Chapter 322 Don't Do This (2)
But she did not find him.

Piaoluo lived alone in Xingqiong Palace, and seven days passed in a flash.She searched for Xinghua in Xingqiong Palace every day, and she was disappointed every day.For seven days, she didn't see Xinghua, and she didn't know where she was going to find Xinghua.In their life together, she didn't find any places he liked to go to. If it wasn't for her, she probably only went to Xinghua Palace twice.

On the eighth day, Piaoluo walked alone on the imperial road, thinking about Xinghua.

Where did it go?Can't he vent his anger on her in front of her face?Why not see her?Or, he wanted to use this way to tell her that he was very angry, so that she would remember not to treat him like this again?So what should I do next year, is it also secretly disappearing for a day?Or confess to him, just say that I went to see Mo Xin, and I will see him in the future.If he doesn't agree... Piaoluo is suddenly in a dilemma, she has already promised that Moxin will visit him, if Xinghua refuses, there will always be someone who comes first, she promised others first, and she can't keep her word.

Piaoluo leaned on the big pillar of the carved railing of the royal road, the cold wind was blowing her body, Xinghua's cloak was draped on her body, with the fragrance of blue lotus, it made her miss him even more .


"Where are you?"

"Come back, please, I miss you so much."

The cold wind blew away Piaoluo's voice, and only the Sanskrit voice could be heard softly in Xingqiong Palace, as if hoping that Xinghua could return to the palace soon.

"Hey..." Piaoluo sighed again.It seems that it really hurt him.

I don't know how long I stood in the imperial path, Piaoluo sighed three times, moved her body, and planned to go back to the Lingbo Pavilion, she took a step, stopped abruptly, looked at the garden outside the imperial path in disbelief, under the shadow of the flowers and trees The person standing, who else could it be if not Xinghua!


Piaoluo lifted her skirt and ran quickly, hugged Xinghua from behind, and shouted happily, "Xinghua!"

"Great, you're finally back!" Piaoluo hugged Xinghua's waist tightly, as if afraid that he would run away, "I've been looking for you for many days, where have you been?" Piaoluo pressed her face against Xinghua's. On the back, he felt that his body was cold, not at all warm as usual.This was not caused by the winter in the Buddha's day. Even in winter before, his body would be very warm, but now that his clothes are attached to his body, the temperature of his body is very cold, as if standing in the cold wind. a long time. "Xinghua, I'm sorry!"

Standing still, Xinghua didn't turn around, and didn't respond to Piaoluo's words, just stood indifferently, letting Piaoluo hug him from behind.

"I know, you must be angry with me, angry at me, crying, crying, and asking you to cook delicious food, but ran away without a sound. But Xinghua, I really have a reason You love me, and you never blame me, don't be angry this time, okay?" Piao Luo bit her lip, "I know such an explanation is not an explanation, please forgive me this time."

Xinghua still didn't move.

"Let's go back now and stay for three months. No, stay for half a year." In order to express her apology, Piaoluo said, "It's not right, we will stay as long as you say. I will listen to you and don't make trouble anymore. It’s time to wake up to enlightenment. Is it okay?”

"Xinghua, don't be angry with me. I was wrong. I shouldn't have run away without making a sound. I won't do it anymore."

At this moment, Piaoluo felt that it would be fine for Xinghua to scold her a few words, but if he didn't speak, she didn't know how to coax him.His silence was the thing she was most afraid of.To others, he said very little, and she was afraid that he would turn herself into a dispensable person.She doesn't have the confidence to grasp his current heart.

"Xinghua, can you speak well, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Xinghua lowered his head slowly, and pulled away Piaoluo's hand that was tightly hugging her waist. She wanted to hug her again, but he grabbed her wrist hard to prevent her from hugging her.She didn't understand why she was angry, and she didn't understand how much her behavior really hurt him, heart, and self-esteem.What he paid, she didn't care, it didn't matter.He himself owed her a lot, and she also suffered a lot for him. He is not such a stingy person, and he can't stand a little grievance from her.What hurt him was her disappearance without a sound.Is the magic heart that important?It was so important that she could just go and see him quickly without saying anything.He hurt his self-esteem because she looked down on him.It is true that if he knew, he would definitely not allow her to see Mo Xin, but he would not allow her to see Mo Xin alone. If she insisted on going, he would go with her. He just didn't want to take risks alone.Whether, in her heart, he is the kind of person who will stop her to the end.Does she really understand herself?After so many years, does she really understand herself?In the past, he didn't care if she really saw through him, but now that he has moved his heart for her, she has become more concerned about whether she really understands him.She once told him about those memories he had forgotten, why didn't she say that she went to see Demon Heart every year!Per year!By now, those days combined were longer than the time they had lived together!This is what he cares most about!After so many days, no matter what he did, he couldn't save them.Moxin knows that she has too much more than him, and he will never be able to make up for what she shared with Moxin.

Letting go of Piaoluo's wrist, Xinghua walked away without saying a word.

Piaoluo grabbed Xinghua's arm and turned to him, clutching his sleeves with both hands, looked up at him, "Xinghua, I was wrong."

"Xinghua, please don't be angry."

"In the future, I will eat all the food you cook every time."

Xinghua's face remained unmoved, Piaoluo became anxious, she didn't know what to say, if she really told her that she went to see Moxin, wouldn't that add fuel to the fire?She sneaked up to meet Mo Zun as a fairy, and if she told her, others would misunderstand her as a traitor in the fairy world.

