Chapter 321 Don't Do This (1)
All he has is her.

Just like, when she returned to the demon forest from Motuo Tianshan, she had no friends, and when she was almost taken away by the demon master, he rescued herself, and then stayed with him in the demon forest for a year.She always remembered that kindness. In the days without Xinghua, he took care of her and treated her very well.

"Moxin, don't be like this." Piaoluo stretched out her hand to gently support Moxin's shoulder, "We are friends. Good friends."

The heart of the devil is suffering.

She had always known that he wanted more than just being her friend.Of course, it's useless to say anything now.

"I'll come to see you. And in the future."

"What if Xinghua doesn't let you come?" Moxin thought, if it were him, he wouldn't let her see Xinghua. Since the man in her heart is herself, why should she let her meet her deadly enemy? ?

Piaoluo smiled, "He didn't know that I came to see you."

"What if we know in the future?"

"I'll know in the future..." Piaoluo repeated Moxin's words in a low voice. She never thought that Xinghua would know about it. Her plan was to keep him from knowing about it. After all, all he could remember was the battle with Moxin. There is also Tu Xian from the demon world, it is not wise to talk to him about the demon heart. "Oh, who knows what will happen in the future, maybe you will never know. You have to believe me, I am not an ordinary person, I can hide it."

Moxin suddenly raised his hand to hug Piaoluo, but Phantom also gently hugged her into his arms.

"Piaoluo, it doesn't matter if you can live without hiding it or not, I'm very happy that you can come to see me today." I didn't expect that she came to see him from Xinghua's side. He already felt that it was amazing, no matter how much it was, he didn't dare to look at it anymore.

Piaoluo smiled softly, "I will come to see you later." As she said that, Piaoluo looked up at the sky at the entrance of the cave, and was surprised that it was completely dark, and hurriedly said, "Moxin, it's late, I have to go gone."

After reluctantly letting go of Piaoluo, Mo Xin nodded.

"I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road."


Moxin noticed the purple ribbon on Piaoluo's head, and suddenly asked: "You wear a hair ornament, but Xinghua gave it to you? It's very beautiful."

"No, it's mine."

Moxin smiled, "It suits you very well."

"Ha ha."

Seeing Piao Luo laughing, Mo Xin suddenly asked: "It seems that you have never seen you wear the hairpin I gave you, don't you like it?"

Hairpins from him?

Piaoluo recalled, and immediately said: "No. I like the hairpin you gave me very much. But, as you know, I always let my hair go freely. However, in the past few months, the gods have shown their ways I also summoned my own Zi Tianling along the way, and I didn't bother to take it back, so I put it on my head."

Moxin nodded.After hesitating for a while, she asked Piaoluo uncertainly, "When you come to see me next year, can you bring the hairpin I gave you?"

Piaoluo thought to herself, she couldn't wear it even if she wanted to, and Xinghua accidentally threw it into the bottomless pool. Even if she was an immortal, she couldn't get it back from that place, and she didn't seem to remember that hair. Whatever the hairpin looks like, it is difficult to make one exactly the same and wear it on.

"Is it okay? Piaoluo."


After saying goodbye to the demon heart, Piaoluo flew out of the lotus cave, picked up Xinghua's cloak at the entrance of the cave, put it on her body, and tied it up.He is the World Honored One of the Buddha Heaven, and she didn't want his clothes to be stained with the breath of a person from the demon world, so she endured the cold and entered the cave.

In the cold wind, Piaoluo, who left through the clouds and fog, hurried to the Buddha's Heaven, thinking about how to explain to Xinghua that she had left for a day.But she didn't notice that in the thick snow behind him, a man in a golden robe stood like a strong pine in the biting wind, his body was covered with cold snow, and his eyes kept chasing her.

