Chapter 308 Three Years (2)
Yu Zhi and Zi Le's competition of swords, lights, swords, and clothes was very exciting. Everyone was not distracted by Qilin's momentary disturbance, and most of them even didn't see his funny moves.Piao Luo also turned her eyes to the field after he sat back in his seat, carefully watching Yu Zhi and Zi's martial arts competition.Moreover, the more I look at her, the more I feel that the gap between myself and them is not small. It seems that I still haven't worked hard enough. It was a fluke that I was able to pass the previous Xitian Grand Ceremony. Every time I meet someone who is not as good as her, I will naturally win. This time I'm afraid it's really bad luck to meet someone who is stronger than yourself.

Xinghua looked at Qilin for a while, then turned his attention to Piaoluo, seeing her concentrating on watching the game, he couldn't help but glanced at Hanori and Zi, still expressionless.

Qilin felt strange, he was startled when he saw Xinghua who was supposed to be in the Buddha's Heaven, why did everyone else act as if they didn't see him?No matter how important the match is, when the World Honored One comes, the Great Brahma King should bring everyone together to salute Xinghua.Moreover, Piaoluo is below, she saw Xinghua coming, shouldn't she show something?

Unable to withstand the drive of curiosity, Qilin flew up from his seat, flew into Yunxiao to Xinghua's side, looked him up and down, "Is it really you?"

"Otherwise?" Xinghua asked softly.

Qilin pointed to himself, and then to the people below, "I am the only one who can see you?"

"You know?" Xinghua asked again.

"Shameless!" specifically to scare him.

Xinghua kept looking at Piaoluo. With her strength, it might be a little difficult to win the two immortals who are now competing. Unless she can understand what he instructed her in the Xingqiong Palace, otherwise, she will lose the battle. .

After confirming that it was the real arrival of Xinghua, Qilin was relieved, and put on his usual cynical smile, "I said, you can't fail to see the situation of Piaodaida." It's the ruler of the fairy world, Brahma King. It's very dangerous for a little snake like her to be caught in the middle. "Look at Yuzhi Shangxian and Ziliao Shangxian, how beautiful they are. At this level, I don't think Piaodaidai can't hold any of them. In the next match, she will lose." Original star If Hua didn't come, he still thought about whether to help her. Although he didn't know how to help her without revealing the truth, he wanted to sell her the favor of Shun Shui.He doesn't need to worry now, Xinghua is here, so he shouldn't just watch Piaodai lose.

"You, will you help her?" Qilin asked Xinghua uncertainly, you must know that Lord World Honored One is a righteous person, and I'm afraid it's impossible to let him play tricks behind his back.

Xinghua asked again, "Why do you want to help?" In a fair game, helping her is cheating, it is unfair to others, and it may not be a good thing for her.As an immortal, if she can't subdue people with virtue, strength and law, how can she gain a foothold in the immortal world in the future?
"If you don't help, she will lose."

"I know." There was a hint of reluctance in Xinghua's voice.

Qilin was surprised, "You know?"

He really didn't understand how he could remain so calm since he knew that Piaodaidai would lose.He wanted to say, could it be her bad luck?At this moment, he didn't know whether to say that Xinghua was too upright, or that his Xinruzhishui skill was too powerful, or that he really didn't want to see Piaoluo fall into such a predicament, but he couldn't destroy the Xitian Grand Ceremony. rule.Just looking at his expression, he really couldn't guess it.

"Because you know she will lose, so you don't show up?" Qilin guessed, "Afraid of seeing her expectant eyes and not being able to lend a helping hand to her? Afraid she will blame you?"

If you think about it the other way around, as long as he shows up, it is very likely that Piaoluo will not lose.After all, the whole fairy world knew about the fact that he took her to the Buddha Heaven. Although they couldn't guess their relationship, no one dared not give him face. The way is to not look at the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha. No matter how you say it, defeating Piaoluo in front of everyone can be regarded as an indirect challenge to the authority of the World Honored One. There are no such stupid people.

