Chapter 34 Live for two days? (2)
Piaoluo looked at Xinghua's eyes and a layer of mist gradually appeared...

"Don't go to Wenqu Xingjun for these ten days, so that you can practice as a master."

After speaking, Xinghua walked down the stairs of the Sutra Pavilion, and Piaoluopidianpidian followed him, trusting him but asking worriedly, "Master, are you sure you can recover my magic power in ten days?" Didn't he recover much after taking Taibai Xingjun's elixir before?How can one return to the original 9-year practice after ten days of practice?

Piaoluo followed Xinghua and continued to ask, "If you're not sure, why don't you let me practice for ten days?"

"If you don't practice, there is no chance to stay. Do you choose hope or despair?"

Piaoluo stood still, looked at Xinghua who was going away, leaving her with an increasingly blurred back, her eyebrows slowly furrowed.


Of course she chose to hope, he didn't even know how much she valued him as a master!How could she be willing to leave him? On the contrary, he didn't seem to be at all anxious about her being kicked out of the fairyland in ten days, as if she was a dispensable person to him as an apprentice.

Because she knew that she could not continue to be Xinghua's disciple if her mana was not recovered after ten days, Piaoluo didn't fall asleep all night, she tossed and turned on the bed, making the bed boards rattle in the quiet room.

How to do it?Ten days, ten days is so short.Piaoluo turned sideways to face the outside of the bed, biting her index finger, secretly melancholy, what can she do in ten days?Once she opened and closed her eyes, one day passed. If she opened her eyes ten times and closed them ten times, she would have to return to the demon world and never see her master again.Oh, no, at that time Xinghua was not her master, so he should be called Xinghua Shangxian.Ten days... Compared to her 9 years, ten days is simply negligible, even if you steal her, there is no way to steal 9 years of mana.The same is true for Master, why did he eat the fetish that Duan Yan gave her yesterday? He is very powerful, and he would look down upon the common people in the fairy world with or without the help of the fetish, but she is different, she is still a pitiful underage little snake mouse.Hey, in fact, there is nothing good in the fairy world, except that it is more beautiful everywhere. Compared with the delicacies in the demon world and the world, it is far worse. Yuye Qiongjiu does not fill her stomach at all. Here, she doesn't want to stay here yet.Of course, Master Xingjun is also good, Senior Sister Que Ling and Senior Brother Xiyang are also good to her, Grandpa Yue is not bad, his osmanthus cake is delicious, and Lord Taibai Xing is also kind to her, but they are not Fried peanuts and chicken legs, no matter how nice she is to her, she can eat them.Hey, after much deliberation, there is only one reason why she is so reluctant to leave the fairyland, Master!

a whistle.

Piao Luo forcefully lifted off the quilt covering her body, and she did so deftly like a hero. She turned over the pink quilt and threw it to the corner of the bed, put on her shoes, and walked out of the room.

In Xinghua Palace, Piaoluo walked aimlessly, she didn't know why she got up, she just couldn't sleep and didn't want to stay in the room.Master asked her to practice with him tomorrow, is it to give her memories of the last ten days?
Unknowingly walking the front yard of Xinghua Palace, Piaoluo raised her head and looked at the moon in the sky, hey...why are people born different, some are fairies of the Moon Palace, some are royal princesses, but she is Piaoluo, the wild monster , no father and no mother.His eyes fell on the cang tree in the courtyard, Piaoluo Nianjue flew up to the crown of the tree lightly, sat down where Xinghua sat the night before going to Heifengya, and looked at the distant scenery.

Piao Luo was amazed, the line of sight here was unexpectedly so good, looking at the sceneries of the fairy world, the clouds piled on top of each other, and suddenly there was a majestic feeling of overlooking the three worlds, as if everything happened under her nose, and everything was under her control madness.The domineering aura that occasionally emanated from the master did not come casually. From time to time, I would sit and look into the distance, and everything I could see was under his jurisdiction. It felt really good.However, no matter how good this position is, what good is it? It's not hers, and the master will soon not be hers.

Bending her knees, Piao Luo hugged her own legs with her hands, put her chin between her knees, and murmured softly, "Master, I'm afraid..."

His indifferent attitude made her feel that she was not important to him. The ten-day deadline made her see no hope of staying with him. Living that humble life, she was just afraid that she would have nothing to do with him anymore.

The brilliance of the bright moon is getting softer and gentler, the wind blowing through the canopy is getting cooler and colder, and the floating radish hugging its knees can't resist the drowsiness and gradually falls asleep...

After an unknown amount of time, the sleeping Piaoluo lay down to the side, but she had no idea that she was sitting on the canopy of the tree at this time, and her petite body fell towards the tree.A slightly blue figure suddenly appeared, and a pair of powerful arms held Piaoluo's body firmly. Xinghua, who was standing in the air with her sleeves fluttering in the air, looked at the little head protruding from her shoulder with gentle eyes.

Piaoluo, don't be afraid!
She never noticed it, she walked out of the room, followed by a figure, she flew to the crown of the tree, and he was behind her, watching her quietly, as long as she looked back, he was there and never left.

the next day.

Piaoluo got up early to follow Xinghua to Shuilian Jingyuan for morning class, but found that the master was leading her to the backyard, and she couldn't help being puzzled.Of course, her puzzlement was not limited to the things in front of her eyes, but also why she remembered sitting on the green tree in the front yard last night, why she woke up today and found that she was in her bed, and she could fly back to her room in her dream ?incomprehensible.

In front of the Magic Mirror Lake.