"Xinghua, look at me and talk to me, okay?" Piaoluo said anxiously, and coughed several times. When the cold wind blew, she coughed twice, "Xinghua, don't be angry. You In this way, I am anxious. Cough! Cough cough!"

Seeing that Piaoluo was coughing so her nose turned red, Xinghua raised her hand to wrap the cloak behind her tightly, seeing that she was coughing again, she stretched out her hand and hugged her into his arms.I owe her so much!In such a cold day, besides remembering to put on her cloak, doesn't she know how to thicken other clothes?
Piaoluo, who was at a loss, saw Xinghua gather her clothes and hugged her to keep her from being blown by the wind. She knew in her heart that she had won again. After all, he had compromised. On her heartache.Eye circles were red, and he hugged Xinghua and groaned, "Xinghua, I'm sorry! You believe me, I didn't do anything bad, I really want to eat your food, I admit that I deliberately lied to you, But I really have a reason. Don’t be angry, please. Don’t let me not find you. The Xingqiong Palace is so big, without you, it’s like an icehouse.”

What Xinghua didn't tell Piaoluo was that he never left her, he was always by her side, and he never left Xingqiong Palace.Is it because his heart is hidden too deep for her to see it, or her heart has always remembered the devil's heart in the past few days, so she can't appreciate his care for her in detail.She is not in good health yet, how could he be too far away from her.The reason why he didn't show up was because he felt uncomfortable and didn't dare to ask her too much. He was afraid that he would show dissatisfaction uncontrollably, that she would think too much, and that he would irritate her.Perhaps, there was still a trace of selfishness, and it was only when he watched her nervously looking for him that he truly felt that he was more important than the devil's heart.

"Don't see him again!" Xinghua's voice was low enough for Piaoluo to hear clearly.

Piaoluo was taken aback for a moment, then she understood, she raised her head from Xinghua's arms in surprise, and looked at him.It turned out that he knew who he was going to see?
"You know it all?"

Xinghua told Piaoluo clearly his true thoughts, "I don't want this kind of thing to happen again." He didn't know if other men could bear it, but he couldn't!The woman who loved her actually went to see her rival behind her back, and they had a good talk, what's more, she put her arm around Mo Xin's shoulder, and Mo Xin still hugged her.Phantom, neither.

Now that Xinghua knows, Piaoluo thinks it's better to talk about it, "But I promised Moxin to visit him in the future."

"Go every year?"

"Yeah. It's been 40 years since I became a Shangxian." Such a long habit is not something that can be changed immediately. Besides, even if you don't go, you should say goodbye to Moxin, and suddenly you don't go. Yes, he will be worried.

Xinghua frowned, one day a year, should she count how many days she spends with herself.

"If I ban him now, what will you do?"

Piaoluo never thought that Xinghua would say these words. With his current ability, it is not impossible to seal the demon heart so that no one can see him.But why should he be so cruel to the demon heart? Now that he is eternally trapped in the blue lotus, he will not become a threat to the fairy world.


"You will hate me?"

Piaoluo shook her head, "It's not hatred. I just don't understand. He no longer poses any threat to the fairy world, why did you do that. Is it just to cut off the possibility of me going to see him?" Piaoluo felt that Xinghua could not do such a thing Come out, he's not a selfish man. "Xinghua, I only go to see him once a year, and I stay by your side the rest of the time, isn't that enough?"

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo quietly, did she think it was enough?How much time are they wasting?How many days did she stay with Mo Xin?What would she think if he took one day every year to accompany another woman and put his arms around that woman?What would she think if he had been with that woman for 40 days?If another woman knew about what he experienced in 40 miles, but she didn't, what would happen to her?
"A Luo, if we switch positions, will you allow me to go?"

switch places?

For a moment, Piaoluo was speechless, she couldn't even say a word to defend herself.Yeah, she'd probably go crazy with heartache if he'd been sneaking off to see another woman, or even spend the whole day with another woman every year.Back then, Hua Qiao came to Xinghua Palace to look for him. Hua Qiao didn't like her, but Xinghua never had close contact with Hua Qiao, and never neglected her because of Hua Qiao. What's more, he took care of her more than Hua Qiao. He has done too much, and he has shown his absolute devotion to the one he loves in his heart with his actions.She really didn't do as well as he did.

"Don't see him again!" Xinghua emphasized again, "Don't challenge my rights." Because she, he, may not be able to do something to seal the devil's heart.

Piaoluo asked uncertainly in a low voice, "What if I say I can't do it?"

Xinghua was stunned for a moment.In his heart, although she is sometimes naughty and willful, she is not a person who is confused about major issues.Although the matter of Moxin is not a formal matter, it is not a small problem between the two of them. They have lived together for nearly a year, and the situation like today has never happened. He is sure that she cares about him , with such a premise, he didn't think she would refuse his request at this time.Moreover, he also came with the consequence of her challenging him.She shouldn't feel that he is just scaring her.

Soon after staring blankly, Xinghua said, "I will help you do what you can't do."

Piaoluo stared blankly at Xinghua for a while, she could hear his words very clearly.She also understood what he meant.She knew she was wrong, but Moxin was not wrong, right? It was only her personal behavior when she went to see him. If he felt that he had done something that a god should not do, he could punish her. He has the right to be with him. Ability, how to blame other people is going on.This is not like his acting style.

(End of this chapter)

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