In the following arena, Haori and Zile fought inseparably. Using martial arts moves and immortal techniques together, their figures flickered so dizzyingly that people couldn't see them. They fought from the arena to the air. The group of people who took the longest time so far fought for an hour without a score.

Lingque looked at the two people in the sky who were beaten so hard that they couldn't see clearly, and couldn't help but sweat for Piaoluo beside her. Yuzhi and Zi were so powerful, how could Piaoluo be their opponent?But if Piaoluo loses, how can she beat the Great Brahma King? Doesn't he have to let her suffer the third defeat?

Before everyone could see it clearly, a series of sweeping sweeps kicked Yu Zhishang into the middle of the arena.

Shangxian Yuzhi coughed twice, put down his hand covering his chest, and looked at Shangxian Ziyao flying in front of him, with a slight dissatisfaction in his eyes, she has practiced to such a degree, she really underestimated her.

"Are you okay?" Zi Le Shangxian asked.


Seeing Zi's end, Qilin frowned involuntarily, it must be Piaoluo now.

Piaoluo stood up from the chair, Lingque whispered to her, "Piaoluo."

Piaoluo turned her head to look at the sparrow.

"There is a lot of anger in the eyes of Yuzhi Shangxian." She saw Yuzhi's dissatisfaction with Zi. Although she concealed it very well, it was impossible for others to see it, but it couldn't escape her eyes. Her heart is now in a mess Fire, anger! "Although it's not against you, but be careful!"

Piaoluo nodded, "I will."

It's normal for Sensei Yuori to be angry after losing twice in a row.If she doesn't defeat herself this time, she will have to face Brahma King, how could Immortal Yuzhi not know the seriousness of the matter.Facing her, she will never be soft-hearted.After the two battles, part of her immortal power will inevitably be lost. If she is more careful and lucky, she may not lose.

Piaoluo touched the ground with her toes and flew down the field, her white gauze fluttering and her blue hair flying, her posture was very eye-catching.There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd, for this Shangxian with a face that could close the moon, there are too many stories about her in the world.

Seeing that it was Piaoluo who came down, Yuzhi raised the corner of her mouth, this is easy to deal with, she must not lose to Piaoluo, otherwise she really has no chance to turn around, she will not be polite.

"Horizontal Immortal."

Yu Zhi nodded with a smile, "Piaoluo Shangxian, long time no see."

"Well, it's been a long time."

After seeing the ceremony, the two opened their postures, because they knew that there were many flaws in their martial arts moves, Piaoluo did not conjure up a saber, but summoned the magic weapon hidden in her waist all the time!Purple Tianling.

Purple Tianling, an emperor-colored purple ribbon that can change infinitely, its changes are so unpredictable that it is impossible to predict.The only time Piaoluo used Zitianling was when she entered the Qiankun formation and broke through the formation before she ascended to immortality, after that she just conjured up a saber as a weapon.Other immortals turned their magical artifacts into hair ornaments or hairpins or pinned them on their heads, but she hid her purple Tianling in her heart because it was difficult to wear a second hair ornament after having one hair ornament in her heart. It was tied to the waist, and it was not tied into a knot with Zitian Lingwan.

Watching Zi Tianling, shining with imperial color, fly out from Piaoluo's waist, fluttering around her flat arms, and, the longer she dances, the longer her width gradually widens.

Xinghua hooked the corner of her mouth lightly, turning the long sword into a purple sky Ling, she was also clever.

The long sword is tough, every move can be seen clearly, and it is the easiest to be caught by someone.If it is changed to Zi Tianling, the magic weapon itself has mana and is a fluttering ribbon. It is really not easy to see her problem, so it can be regarded as a way to give the opponent the illusion that she has no flaws. , Soldiers never tire of cheating.

