Chapter 309
The Great Brahma Heavenly King stood up and slowly stepped down from the throne. His aura made all the immortals stand in awe.

Piaoluo Shangxian, I can only say that your luck is not good, the relationship between you and the World Honored One is confusing, I can't see clearly, but I can't let you win this king in front of all the immortals, right?People don't believe it, if this king lets you pass the test, it will be embarrassing, and people will say it is unfair.If you complain, you can only blame your bad luck.

The Great Brahma King came down, and all the immortals bowed down.

"Piaoluo Shangxian." The Brahma King walked a few steps away from Piaoluo, looked at her, and had a plan in his heart, he just had to fight her with all his strength, trying to damage her immortal power as little as possible Some, as for whether she can win the Spirit Sparrow, then... wait, if she loses, it will be the Spirit Sparrow.

Piaoluo smiled, "The Great Brahma Heavenly King can do whatever he can. Don't be merciful to Piaoluo because of others, that's not your style and it's hard to convince the public. Although Piaoluo is not talented, she also understands the rules Since it is the rule of the Xitian Grand Ceremony, no matter who it is, it can only be followed, and there is no personal preference."

Da Brahma Heavenly King nodded with a smile on his face. For this Piaoluo Shangxian, there are indeed small troubles everywhere in the fairy world, and he can't live in peace. He hears some fairy family running to him to sue her every now and then, but when it comes to big issues of right and wrong, , he is not worried, she knows how to deal with it.This time, if I let her lose her immortal power, I guess the World Honored One will not embarrass him, after all, it is a matter of business.Hey, thinking about it, it's luck. How did Lingque just get the ninth place? Isn't this forcing him to be relentless?Sure enough, being a man is tiring, and being a man of high authority is even more tiring.

"Let's start." Piaoluo said.

The first seven games have already taken most of the day, and there are still seven games to be compared, and today must be finished. If you don't hurry up, the next Shangxian will be in the evening.However, thinking about it, she doesn't have to worry about the match between herself and the Heavenly King. There is such a huge disparity in mana between the two, it's a bit of a fantasy to win against him.But if you don't win...

Piaoluo frowned, she didn't want to lose!Five years apart from Xinghua is too long.Moreover, her food is in the Star Palace, how can she give up?Zi Tianling flew around Piaoluo's body again, emitting a purple light, and the light seemed purer than the one summoned before.

Lingque saw her heart from Piaoluo's eyes, she wanted to win Brahma King!Very strong desire!Although she didn't know why Piaoluo had such a fighting spirit, it really surprised her, the disparity in strength, why did she still want to win?She could see that Piaoluo seemed to be pursuing something in her heart, but she didn't know why she was so determined.

Qilin couldn't bear to see the battle between Piaoluo and Brahma King. Isn't this clearly bullying the weak by the strong?He really couldn't understand why Xinghua didn't show up. If he showed up, it would definitely put a lot of pressure on Brahma King.A person with a very good character just can't make small moves.If this matter had been put on Qianli's body, if his woman had been bullied like this, he would have shown up long ago and suppressed her as comfortably as she could.Xinghua is just too upright.

"Xinghua, she will definitely not be the opponent of Brahma King."

"Who here doesn't know?"

It is because everyone knows that A Luo will lose, and it is useless for him to show up.What's more, do you really only need to consider A Luo's winning or losing?Da Brahma is the ruler of the fairy world, if he intentionally loses to Piaoluo because of his pressure, how will he control the immortals in the future?Compared with the stability of the fairy world, A Luo's win or loss is actually very small, and she may not understand this truth.Furthermore, if she went to Xianxi Mountain, he might not be able to go to see her. It is not as difficult for him to find her as it is for her to go to the Buddha's Heaven. The only question is whether he wants to go or not.In the current situation, if A Luo doesn't want to go to Xianxi Mountain, she can only rely on her own ability to win the Brahma King and end her losing.However, when it is impossible.She didn't comprehend his advice, and had already missed the chance to win in the last game.

The Great Brahma Heavenly King looked at Piaoluo surrounded by Xianze. He spent a lot of time in the previous game. He is the king of heaven, so it is necessary to show his strength. To deal with Piaoluo, he must fight quickly and defeat the enemy with one move. most appropriate.

As Qilin expected, the Brahma King used the Longtian Jue in the first move, and nine golden lights flew towards Piaoluo. After she dodged three, the fourth magic light circled and enveloped her, trapping her. The five dragons and flying dance followed her to envelop her, making her inescapable. Zi Tianling's spells and tricks were completely unable to be used, and her immortal power was fading away little by little.

Under the strong pressure of the Six Dao Long Tian Jue, Piao Luo knelt down on one knee, and the moment her knee touched the ground, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in her mind.She understands!The image of Xinghua fighting with her began to appear clearly in her mind, and she understood why Xinghua asked her to recall their battle and not let her practice!I also understand how to repair the flaws in my tricks.She is so stupid, why did she only understand now!He actually told her how to fix her flaws when he was fighting with her. She recalled their battles over and over again, and kept his moves in her heart. His moves were perfect, and they were her flaws after repairing. Impeccable martial arts tricks.He was afraid that she would not remember, so he asked her not to practice and remember well. He saw his laxity and disdain for martial arts, so he didn't point out that he insisted on her studying it.Because he knows very well that only when she reacts by herself can those moves be truly remembered by her and truly become her skills.


Piaoluo frowned, Xinghua, I realized it too late, if I had understood earlier, I would definitely be able to fight with Yuzhi in close quarters, and then I would have taken her down.


Thinking of Xinghua's face and how he waited for her, a voice suddenly appeared in Piaoluo's heart, a strong voice urging her to win the Brahma King.The voice became more and more sharp and piercing, as if a suppressed force was expanding, making it difficult for her to tell whether it was the cry in her heart or the real power bursting out.

