua family."

Afterwards, Qilin corrected again, "No. It's not the guy from Xinghua's family either. Daidai has nothing to do with him now, he's an old man. But think about Qianli, just an old man Xinghua loves so much, if Piaoluo has really become his empress, tsk tsk, thinking about it, she suddenly becomes radiant, her whole body is shining with golden light, despising all things in the 33rd heaven." Imagine Piaoluo as the empress, Qilin Infinity sighed, "There is a saying that behind a successful man stands a successful woman. And if it is a successful woman, then behind her is a super invincible successful man."

Especially Piaodadai's IQ level is so worrying, and she can look down on the common people, so how strong is the man behind her to make her stand firm.Xinghua is such a successful male god who can make any woman look at the world from the highest position.He is well worth having.

"Ouch." Qilin patted his leg, "Why do you think I can't meet such a successful and good man?"

Qianli looked at Qilin leisurely, staring at him very intently.

"You, what are you looking at me for?" Qilin felt that the atmosphere was suddenly a little strange.

"It's not that you can't meet a successful male god. Rather, you have failed in one place, and you are destined to never meet him."

Qilin asked humbly, "Where did I fail?"

"You fail because you're not a woman."

As he said that, Qianli raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at Qilin with a naughty smile, "Of course. I have a very close friendship with you. If you really want it, I will satisfy you. In terms of gender, I will reluctantly do it. do not mind."

Qilin's face became stiff, red, black, and roared.

"You don't mind me!"

Qilin leaped ten feet away as if hiding from a monster, and looked at Qianli on the ground from high in the sky.It's too scary, Emperor Zun is such a mad heavenly beast, he didn't notice it at all before, if he hadn't said these words, he definitely wouldn't know that he was the little white rabbit in front of Emperor Zun. in front of you.His pure body must not be defiled by him, absolutely not.

"Qianli, I won't give you a chance. My pure body belongs to the Buddha, and I only have the Buddha in my heart." Qilin looked longingly at the direction of Western Bliss, "I advise you to give up on me, for our sake Years of relationship can last forever, I will treat it as if I never had your words, I know your friendship for me. But, you have to remember, we... can't have results. "

A stone not far from Qianli's feet suddenly disappeared, and he heard Qilin's exclamation from the air.


Qilin opened the Baise fan and shook it very proudly, "Haha, I missed it, I missed it." Fortunately, his legs and feet were quick, and he dodged it in a flash.

Qianli slowly looked up at the quivering qilin in the air, before saying anything, the qilin ran away with a whoosh.

Qianli leaned back on the chair, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the distant sky.

'33 The most powerful people in Zhongtian are not Xinghua and you, but your respective sons. '

'Behind a successful man stands a successful woman.And if it is a successful woman, then there is a super invincible and successful man standing behind her. '

(End of this chapter)

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