Seeing Piaoluo showing her weapon, Yuzhi Shangxian felt that she really thought highly of herself, she had never seen Piaoluo Shangxian use magic weapons easily, and she didn't want to lose to herself.Unfortunately, she had to win.

A flash of sword light flashed, and Yuori dodged to attack Piaoluo.

Piaoluo jumped into the air, but the two ends of Zi Tianling stopped at the original position, the ribbon fluttered along with her figure to a very long distance, when Yu Zhi's figure reached the position where she was standing, Zi Tianling It was like two edgeless sharp swords catching Haori's offensive.And because Piaoluo had been on guard for a long time, she poured immortal magic into Zitian Ling, and when the magical weapons collided with each other, they resisted Yusha and secretly cast immortal magic, and she didn't even hit her with a single move.

Seeing that his first move was unsuccessful, Yuori immediately mobilized all his celestial power, and then attacked Piaoluo, but Piaoluo's Zi Tianling could change into various lengths, and Haori wanted to attack Piaoluo in close quarters every time Every time she succeeds, she is pulled away by her Zi Tianling, and her immortality has been depleted in the first two times. Piaoluo's million-year mana is not fake, and she has received her attacks every time.The competition began to develop into a long-term battle.

Lingque watched the purple light flying in the field, and her heart was in her throat, Piaoluo, you can hold on, don't be defeated by Yuori.

Zi Tianling went up to the sky, and in Piaoluo's hands it seemed to become a protective net, blocking Shangxian Yuzhi and preventing her from attacking Piaoluo.After three hundred moves, Yuzhi didn't see any flaws in Piaoluo.Piaoluo, who turned around to perform moves, knew very well that she had a lot of problems in the next three hundred moves. If she couldn't win, it would be bad for her. She might not be a match for Hanori due to the physical loss and fighting power of the two.However, she hasn't thought of how to repair her flaws until now. Why does Xinghua let her not practice if she can't think of a way to break it?She remembered the scene of their fight as clearly as if they had fought thousands of times, but she still couldn't find a way.

Qilin looked at Piaoluo flying across the ground, there were a few chances before he wanted to win her, Haori probably didn't see it.Otherwise, he would have won already.Hey, if things go on like this, it won't be good for Piaodaidai.Thinking about it, he turned to look at Xinghua, he still looked cool and indifferent.

Xinghua's gaze never left Piaoluo's figure. She may be too fast for others to see clearly, but to him, she is still slow.

Ah Luo, you still haven't understood what I'm telling you.

The battle time is getting longer and longer, Yuori Shangxian also realizes that if she doesn't end as soon as possible, her immortal power will be consumed even more. Seeing that Piaoluo won't let her get close, she feels that she must break through her Zitianling no matter what. Otherwise, a long-distance attack would not be able to take her down.In anxiety, wisdom is born, and there is!The method of phantom infinity!
Yuzhi Shangxian made an appearance of attacking Piaoluo with all his strength, and cast the phantom Wuxu Dafa, transformed into a phantom and instantly escaped behind Piaoluo. When she was dealing with her fairy body in front, the phantom stabbed Piaoluo with a sword .

Xinghua frowned suddenly.

Qilin Shangshen thought to himself, that's too bad!
The words in Qilin's heart hadn't finished yet, when Yuzhi's sword hit Piaoluo's vest, she didn't hurt her, but the victory was already decided.

Piaoluo put away Zi Tianling and turned around, smiled lightly, "You should have won a long time ago."

"Hehe, for me, the result is the most important thing, and I won't pursue it sooner or later." Yuzhi put away his sword, glanced at the Brahma King on the main seat, and then looked at Piaoluo, "I'm sorry .”

Piaoluo smiled again, "It's not your fault."

After Yuzhi Shangxian left the field, there were floating flowers in the field, and the Brahma King looked at the women in the field with a serious face.He knew who his opponent was when he knew that she had drawn the eighth place.It's just that she never expected that she would draw the eighth place.

(End of this chapter)

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