After coming out of Posuofa Mountain, Piaoluo hurried forward, thinking about going back to Xingqiong Palace to meet Xinghua as soon as possible.When flying over the Xinghua Palace, I accidentally saw something coiled on the ground at the gate of the palace.Piaoluo took a closer look, snake?Flying the auspicious clouds down, Piaoluo looked at the blue and white three greens and two whites whose whole body was frozen purple and stiff at the gate of Xinghua Palace.The two sisters didn't stay at home well, why did they run to the gate of Xinghua Palace? The snow in the Frost Moon is no joke, for snakes, it is enough to freeze them to death.

Seeing that Su Bai and Su Chun were completely unconscious, Piao Luo squatted down and shrunk them down. After thinking about it, she put them into her wide sleeves and left.After Piaoluo left for about half an hour, several fairies flew past the gate of Xinghua Palace, chatting and laughing.

Buddha Heaven, Star Palace.

Piaoluo returned to the palace, and hurriedly walked towards the bookstore. According to the usual habits, Xinghua would definitely read in the bookstore at this time, but when Piaoluo arrived at the bookstore, she found that Xinghua was not there.Turned around and hurriedly walked towards his bedroom, but still couldn't find him.Standing in the outer room of the bedroom, Piao Luo thought about it, at this point, he neither read nor slept, where could he go?

Lingbo Pavilion?
Piaoluo thinks it is possible, maybe he is waiting for her in Lingbo Pavilion.So she hurriedly walked towards Lingbo Pavilion, just after leaving the gate of Xinghua's bedroom, Piaoluo stopped.Xinghua was cooking when she left, and it's late at night, I don't know if he is still waiting for her in the kitchen, maybe he is stubborn and won't eat until she waits?Thinking of this, Piaoluo turned back into the side hall of the bedroom, and went to the kitchen specially arranged by Xinghua in the bedroom.

Arriving at the door of the wing room outside the kitchen, Piao Luo looked at a table of dishes on the round table in the room, and her figure froze for a moment at the door, feeling indescribable in her heart, moved, sad, guilt also accounted for a large part, mixed flavors List.It has been almost a year since he came to Buddha's Heaven, and they reunited after parting for 200 million people. This was the first time he cooked a table seriously, but she disappeared for a day without taking a bite.For Xinghua, he must have done too much.

Piaoluo walked into the room slowly, looking at the frozen dishes on the table, her nose felt sour.Xinghua... is he angry?Piaoluo wanted to eat all the dishes on the table, but the winter in the Buddha's day was really cold, and all the dishes were covered with a layer of ice, so they couldn't be eaten at all.

Find Xinghua!
Piaoluo turned around and flew towards Lingbo Pavilion. She wanted to find Xinghua and apologize properly. She was sorry for his dedication, and also sorry for disappearing for a day without telling. She couldn't break the appointment, but she didn't dare to tell him that she went to see Demon Heart. Gods and demons are incompatible, and their fate is the enemy. She can't change her fate, but she thinks Demon Heart can dissolve the hatred in her heart, and she also feels that she owes him many.

It's a pity that Piaoluo couldn't find Xinghua in Lingbo Pavilion.Afterwards, Piaoluo began to search for Xinghua wantonly in Xingqiong Palace, one palace after another, even looking for small rooms at off-angles. trace.

Her heart began to become anxious.

She worried about him!She believed that no one could hurt his body, but she felt that she had hurt his heart this time.

Piaoluo walked to the gate of Xingqiong Palace, looked at the distance of the golden steps, where did Xinghua go?Was he angry with himself and left?Didn't return overnight, when he was the head of the fairy before, unless things were really tricky and busy, he wouldn't stay away all night.Now that he is the World Honored One, she doesn't think there is anything that requires him to be busy all night.His disappearance was probably because of himself.

In desperation, Piaoluo sat at the door of Xingqiong Palace.

Xinghua, where have you been?