Xinghua stopped, stretched his hands in front of him, and pulled them to the left and right.The surface of the lake, which was as clear as a mirror, suddenly melted away and became bigger and bigger.

Seeing the surface of Huanjing Lake stretching towards her feet, Piaoluo became extremely nervous.Don't be another bottomless deep lake.He quickly reached out and grabbed Xinghua's wide sleeves, feeling that he was still unsafe, and clasped his belt with his fingers, watching the water force towards her.Ahhh, I'm about to fall into the water.

What surprised Piaoluo happened. The Magic Mirror Lake is not only not a bottomless lake, but also a lake that can stand on the water.


Piaoluo tapped the lake surface a few times with her toes, it was hard!Moreover, she actually saw her own reflection clearly on the lake, which was much clearer than the bronze mirror used for dressing.When she curiously wanted to ask Xinghua why the Magic Mirror Lake was like this, she suddenly found that the former Magic Mirror Lake had become a huge ice crystal lake with no limit. , the backyard of the Xinghua Palace that she used to be familiar with disappeared, and there were only her and Xinghua on the vast lake.

Xinghua put down his hands and looked sideways at Piaoluo, "For these ten days, you will be practicing as a teacher in the red mist of the illusion."

"Why are you here?"

A bright mirror world, no other colors, the scenery is not good at all, don't you usually practice in a place with a very beautiful environment?
"Illusory Chiwu is the ultimate holy place where countless immortals and demons in the six realms want to cultivate alone, but you despise it instead?"

Piaoluo felt that there was a hint of 'Piaoxiaoluo, you really don't know what is good' in Master's eyes, and hurriedly flattered her, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, how could I dislike such a good place? I am mainly ignorant, don't Knowing that there is such a precious place in Six Paths, if I hadn’t followed Master, Master, I would have never heard of the illusion of Red Mist. But, Master, there is nothing here, so why is it a holy place for cultivation?”

Xinghua's eyes turned to the distance. If he had no other choice, he really didn't want to bring her to this place. When he accepted her as his disciple, he thought that this kind of cultivation mode was unnecessary. Over the years, she is also the only one who can make his life not what he expected.

"Once the red mist in the illusion is opened, its temperature will be higher than our body temperature, and the body temperature of the people practicing on it will gradually drop, as if an ice body is placed on a hot plate, and the human body will absorb it from the illusion. The hidden aura enables the cultivator to improve a thousand times instead of twice the result with half the effort." Xinghua retracted his eyes and looked at Piaoluo beside him, "When the mana of the cultivator increases, the red mist in the illusion will emit Thick fog can make people unable to see clearly even a distance of half a meter, and the diffuse dense fog has a strange fragrance, which can refresh the mind and calm the mind, and can also isolate all external objects for practitioners."

Piao Luo's face was filled with joy, no wonder all kinds of people want to cultivate in the illusion of Chiwu, it turns out that there are so many benefits, then... "Master, let's start quickly, hurry up."

Looking at the anxious Piaoluo, Xinghua called her, "Piaoluo..."

"Huh?" Piaoluo opened her charming eyes naturally, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Illusory red mist..." Xinghua paused, "Only dual cultivation."

Piaoluo was stunned, double cultivation?
She had heard of double cultivation in the demon forest, and it was just two people practicing together. She and Master happened to be two people, "Master, it's just right, we are two people, just right."

"Piaoluo, do you know why the other five immortals choose disciples of the same sex?"

Piaoluo shook her head.

Xinghua said, "Double cultivation is the fastest way to improve mana. However, during dual cultivation, neither of them should have a single covering on their bodies. When a disciple is naked with them, there will be no embarrassment, but as a teacher and you..." A man and a woman, how can they be naked.Both body and body?

Shuangxiu is not allowed to wear clothes!
Piaoluo was taken aback for a moment, what are you kidding, she and Master face to face without wearing anything?

"Since you know that Shuangxiu is naked and face each other, why did you accept me as a disciple?"

Facing Piaoluo's question, Xinghua didn't look annoyed or embarrassed, and answered her in a calm and unhurried manner, "Master, I never thought that one day I need to double cultivate with you."

Piaoluo leaned in front of Xinghua, "You despise me!"

"No need."

He never thought that he needed to rely on dual cultivation to enhance his mana. His own physical ability was enough to cultivate the Tao and obtain the law. He never had any requirements on her Taoism. She just needed to be his disciple safely and securely. Knowing that she would be pushed by Duanyan into the reef prison of Wangxin Sea and lose all her mana, if her foundation was not too poor, he would not have taken her to the illusion of Chiwu. The ten days would come in a blink of an eye. How can I restore her mana, and send her back to the Demon Forest?

Piaoluo still looks for Xinghua's thorns, "If you don't need it, you don't want to."

Other people's apprentices have thought about double cultivation, and he doesn't think it is necessary to double cultivate with her, so... anyway, he dislikes her.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo with deep eyes, and asked her back, "Do you really want to double cultivate as a teacher?"


Piaoluo waved her hand, took a step back, turned her face away, "Nothing."

"Although I haven't thought of doing double cultivation with you, I have to say...the dual cultivation of male and female yang is indeed the fastest way to increase mana."

Xinghua's words moved Piaoluo's heart. She now needs mana more than anyone else in the fairy world, but the fact that she is different from her master and man cannot change the fact that her foundation is so poor. The cultivation is very sloppy, she is a Shangxian, and I probably never thought that such a low-energy person like her would have the opportunity to go to the illusion of Chiwu with him.

Looking at Piaoluo, Xinghua stopped talking, waiting for her decision, if she didn't want to, he would never force her.

(End of this chapter)

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