Su Bai and Su Chun, who were sitting on the stage, saw that Piao Luo was trapped in the Long Tian Jue, and she would lose if her power was lost for a while, but they didn't want her to lose.Su Chun anxiously walked towards the sidelines.

"Piaoluo Shangxian."

Su Bai hastily went to pull his younger sister, how could she go to the sidelines to disturb this kind of competition.

"Suchun, don't make a sound."

"But sister, Piaoluoshangxian, she..."

Su Bai pulled Su Chun hard, "This is a game that doesn't need to be guessed..."

Su Bai hadn't finished speaking.In the eyes of the immortals and gods, even Xinghua, there was no need to guess the ending of the duel, and there was an astonishing counterattack.

Covered by the Longtian Art, Piaoluo exudes more and more intense purple, and the light of Xianze becomes brighter and brighter. The feeble Zi Tianling suddenly became powerful, and danced around Piaoluo again, and Piaoluo, who was kneeling on one knee, stood up easily, and with the movement of her arm, Zi Tianling fluttered. Flying away, it actually shattered the Six Paths Dragon Art of the Great Brahma Heavenly King, and pure purple light shot out from her body, reflecting the main hall of the Xitian Grand Ceremony in a piece of purple.

The shattered Long Tian Jue flew towards the sidelines, and the immortals who couldn't avoid it were injured, among them, Su Bai and Su Chun, who had shallow knowledge, were seriously injured.In the arena, the Great Brahma Heavenly King avoided the fragments of his Longtian Jue, and couldn't believe that Piao Luo came out of the Liu Dao Jue.In order to save his own face, he reacted quickly to make a second move towards Piaoluo, but he didn't want Piaoluo's reaction to be so fast at this time. Guang, when everyone couldn't figure out why Piaoluo was able to counterattack, Piaoluo who flew close to the Brahma King suddenly turned around and hit the Brahma King's chest with a palm, sending him flying ten feet away.

Xinghua was stunned.

Qilin was stunned.

All the gods and immortals in the Great Hall of Xitian Ceremony were stunned.

Brahma King stabilized his body, the look in his eyes had become very cold, looking at Piaoluo, he had the idea that he would never be soft on her.Just now the low-level gods of Piaoluo couldn't really see the power in it, but the great gods felt it clearly, if the palm was received by the gods present, they might not be able to catch it.The Great Brahma King is the bearer, so he naturally has a deep understanding.

Qilin, who has always been distressed, was so surprised that he even forgot to shake his fan. Looking at the purple-eyed Piaoluo in the field, he couldn't believe it.

"What did you do?" Qilin asked and turned to look at Xinghua, "Did you?"

Xinghua asked, "I'm right by your side, if I make a move, you won't feel it at all?" Is he too unconfident in his own way?Although he didn't ascend to the rank of god, but he didn't allow his moral fruit to be fully cultivated. It's not that he didn't reach the level of Taoism. If he could give Ah Luo such great immortal power from under his nose, then he wouldn't be able to be the head of the god. .

Qilin took a deep look at Xinghua, yes, Xinghua was beside him, if he made a move, he couldn't not feel it.But if it wasn't for Xinghua's help, how could Piaoluo have such great power?It is impossible for a third-party god to help Piaoluo in the dark.

"Could it be..." Qilin was looking for an excuse for Piaoluo's sudden outburst, "She doesn't want to go to Xianxi Mountain and just wants to stay by your side to explode her immortal power?"

Xinghua raised his eyebrows, was it an explosion under the influence of mental strength?


"Why?" Qilin asked.

"You and I can really feel her mana power from the power that shattered the Dragon Heaven Jue just now and the celestial power that hit the Great Brahma King. If it's simply because she doesn't want to be separated from me in her heart, at most it's because she has to support her mentally. A moment." It is impossible for spiritual power to become actual immortal power, and she did counterattack with her own immortal power.Even he couldn't figure out why A Luo's mana exploded so powerfully in an instant, which was unbelievable.What's more, it's incredible.

Qilin looked at Piaoluo, the purple Tianling around her had turned into a saber, and the purple sword was blazing with light like flames, with a calm face facing the flying Great Brahma King, that kind of imposing manner really It's not like the Piaoluo Shangxian he knew before the competition, as if she became a great god who can overlook the fairy world in an instant.Unable to restrain herself, Qilin sighed, "If it doesn't matter her age, with her current magic power, I'm afraid it's more than enough for a position and a god position." But, how to explain her magic power suddenly became so powerful?
The Great Brahma King who flew to Piaoluo conjured up his own weapon. From the battle between Piaoluo and Yuzhi, he saw that Piaoluo was not good at melee combat. As long as he used this method, coupled with his mana, he would soon He will be able to take her down and save a lot of face. Although he still doesn't know why Piaoluo Shangxianhui is so powerful all of a sudden, he will ask later, the most urgent task is to solve the immediate game as soon as possible.

To the surprise of the Brahma King and all the gods, this time Piaoluo not only received the close attack of the Brahma King, but also moved extremely fast. The first [-] moves were on par with the Brahma King, and the last [-] moves showed a It has suppressed the trend of Brahma King.

Yuori Shangxian, who was sitting on her seat, subconsciously wiped her forehead. Fortunately, she won the last match with Piaoluo Shangxian. If she fights with her current level, she will lose within one move , and then facing the Great Brahma King, I can hardly imagine it.However, she didn't understand, since Piaoluo Shangxian had such magical power, why didn't she release it on herself just now, did she deliberately let herself go?Or is it waiting to compete with Brahma King?No matter what it was, she was glad that she had passed the level of Piaoluo. Looking at the situation before her, she was really scared into a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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