Maybe I really did too much this time.Back then when Demon Heart was ruthless to her, her life was almost lost.Later, because he was kind to him and saved himself, he left Xinghua and disappeared for a day because of him.Didn't she dare to do this because he has a good temper and loves her?If he was that cold and ruthless World Honored Xinghua, she might not dare to leave for a moment, fearing that if she did, she would never see him again.

In this world, if you are loved to the depths, you will be proud of being favored, and she is no exception.

The winter in Buddha's day was very cold, and Piaoluo felt very cold after sitting at the door for a while, and suddenly thought of the three greens and two whites she brought back.They were dying when they were picked up in Xinghua Palace, and now I was delayed for another night, and now I don't know whether they are dead or alive.

Piaoluo immediately took Sanqing and Shuangbai out of their sleeves, and detected their extremely weak breath.Too bad, she was really careless, she should have treated them when she returned to Xingqiong Palace, if she didn't save them, she would really die.

Piaoluo, who was eager to save Subai Suchun, didn't care too much, and took them to Lingbo Pavilion where she lived. In order to thaw their bodies, she put them in the constant temperature spring prepared by Xinghua for her, and watched them fall in the warm water. Bit by bit of melting ice, Piaoluo prayed that she could still save the pair of sisters.No matter how unpleasant things happened to each other before, as an immortal, she couldn't do nothing but let them leave after they got better.

While the Sanqing and Shuangbai sisters were thawing, Piaoluo took a lot of elixir herbs from the elixir, and even took a handful of the Yulu meditation incense made by Xinghua, and lit these extremely precious incense on the In the Lingbo Pavilion, I hope that the divine fragrance can be breathed into the body by Subai Suchun to help them recover.

Half an hour later, the water temperature of the constant temperature spring melted the body temperature of the three green and two white snakes. Two highly poisonous white snakes floated on the warm water, listless, and it could even be said that their lives were hanging by a thread. If they were not treated, they would only become two A dead snake.

Piaoluo stood by the pool, all the celestial spirits on her body spread out, a layer of dark purple halo surrounded her body, the color was much darker than before.She understood that it was because she had lived in the Wujin Heart Curtain for more than three months, and her magic power had improved greatly compared to before.The fairy magic that flew out from her fingertips stirred up layers of water waves on the water surface of the constant temperature spring. Facing the surface of the water, three green and two white are surrounded by two crystal clear purple spheres.The elixir and divine grass by the pool flew up by the floating radish, one by one flew into the inside of the purple ball, and stuck to the body of three green and double white, and under the effect of the purple fairy art, it penetrated into the purple sphere little by little. Inside the body of the snake was a highly poisonous white snake that was about to die.

The water in the constant temperature spring was slowly dyed a light purple. Under the pressure of Piaoluo's non-stop spells, the purple in the water was absorbed by the white snake body. It was not until all the purple in the water was absorbed that Piaoluo stopped the magic.Piaoluo wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, looked at the blue and white figures in the water who were gradually breathing steadily, and let out a long sigh of relief.Finally, they were all saved, otherwise I would really blame myself.It is estimated that she and them are predestined, met several times, and rescued each other several times, but she also felt that she was not compatible with them. It was okay to save lives, but not if they got along for a long time.

In order to keep warm, Piaoluo spread a thin barrier on top of the constant temperature spring, and when Su Bai Suchun's mana fully recovered, they could break the barrier and come out on their own, she did not trap them with a deep barrier .The constant temperature spring is now the best place they can stay in the Buddha's Paradise, other places are too cold and not suitable for them.

Piaoluo walked out of the Lingbo Pavilion, and the Dongyang in the sky had risen to the top position.One morning, she saved Su Bai Su Chun's life.And Xinghua did not appear in Lingbo Pavilion.Piaoluo's heart hurts a little, and I feel sorry for Xinghua. If he comes back, he will definitely come to Lingbo Pavilion to see if she is back too.With hope in her heart, Piaoluo went to Xinghua's bedroom. If she could see him, she must explain to him, hoping that he would forgive her disappearance yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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